OIG Partners with OneRing:

A Multi-Chain Cross-Stablecoin Yield Optimizer!

OIG Group
5 min readDec 2, 2021
OIG Partners with One Ring

Over the last few years the crypto market has begun to soar. With its astronomical growth have come some incredible technological advancements, abundance of new wealth globally, and in 2021, a massive surge in NFTs and NFT games. Crypto is now even being used for home purchasing and home sharing! These advancements noted, with new technology comes new problems. Consider the stablecoin market… Coinmetrics reported that in recent years the stablecoin market surged to over $120 billion USD, (an incredible feat), yet, of that total a huge percentage of the value remains idle because no yield is being earned in wallets and on exchanges. When assessing Polygon and Binance Smart Chain alone, we learn that of the $11 billion USD in minted stablecoins on the two platforms, 69% do not generate any returns for their holders! This effectively means that almost three quarters of the market is not being properly utilized to increase earnings… Queue One Ring! OIG is extremely proud to announce our partnership with One Ring — the solution to this issue and the best stablecoin yield optimizer on the blockchain! In today’s introduction to One Ring we will further explore the current challenges of stablecoin yield optimizing, reveal how One Ring is the solution to those challenges, and then touch on the $RING token’s utility in the One Ring ecosystem. Let’s jump right into the challenges!

The Challenges of Stablecoin Yield Optimizing:

As is experienced in many areas of finance, wanting to optimize investments for increased profits and actually succeeding in doing so are very different things! Maximizing stables is one of those daunting challenges for several reasons. Stables are in a way, the bridge between FIAT and digital currencies and to some degree can be considered the backbone of the defi economy. What this means however, is that they require strict regulation and verification or else they risk being banned. In addition, the technical complexities and information asymmetry surrounding stables is a major reason why right now there are nearly 8 billion stables just sitting in user wallets. Stablecoins and stablecoin farming is generally not well understood by the majority of blockchain enthusiasts and the surplus of blockchains with farming options further complicates locating and managing stablecoins. The overwhelming selection of farming platforms combined with an industry wide lack of true risk analysis skills are the leading reasons why stablecoins are not being better utilized for yielding. One Ring has honed in on this issue and produced a platform which will simplify stablecoin yield optimizing for its users and empower them financially.

One Ring is the Solution:

One Ring is a yield optimizer platform like no other. One Ring finds the best yields for user’s deposited stablecoins, (and is all inclusive of coins — even LP tokens) while also being blockchain agnostic. One Ring works in the following manner: Users deposit the stablecoin of their choice into the platform and then effectively “forget it” while the platform does the work. One Ring has a cross-chain farming protocol which auto-compounds user’s profits to leverage the yield; the user’s APR is turned into APY at the best rate! Some of the chains One Ring Protocol currently searches through are Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, and AVAX with plans to expand to many other chains such as, (but not limited to) Avalanche, Elrond, and Solana! One Ring’s platform and protocol are great for any investor but are especially attractive to risk averse investors who prefer safer investment opportunities with more stable conditions through bear markets. One Ring is also a useful tool for those wishing to outrun inflation! One ring is an incredible solution to the challenges surrounding stablecoin yield optimizing and even has its own $RING token with a ton of utility!

$RING Token Utility:

One Ring is brilliant in every regard and its native token lives up to its name with just as much utility as the platform itself; it is also used for governance! $RING stakers will experience many benefits such as earning a percentage of fees generated by the platform as well as:

  • Capturing the value of the ecosystem through fee collection
  • Receiving discounts on platform fees
  • Voting on the implementation of new farms
  • Voting on the inclusion of new blockchains
  • Voting on the parameters of token buybacks

In addition, token valuation will continue increasing as $RING is periodically bought back from protocol fees. One Ring provides an excellent product overview here:

One Ring’s $RING token is a valuable feature of their incredible platform and with their journey already well underway! A quick look at their roadmap hints at the unveiling of many upcoming announcements and developments!

Closing Thoughts on One Ring:

One Ring is a remarkable platform with vibrant horizons for the development team themselves, the users who will indefinitely benefit from such an elite protocol & native token, and the blockchain as a whole as it will become a more easily traversable space with greater earning capacity for the masses. OIG could not be prouder to partner with One Ring and we look forward to supporting and growing with them on this epic journey where — in Gandalf’s own words — there is, “One Ring to Yield them All”!

To learn more about One Ring and get involved, connect with them on their socials:

Website: https://www.onering.finance/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Onering_Finance

Medium: https://onering-finance.medium.com/

Telegram: https://t.me/OneRing_Finance

As always, connect with OIG on our socials for more news on One Ring and other amazing projects:

Website: https://oiginvest.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/oiggroup

Medium: https://oraclesinvestmentgroup.medium.com/

Telegram: https://t.me/OIGann



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