ParaState is Holding a Hackathon!

Here is everything you need to know!

OIG Group
5 min readOct 26, 2021
The ParaState Hackathon is on now!

ParaState is holding a two month Hackathon and OIG wants to make sure you have everything you need to know! Let’s begin with a quick intro to ParaState for those of you less familiar with them and then speak about the timeline and other relevant details.


ParaState is considered Ethereum on Steroids

ParaState is a large developer community considered Ethereum on steroids. This is because ParaState provides smart contract VM, (virtual machine) for all Substrate-based blockchains and because the ParaState Pallet SSVM enables any Substrate blockchain to become Ethereum compatible while benefiting from the advantages of EWASM, (Ethereum WebAssembly). This means the entire frontier of Ethereum is vastly extended. ParaState has over 20 programming languages with which to create Ethereum smart contracts and the languages vary from generic languages such as Solidity, Fe and Rust to more domain specific languages such as DeepSEA, MOVE, and Marlowe.

ParaState’s Hackathon:

ParaState’s Hackathon is occurring over a two-month period, having begun on Oct.16th 21: 00 ET and ending on Dec.15th 21: 00 ET. The event is co-organized with DoraHacks and has a prize total of 100, 000 USD! Developers are pitched tasks which they can complete and submit online to qualify for the prize money.

Parastate’s Workshops:

All Hackathon participants may take part in the online and offline workshops being hosted by ParaState’s developer Team. The initial offline workshop will occur as a side event at the Rust Conference in Shanghai. Exact timing is yet to be determined. This event is sponsored by the Rust developer community and is the only and largest Rust offline conference in China. With ParaState being one of the Rust Conferences sponsors, there will be many Rust and ParaState developers as well as special mentors from the ParaState Foundation and Senior Rust Engineers.

ParaState’s Hackathon Timeline is as Follows:

ParaState’s Hackathon Timeline

Oct.16th 21: 00 ET: Hackathon Start

Nov. 2021: First Offline Workshop

Online workshops will be broadcasted live 2–3 times on DoraHacks,, and YouTube with recordings being uploaded at those times. To watch the first online workshop, click here: Writing Ethereum WebAssembly in Rust | Parastate Workshop

Dec.15th 21: 00 ET: Hackathon End Date

Dec. 16th-Dec. 25th: Submission Review

Dec. 31st: Winner is Announced

ParaState’s Hackathon Rewards:

Reward Pool for ParaState’s Hackathon

The ParaState online Hackathon event reward pool is a total of 100,000 USD and consists of 3 parts:

A. Jury bonus pool: It will be decided and announced by the ParaState Foundation judges through the project code and demo review.

First prize: 1 winner with a prize of 30,000 USD

Second prize: 2 winners with a prize of 15,000 USD

Third prize: 4 winners with a prize of 5,000 USD

Honor prize: 10 winners with a prize of 1,000 USD

B. $5,000 quadratic voting bonus pool: The initial bonus pool will be allocated to the finalists based on the popularity of the project and the quadratic voting algorithm. If you are unfamiliar with quadratic voting, you may learn more here:

C. $5,000 Bounty reward: Receive bounty through HackerLink, and submit the solution through Pull Request on Github

Bonus (100–300 USD): ​Fix bugs for Sewup and XYZ projects

Sunshine Award ($50): Use Sewup to deploy any smart contract

Hackathon Tools and Documentation:

ParaState invites developers to use their next-generation toolset and create top-notch blockchain applications. Links to tools and docs are as follows:

Node Configuration Guideline:

Blockchain browser:

Testnet faucet:

Developer learning documentation:

1. (the first Rust SDK compatible with the Ethereum network)

2. (Browser-based IDE)

3. (the first scalable smart contract execution environment that also supports EVM and EWASM)

4. Any Ethereum ecological tool, ParaState is fully compatible with Ethereum EVM

ParaState GitHub:

Hackathon Application Preferences:

The ParaState Hackathon is open to applications of any kind with no limitation on development tools. That said, applications must be implemented in Rust to qualify. Application references here:

  • ERC20 contract (issue an ERC20 protocol token on the ParaState testnet)
  • NFT contract
  • Block explorer
  • Decentralized exchange: an on-chain order book exchange, an exchange for automatic market makers
  • DEFI related
  • Wallet
  • And any other innovative applications

Hackathon Application Requirements:

Submitted applications must be open source and deployed on the ParaState testnet Plato, and a link is provided at the same time

Sufficient files are required to compile and deploy the application;

The application should be useful and interesting;

  • Useful: A business that does not exist in the blockchain field, the application is achieved in the form of a blockchain network, or the business has a similar and continuously operating business in the blockchain field, it is regarded as useful; a completely novel project, There are no precedents in the blockchain and non-blockchain fields, and it will be judged after review and discussion.
  • Interesting: Upload the demo video to your own Youtube or account or post it on multiple platforms at the same time, with the tag #parastate, and the total number of likes on each platform is used as an interesting score
  • A demo video (5–10 minutes) must be submitted to explain the project and how to use it
  • The project must be submitted before 15:59 (23:59 UTC) on December 15th, Beijing time.

Get Involved:

As mentioned, ParaState’s Hackathon is already live! For more info and to get involved visit:

As always, connect with OIG on our socials for more news on ParaState and other amazing projects:



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