OIG AMA with Starchi

OIG Group
9 min readOct 22, 2021


Tamagotchi-inspired #PlaytoEarn game for the #crypto age!

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Greetings OIG family We are excited to end off the week with an exciting AMA with Starchi, a Tamagotchi style P2E game built on the blockchain! We have with us Angela (VP of Marketing) 🎉

Welcome @moontrips! Can you please briefly introduce yourself to our OIG community? 🙂

Moon Trips: Sure! As Saigon mentioned, I am Angela Brasington, VP of Marketing at Starchi. I have a background in marketing and entrepreneurship and I’ve been working with @StarterXyz since earlier this year. We have an amazing team of people bringing this project to life, including a full marketing team as well as an awesome team of rockstar developers. We are a close-knit team with lots of experience and we’re all very excited to launch Starchi. Our developers have a rich history in both crypto and traditional software development. Our marketing team come from diverse backgrounds with tons of experience launching startups both in and out of crypto.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Great stuff Angela! It’s great to see a team with such great pedigree coming onto the stage. I think being in marketing myself I can definitely appreciate the value of a strong marketing strategy, and Starchi has heavily impressed us on this front!

Can you tell us a little about Starchi’s core team, and how did this project come about?

Moon Trips: The core team, as mentioned above, is incredibly talented and experienced. The project came about as we reminisced about our own Tamagotchi experiences as children. There is a loving and positive feeling playing this type of game that we wanted to bring back to life, but with a rewarding experience on top of the gameplay!

Saigon 💎 | OIG: it is definitely a hall-of-fame nostalgic video game that a lot of people can relate to 😉

Let's dive into the game, what is Starchi? What is the premise and storyline of the game? Is it the same as the Tamagotchis idea of raising a pet and looking after them that we played when we were young?

Moon Trips: Yes! Starchi is a rewarding Play to Earn game about the power of love and care, bonding, and bringing humanity back to a positive place. It’s a Tamagotchi-inspired game where you nurture your Starchi to help avoid extinction and join friendly battle leagues to earn rewards. The members of our team had Tamagotchi growing up and we all enjoyed getting to take care of something in a fun and playful way. The nostalgia of Tamagotchi has brought a lot of interest to our game because it brings fond memories of an innocent and playful game that allows you to step away from the craziness of everyday life and immerse yourself in something incredibly wonderful. When compensation is added to that, it provides a layer to this that can truly change the way people live and work. And that’s one of my personal favourite things about Starchi — I want to change the world…one Starchi at a time 🤩

Saigon 💎 | OIG: One Starchi at a time — can we change our motto over at OIG to that? 😉

The idea sounds so much fun, tell us about the game dynamics, how do we get a Starchi? How do we raise them? Do they have different attributes that matter? How do the battles work?

Moon Trips: Haha YES!!! We’ll allow the motto change 😉

Saigon 💎 | OIG: 😍

Moon Trips: Starchi collectors acquire Starchis by purchasing them in various stages from the local marketplace as per below.

1. Freshly-minted Starchi eggs

2. Toddler, teenager, and adult Starchis

listed for sale by their collectors

3. Neglected Starchis (those not well taken

care of) that are listed for adoption

Starchi Collectors are responsible for acquiring and nurturing their Starchi, preventing them from extinction, and preparing them for battle. To prepare for battle, Collectors must do the following:

1. Wake Up

2. Eat

3. Play

4. Sleep

Each Starchi possesses unique attributes and stats indicating its current state. A Starchi can possess one or more elements with a power ratio from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). Elements dictate attack vectors during battles.

1. Stats include: HP (Hit Points), Energy, Exercise, and


2. Elements include: Neutral, Wood, Earth, Water, Fire,

Metal, Animal, Poison, Undead, and Lightning

Any Starchi Collector can create a battle arena for a low fee and decide which Starchi from their collection will attend the battle. Winners collect the majority of the fee plus earnings in reward tokens.

1. Any eligible Starchi Collector can join

2. Winners earn 85% of the START token fee

plus the in-game rewards token

3. 10% of the remaining START tokens goes to

staking income and the last 5% is burned

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Very well built out game mechanics! Love the idea of a digital companion that requires so many different layers to their development! And the battle mechanic is a great addition to a cult-classic game!

You are a play to earn game, so what are the different ways a player can earn in Starchi? Will there be different competitions and leaderboards, if so, how will these work and will there be rewards for the top players?

Moon Trips: I like the sounds of digital companion! :)

Yes, there will be! We will have leaderboards to reward our top players. Various analytics are tracked to help identify top Starchi Collectors and their Starchis. Those higher in rank can earn more wages. Key performance indicators include:

1. Oldest and healthiest Starchis in the village

2. Most active Starchi Collectors

3. Most battle wins and losses

4. Top Starchi Collectors

5. Least healthy Starchis and their Collectors

Saigon 💎 | OIG: I really enjoy this leaderboard functionality. It keeps a game exciting and competitive and keeps players engaged. But on top of that, we have not even gotten into the rewards system!

We see you have a dual token economy, can you tell us about the two tokens, their utilities, if there will be staking available and finally when and where we can get them?

Moon Trips: REWARD$ !!! 🤑 Let’s get into it!

Yes, Starchi is a dual token economy, which uses Starter’s $START token to access the game and buy Starchi as well as Starchi’s liquid luck token, $ELIXIR, our magical mix that makes the Collector wealthier for a period of time (while in possession of the elixir), is used for in-game rewards.

The World of Starchi is a Play to Earn economy providing Collectors with wages based on the completion of certain objectives. The tokenomics provides for a Play to Earn allocation of 20,000,000 ELIXIR for in-game rewards.

1. Earn START arena fees & ELIXIR by winning battles

2. Earn ELIXIR in future contests & tournaments

3. Earn START & ELIXIR with staking income

4. Earn ELIXIR by topping leaderboards, such as Most Active Collector, Longest Starchi holder, and more

Staking Pools will compensate Collectors for their hard work raising Starchi.

1. Stake START to earn rewards

2. Stake MATIC/START or MATIC/ELIXIR LP to earn rewards

3. Stake in one of two modes: VESTED or LIQUID

- LIQUID — rewards subject to a 2.5% burn & no vesting

- VESTED — rewards are 2x LIQUID & subject to vesting

4. Earned rewards can be claimed as vesting START or as liquid ELIXIR in-game tokens

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Wow. A lot to digest here. But at the base of it, it’s clear you have established an economy that is very rewarding to users and allows many different avenues for players to earn and create value within Starchi! We are very impressed!

Moon Trips: Thank you! Lots of work went into our tokenomics. I’ll attach our STARCHINOMICS here for everyone.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: There are many Games being released on the market. What do you have coming up in your roadmap that will ensure Starchi is a success?

Moon Trips: Our roadmap is jam-packed and I’m so excited to share everything with the world. One of the most unique components of Starchi is the fact that Collectors can also stake their earnings to gain access to all IDOs on the Starter.xyz launchpad. Starter is a leading launchpad, incubator, and investor network that has raised over $25M USD for 40+ blockchain projects. Collectors can advance their goal of financial freedom by learning about and participating in various IDO sales held on @StarterXyz.

Starchi also has a deflationary mechanism built in through the burning of tokens and finite supply. A deflationary token, as you know, decreases its market supply as time goes by, reducing the token’s supply on the blockchain. This has the potential to increase the value of our token through the basic rules of supply and demand.

Additionally, our staking program mentioned above will help strengthen our network by locking the tokens from trading, preventing dumping.

With all of this, we are setting Starchi and our community up for massive success!

Saigon 💎 | OIG: We will definitely be staking our $START day one 😉

Moon Trips: That’s what I like to hear! 😬

Saigon 💎 | OIG: This was great @moontrips! At this point I’d love to switch it over to our community questions asked on Twitter, we had a great turnout!

Community Twitter Questions:

Twitter question 1)

Moon Trips: Starchis are only given up for adoption when they are not properly taken care of. You’ll never have to worry about losing your beloved Starchi as long as you nurture them and help them live to their full potential. We hope to never see neglected Starchi but hey, it can happen. And that’s when you can scoop in and save them and bring them back to a healthy life.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Love that idea! Built-in compassion mechanics is a big win in my books! 😬

Moon Trips: Right?!

Twitter question 2)

Moon Trips: Every single Starchi is an NFT! And every Starchi is unique in their own way. Another fun element to this is that you can name your Starchi and equip them with everything they need to be rare in their own way.

We just finished up a meme competition and received some amazing 3D entries. I don’t want to give too much away too soon but be sure to follow @StarchiAnnouncements for more info regarding the evolution of our Starchi NFTs. And remember, one of the reward components is for the Oldest Starchis in the village. So the sooner you get yours, the better your chance for having a super-rare (and rewarding) Starchi.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Whoa, that’s very cool!! So you get rewarded for being the most consistent and dedicated person in your server! You guys thought of everything 😍

Twitter question 3)

Moon Trips: The lifetime of your Starchi is what you make of it. The premise of the game is to prevent them from extinction by giving them proper love and care through feeding, exercise, making sure they get enough rest and preparing them for friendly battles. We hope that all our Starchi are well taken care of and live a long, happy life.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: This too is our wish!! For every Starchi in-game and success for the project!!

Well Angela, this concludes our time here at our OIG x Starchi AMA 🙂

Are there any final words that you would like to leave with our community?

Moon Trips: Thank you again for having me and introducing the OIG community to Starchi. Please be sure to follow our journey (and our socials!) and get ready for the biggest P2E game of the year to launch early next month.







Saigon 💎 | OIG: We are excited to follow this journey! Thank you @moontrips !!

And THANK YOU OIG Community for coming out to support. We appreciate all your questions on Twitter and your engagement in this project 🙂



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