OIG Partners with SpaceY 2025
Get ready to play this pioneering metaverse NFT sandbox tower defence 3A-level blockchain game about Martian settlements — created by Blockfish!
There are many new blockchain games due for release over the next couple months, but few with the level of hype that SpaceY 2025 has. It can be hard to filter out the quality play-to-earn games in this crowded market, but SpaceY 2025 instantly sets itself apart as a front runner and for many reasons.
SpaceY 2025’s concept is focused on humanity’s migration to space. Earth is on the verge of running out of resources to support the current level of civilized development. Human beings on the search for prosperity and survival decide to head to the stars! Humans will have to transform the environment to make it hospitable and will face various unknown challenges here such as, the harsh environment and the extraterrestrial lives (which may not be friendly).
This is A maze tower defence game combined with open-world RPG features built on the Blockchain allows players to use NFTs to develop and defend the human base on Mars, while overcoming unknown challenges, and revealing the secret of our universe. By contributing to space exploration, players will be rewarded with tokens as the in-game currency.
The game concept is intriguing, exciting and relevant, but for a game to succeed and a Blockchain-based game to become a hit, it needs more than just a good storyline! Today OIG will outline three aspects of SpaceY 2025 that highlight why it's so special!
The SpaceY 2025 Team
SpaceY 2025 is not aiming to be an ordinary game; its mission and vision reflect the revolutionary future the team sees for themselves. The team’s mission is to create a silicon-based civilization parallel world and they aim to be a leading open-world METAVERSE platform for all players. To bring these aims to life and make them reality, a project needs a team of the highest calibre that consists of industry leaders with experience at the top level… SpaceY 2025 ticks all boxes in this regard!
BlockFish is headquartered in Silicon Valley, USA. The CEO, Robin Duan, has an incredible history in the industry. Robin Duan has a hacking background, a deep understanding of gaming, and very early on in his career he developed a first-generation online text game. Robin then built up his experience as the youngest Microsoft engineer in Beyond Networks, founded a featured phone game that was acquired and started Somersault Cloud Games, which made a number of top-selling games reaching 30 million users, (generating millions). NOw, as the founder of BlockFish, Robin has already achieved over $100m in recharge flow.
SpaceY 2025’s COO, Enka Shu has a wealth of experience in some of the biggest companies in the world, including IBM and Microsoft. The Technology Director, Kevin Huang, is a Machine learning big data expert with over 10+ years of engineering and game development for some of the largest companies in history, such as Facebook. Their Art director, Sue Huang, is a visual design, fine arts and games production expert, with 10 years of experience for gaming giants such as EA, with her being the Art Director for the groundbreaking Sims 3!
The talent, skill and expertise of the SpaceY 2025 team extends beyond those few mentioned above, but by considering the core team alone, it is evident that this team is composed of individuals with experience at the highest levels in the biggest companies in the world. Team members have repeatedly proven their quality their body of work stands as evidence that Space Y will be an industry leader. SpaceY 2025’s mission and vision combined with the core teams experience and background, gives them all the ingredients required to be an industry unicorn!
The SpaceY 2025 Gameplay
Visually, SpaceY 2025 is stunning but the structure of this game is equally, if not MORE impressive! SpaceY 2025 designers have created a variety of modes and tasks that will stimulate all kinds of gamers. New seasons start each month and new maps are added. Players build defence towers, create maps to defend their Mars bases and participate in a number of in-game missions to increase their ranking. Lets look at some of these gaming modes a little closer!
Build: The finite, traversable, 3D virtual space within SpaceY 2025 is called Island, (a non-fungible digital asset maintained in an Ethereum smart contract) and each Island has its own serial Tag (e.g. A, 0). These Islands are permanently owned by players in SpaceY 2025 and are purchased using SPAY, SpaceY 2025’s crypto currency token. This allows players to place construction NFTs on the Island, and different construction NFTs will give players different advantages during the gameplay.
Fight: Players use tower NFTs to defend the human base on Mars. Players have the ability to build various towers that attack and route the path for the waves of enemies, and different towers provide various abilities that are effective defences against different types of enemies. By placing defensive constructions intelligently, players may prevent endless and unknown enemies from attacking and stealing resources. The longer players persist, the more generous the rewards to be gained.
Upgrade: Killing aliens gains resources that are used to build and upgrade towers which can be sold at a loss. Tower upgrades increase various statistics including fire power and range; NFT value will increase simultaneously.
SpaceY 2025’s storyline is incredible, the visuals of the highest standard and the different modes of play/tasks required, ensure this game will be fun, interesting and have longevity!
The SpaceY 2025 Economic system:
It is vital in the Gamefi industry to have a well thought out, sustainable and logical play to earn system, the perfect template is a game that draws players in, and keeps them entertained to ensure the ecosystem and the initial popularity does not fade away. An ultimate game additionally provides a source of revenue to ensure the game has the financial capability to continue to develop and advance
SpaceY 2025 has integrated a structure that encourages players both in the long and short term. They have daily missions and battles that give rewards — a draw for all players, especially the more casual ones. SpaceY 2025 also has a monthly prize pool rewarding top players with 80% of the earnings made in the game, encouraging more regular play and drawing in more serious gamers. The remaining 20 % is divided between incentives for the development team and company capital reserve.
SpaceY 2025 also features In-Game purchases in the form of NFTs — including spaceship tickets, land, towers, buildings and more. The sale of these items will generate income for players as the 1–5% NFT market transaction fees ensure the game stays profitable on whole.
The in-game token, MARS, is earned daily through completing daily quests and defeating enemies in Tower Defense Mode; it can also be used to pay for for NFT creation and attribution reset. The Governance token, SPAY is used for DAO voting, Purchasing NFT props and claiming ranked rewards. This dual token economy coupled with its utility will ensure the SpaceY 2025 play to earn aspect remains relevant and draws many new people to the game.
SpaceY 2025’s economic model, both for the players and the project is vital to ensure the long term success of a project and the sustainability of its popularity and development. SpaceY 2025 has a well thought out model that will ensure players will be motivated to keep playing and purchasing, while the project has enough revenue streams to continue to build and work towards fulfilling its mission and vision.
Closing Thoughts on SpaceY 2025
SpaceY 2025 is the brainchild of an elite team. It is unique, brilliant, entertaining, and full of short and long term potential. SpaceY 2025 already has some of the biggest backers in the blockchain world, such as Tim Draper, Huobi Ventures and OKEx Blockdream Ventures. Their non-blockchain prototype has been operating for over ten years and has a proven track record that still generates monthly revenue of $500k. SpaceY 2025 already has a huge audience of well over 120,000 members on telegram and Twitter alone! OIG believes SpaceY 2025 will set a new bar for blockchain gaming excellence and we are extremely proud to be embarking on this journey with them. To learn more about SpaceY 2025 and to get involved, connect with them on their socials:
Website: https://www.spacey2025.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/spacey2025
Telegram: https://t.me/Spacey2025
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/cUeNS8UzGW
Medium: https://spacey2025.medium.com/
As always, connect with OIG on our socials for more news on SpaceY 2025 and other amazing projects: