OIG AMA with Yarloo

OIG Group
12 min readOct 26, 2021


The anti-bear solution the entire crypto space deserves. We’re a gaming platform full of products using NFT and DeFi technology as well as our very own RST.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Greetings OIG Family, welcome back today as we go on an adventure with Yarloo, a digital crypto project that is focused on the community and providing value back to the community! We have with us today @hamsparrow the CEO of Yarloo.

Welcome to the OIG Main Stage @hamsparrow! Could you please give our community a brief introduction? 🙂

Ham Sparrow: Ahoy, me matey! Thank ye for havin’ me today.

I be Ham Sparrow, or, as we recently announced, you can just call me Eysidimus or Eyad — I’m a digital marketing specialist from before crypto, having joined initially as someone who’d write for other companies back in 2017 to experiment with the whole crypto ICO era. I then got heavily into crypto with memeunity, our first company, then we founded Blkbirds Collective, the holding company which gave birth to Yarloo! The pirates of the crypto seven seas, hah!

My main experience comes from the fact that I’m a jack of all trades who can participate in many, many activities with our team from multiple departments, which gives me a nice edge in coordinating us and getting us to where we need to be.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: You sir are a jack of all trades! And we are excited to have you with us! 🙂

To kick off the AMA, can you tell us a little about the origins of Yarloo? How long have you been working on the project and what problems did you see in the crypto industry that led you to create Yarloo?

Ham Sparrow: AYE!

Yarloo originated as a purely trading card game that had gamified lottery systems in crypto, but we realized that from a legal perspective, it’d be a thorn in our side to make it operational, and it was not innovative enough — ironically, our trading card game, Pirateers, was extremely unique and amazing, and that’s when we decided to pivot into a gaming company that has a lot to offer to the NFT gaming space and the P2E world — through adding what AAA game studios have been doing for the past few years: Seasonal Content.

Through seasonal content, we keep our users engaged, satisfied, and happy with how we’re progressing Yarloo.

Imagine when the lunar new year approaches, we release a season that is all about that theme, with 100 new cards or more, and a brand new soundtrack, and new avatar captains, items, etc.

It’s something that’s never been properly utilized in this space yet.

Why we’re doubling down on this is because we consider this stage of NFT gaming the “Talking Tom” period.

If anyone here doesn’t know, Talking Tom was one of the first few games that were super trending and popular in mobile gaming when it started gaining traction back in 2011–2012.

When it first came out, it was kinda primitive, but it sparked what eventually led to mobile gaming becoming mainstream, and 10 years later, the new norm for most AAA companies where they must make mobile versions of their games, or cross-platform support using it.

We believe that NFT gaming is in the same spot, meaning we’re at the beginning of a snowball effect that’ll lure so many gaming studios in, and we want Yarloo to be one of the early pioneers. 🙂

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Great stuff! Yes, your roadmap is extremely ambitious but also it is extremely well-thought-out in terms of where and how you are focusing your energy right now.

Who is your target market for Yarloo? Is it just gamers?

Ham Sparrow: Nah, we want to attract investors too.

See, the trick behind gaining investors who suck at games (Sorry, someone had to say it, lol) — is to make them comfortable knowing they don’t have to play in order to profit and have fun.

One of the ways we’re implementing this is through our “Champion” system — which a lot of you guys recognize as a scholarship program that other P2E games use.

A champion is essentially a skilled gamer who offers to play using an investor’s NFTs in their stead, for a chance to net them the victory they need, and they share the profits with the investor who owns the NFTs.

That way even those who can’t understand our game but enjoy collecting the cards can still win and participate in tournaments using their champions.

Think medieval trail by combat, but the person who’s on trial can’t fight, so they pick someone to fight for them.

We’re also going to make an effort to try and onboard non-gaming investors to try out the game in risk-free gameplay that they could utilize to hone their skills.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Great model! Kind of like a co-invest when you follow a trader’s moves and you mirror their actions on that platform. This seems like a great opportunity to onboard even non-crypto natives into the system!

Tell us a little about your upcoming games, how they work in regards to the play to earn aspect, and what stage of development they are in?

Ham Sparrow: Our first flagship game, which is a trading card game called Pirateers, is going to utilize P2E by collecting rare cards, fusing them to get higher value ones that are 2.0 in version, and sell them to collectors. Another way is that we’ll be hosting tournaments where people participate for a chance to win the grand prize by eliminating their opponents, and so many tradeable items that can be earned for free to allow our users the chance to make money without spending any funds at all.

Another earning method will be earning chests (which are NFTs) and keys that, when you unlock a chest, you get a chance to win free YARL, more free chests, or cards.

We’re going to triple down on our freemium model where we attract people who enjoy the grind and want to make promising returns for their time, while also allowing those with the funds to enjoy what we offer to enhance our business model. It’ll be an ecosystem that serves everyone well.

But we don’t plan to stop at a specific point with our model, because we keep getting new ideas all the time, and we don’t hesitate to implement anything we believe could turn a profit to our users with no risks involved. 🙂

Saigon 💎 | OIG: You sir, are an extremely fair pirate.

We see you will have additional features, such as NFTShore and Yarloo’s Coffers, can you explain what these mechanics are?

Ham Sparrow: So, Yarloo’s Coffers, which is coming out really, really soon after we list, is our own storage wallet where users can store their YARL tokens and stake it.

The reason why we created our own is because we can directly hook it up to our rewards API and airdrop rewards through it to addresses, and also hook up the staking rewards like free chests, cards, etc, and then users can take those and use them in other parts of our system.

This is where NFTShore and Chests of Fortune come in.

Chests of Fortune is basically our own take on lootbox systems, where users can earn (or buy a limited amount per 24 hours) of chests that, once unlocked, can net them cool rewards.

And NFTShore will be our marketplace which will be directly hooked up to our games and NFT-powered products so players and users can browse it directly when they’d like to trade or make a purchase as they play.

NFTShore is a BSC/Poly marketplace that will have all our NFTs, and will also be used for our NFT Booster Pack sales in the future after we launch it.

A cool feature about it is the fact that we take a 1.5% commission, which is less than OpenSea’s 2.5% sale commission, and the fact that it’s deeply engraved in every NFT element in our ecosystem.

It’ll eventually become the social hub for our users where they can trade and collect rare cards, or flat out sell them if they’d like to.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: This is actually a topic that we’ve seen, is your focus on community building through various mechanisms.

One thing we noted was that you are going to heavily utilise your community more than pure marketing. Can you tell us why? How will this work? How will you build your community?

Ham Sparrow: We believe that our community is enough manpower to market Yarloo rather than paid marketing, and the reason behind our logic comes thanks to our implementation of a system called RST, or Revenue Sharing Token.

Essentially, we need to make our community believe that, even though this is our company as a team, it’s also theirs in profits.

And that’s where we decided to share 30% of our gross profits with our community in different ways to make sure they always push the company forward, because every $ we make, they make as well.

We’re going to be structuring RST to serve the following:

1- Seed & Private investors for 12 months. (then transfer that allocation to general holders)

2- Holders

3- Buybacks & Burns

4- LP Providers

5- P2E Rewards Pool

We thank our investors for their vesting patience by giving them a % of RST for the first 12 months after we launch, and we reward holders who meet a certain threshold for holding, giving them multiple reasons to keep onto their tokens.

Buybacks will serve our market health, which is absolutely crucial to survive the next bear winter.

LP providers are a cornerstone of any company, as they make healthy trade volumes possible thanks to their LP, and we need to give them a bigger reward rather than the DEX fees they receive.

And finally, the P2E pool ensures we’ll always have enough reserves to keep pumping our P2E elements.

We’ve designed Yarloo in a sense where, everyone makes money if we make money. Everyone grows if we grow.

And that’s how our community will want to help. 🙂

Saigon 💎 | OIG: This is an extremely equitable model, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a project allocate 30% towards the community. So this is a true model that is focused on the people and for the people!

Can you tell our community why they would want to hold the $YARL token, why will it be needed ?

Ham Sparrow: Aye! That is why we picked the pirate theme. We’re here for one another, aboard a warm ship that’ll take us through endless bear winters.

Anyone would want to hold YARL because first, it makes you able to earn from our RST model.

Second, you can stake it to earn endless rewards as well. Not to mention that YARL is what you spend and gain from Chests of Fortune.

YARL will also be the driving force behind all our games — there’s no other token, no multi token system, nada — maybe a mini Yarl which we can use for farming in the future using another game we plan to release in 2022 — but that’s another topic, hah.

But overall, our token is extremely useful for anyone who decides to hold it. If they’d like to sell it, that is okay — but they’ll certainly miss out on RST 😉

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Makes a lot of sense. The RST alone is a huge incentive program that returns value back to users. It’s a no-brainer here!

You are a very ambitious project, please let us know where you see Yarloo in the long term? What things do you have in your roadmap that you can tell us about which will excite us?

Ham Sparrow: Well, we have a realistic vision, and an ambitious one.

Realistically speaking, we believe Yarloo can be a top 500 in 2022.

Ambitiously? Top 200.

Perhaps a bit more depending on how well our game performs when we launch it, hah!

We believe we’re going to make a lot of people profits — and we will take pride in every happy soul who made money thanks to what we built. That is the goal.

Play, have fun, lay back, and earn — and ignore the bear.

If we hit this target, I’ll be a really, really happy man, lol.

In our roadmap lies so many things we have set our eyes towards in 2022 — but let’s say the biggest of all is our second game, Battleships.

We don’t plan to make any more games, btw. Just the 2 — because we believe they tie into each other fairly well.

Battleships will be a grand strategy game where you, an admiral/pirate — will set out with your naval fleet to try and take over the crypto seas.

It’s a purely PVP game, btw — a metaverse world that has island properties, and NFT battleships.

Each ship will be customizable, and extremely useful in gameplay — and the end goal of it is for 1 person to try and rule the Seven Crypto Seas.

It’s far more ambitious than our trading card game, so fingers crossed for this one, hah!

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Great stuff @hamsparrow! Lots of things to look forward here then!

We are very excited to be enjoying this journey with you mate!

At this point I would love to switch it over to the community questions posted on Twitter.

Ham Sparrow:Aye, thank you!

Community Twitter Questions:

Twitter question 1)

Ham Sparrow: Perfect!

Ah, yes — we scraped off Wheel of Fortune.

It’s now Chests of Fortune to make sure there’s no gambling element whatsoever.

We might include a spin the wheel type of game in the future that ties into our other games, but it will be 100% free with 0 risk, otherwise we’re treading on dangerous legal grounds, lol.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Oh man, who doesn’t love the classic Wheel of Fortune!

Twitter question 2)

Ham Sparrow:

Plot twist: we’re not.

90% of us were public, and only myself and my business partner were not.

Literally on the 22nd of October, we revealed our identities to the public.

I’m Eyad Khaled, and my business partner is Aigars Plugis — we’re 100% public atm and are updating our website accordingly. 🙂

Saigon 💎 | OIG: The plot thickens!!!

Twitter Question 3)

Ham Sparrow:

Anyone can host a tournament, and it’s 100% free.

We take a commission % from the reward pool, but creating one is free, you just pay the TXIN fee from BSC which is a few cents.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Great stuff mate. So in the future we’ll definitely have an internal OIG vs Yarloo team competition 😈

Ham Sparrow: YOU’RE ON!

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Well @hamsparrow! That about sums up our time here between OIG x Yarloo. Any final words you would like to leave with our community?

Ham Sparrow: I‘d like to say that this is the beginning of something epic — and I hope everyone is patient enough to see where we’re headed in the future. We’re extremely ambitious, and we will need our community’s support (and OIG’s and everyone’s!) to make it there. Let’s sail the seas together, me fellow seafarers. ❤️

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Thank you Ham!! It was a pleasure 🙂

And OIG thank you again for coming out to support! We will be back on Thursday with more great AMAs. Great rewards, and great conversations!

Until then, stay blessed OIG! ✨

Ham Sparrow: Awesome, take care @SaigonXIII!


Website: https://yarloo.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Yarloo_RST



Medium: https://medium.com/@yarloo



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