OIG Group
7 min readDec 14, 2021


VOID- Built on Solana and powered by Unreal 5, Void is taking AAA gaming to another level.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Welcome back OIG! We are very excited to have with us @iamRUMEL (CEO) of VOID a P2E multiplayer PVP game with a huge focus on character customization built on Solana.

Thank you for coming out to the OIG Main Stage Rumel! Can you please briefly introduce yourself to our community?

Rumel (will never ask for funds) πŸ––πŸ½,: hey @SaigonXIII

Glad to be here. My name is Rumel and the founder of Void. I am the gamer nerd in the team ;). I studied computer science and always had a focus on game design.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Amazing to have you here! We are very excited about this project and have been waiting for you to grace this stage so we can discuss it further!

How would you describe for our community what VOID is?

Rumel (will never ask for funds) πŸ––πŸ½,: VOID is a P2E multiplayer game, just like you said.

What makes us different is that we are creating a game with great graphics and amazing gameplay for β€œreal” gamers and not only focussing on the earning part.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: The graphics and game designs that we have seen so far have absolutely blown us away!

What are the different game modes available? What will the game look like?

Rumel (will never ask for funds) πŸ––πŸ½,: I am really glad you like it :)

VOID includes a multiplayer campaign mode, where you can play solo or in coop with four of your friends. And a pvp multiplayer, including deathmatch, last man standing and capture the flag.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Incredibly popular, true and tested game modes!

You mentioned earlier the ability for users to generate earnings. What are the different ways to earn in VOID?

Rumel (will never ask for funds) πŸ––πŸ½,: Well, you can earn by playing the campaign and solving quests. You can participate in ranked matches or earn passive income with your arena. All items found in the game are NFTs and are tradeable in the in-game marketplace.

So you can sell or trade everything you find in the game

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Very diverse ecosystem! Let’s talk a little bit more about the types of NFTs.

Can you tell us a little about the role of NFTs in your game and when and where we can get them?

Rumel (will never ask for funds) πŸ––πŸ½,:

Sure, as I said you can find NFTs like Armor, Weapons, Lootboxes, and Arenas by playing the game. You can equip armour onto your character, and depending on the item you put on, the look and feel of your character will change.

Arenas will let you earn while other players fight in them. And Lootboxes a treasure chests, you never know really what’s inside. Who knows, maybe it’s the next legendary NFT ;)

We don’t have an exact date yet, but we will open the NFT Marketplace soon.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: So many different ways to source the NFT that you want, we are excited to see what this marketplace will look like as well!

We see you have a strong focus on character development and how it becomes more valuable. Can you tell us more about this?

Rumel (will never ask for funds) πŸ––πŸ½, : There are different rarities of items to be found. Of course, some are more valuable than others. Not only by equipping a full set will make your characters look change significantly but also by the decisions that you make in the game.

What makes it so valuable is the time and effort you have put in.

It is either you grind for hours to find the items you need, or take a shortcut and buy them in the marketplace.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Perfect. So either way, you get what you put in.

What will the VOID coin be used for? Why should we get some and hold it?

Rumel (will never ask for funds) πŸ––πŸ½,: With the coin, you can buy different NFTs, participate in ranked matches, create clans and even support other players if you want.

And turn it into real money of course.😝

We have created a Genesis NFT which cannot be purchased anywhere and want to reward the community and early believers with it.

This NFT will give you amazing perks, like FREE legendary items for your character, early access and discount on upcoming NFT releases and the chance to test the BETA.

All you have to do is hold $200 worth of VOID tokens and hold it for at least 90 days.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Wow. Incredible value for quite a minimal cost of entry!

How far are you along in your roadmap? What have you achieved so far? What is coming up? How far away is the game release?

Rumel (will never ask for funds) πŸ––πŸ½,: We are quite in the beginning I would say.

The main achievement so far is that we were able to raise enough to get this far. We were oversubscribed in just a couple of days. And since the launch of this project, we have grown on social media and are still growing fast organically.

As of now, we are currently in the IDO stage which is still ongoing. It started last Saturday and we sold out on every launchpad so far.

Coming up of course is being listed and the opening of the marketplace.We have also a mini-game coming up in a couple of months to prepare you for the final game.

Then new NFTs before the BETA Testing next year.And hopefully, if everything goes well, we will release the game in early 2023.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Wow, the journey from the time we first spoke has been amazing to witness! Truly excited to reach the end of the year and see all that VOID will bring in 2022!

Rumel (will never ask for funds) πŸ––πŸ½, Right? it’s been a crazy and exciting journey so far.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Well @iamRUMEL I’d like to turn it over to our community questions on Twitter now where we had an AMAZING response and turn-out for VOID.

Community Twitter Questions

Question 1)

Rumel (will never ask for funds) πŸ––πŸ½, It is great to see how creative and talented our community is. I went through all of them myself, one by one. It’s mindblowing to me how much time and effort they have put into these creations.

We have a Twitter thread where everyone was able to show off their masterpieces. I really would love to give them more exposure if I could, but we are here to provide the community with an awesome game and we rewarded the best ones. To me, everybody is a winner already just by participating.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: I think the community engagement speaks for itself! Everyone is truly excited and captivated by VOID!

Question 2)

Rumel (will never ask for funds) πŸ––πŸ½, : This is a question which our CTO usually answers. I am not a blockchain pro you know.

But as far as I know, it has fast transactions at low costs. And more environmentally friendly than BSC or ETH.

Since Solana is still young, it makes it easier for us to contact them if we need their support.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Perfect. Thank you for the distinction!

Thank you for taking the time to answer them all @iamRUMEL !

Are there any final words you would like to leave for our community?

Rumel (will never ask for funds) πŸ––πŸ½,: I just wanna say wow. What an exciting journey so far. I really appreciate the love and support we are receiving every day.

This makes us even want to work harder and it pushes us more to create something awesome for you guys.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Absolutely mate, we are here with you all the way through!

Well OIG thank you for coming out to support! We’ll be back this week with more exciting AMAs for you!

Stay blessed everyone! And check out VOID!





Medium: https://void-dot-games.medium.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/void_dot_games/

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/rzfe6k39aU

