Prometheus is the first on-chain strategic role-playing NFTgame developed by Metagame Arena Studio.
Frumps | OIG: Hello OIG family! We are very lucky to have an exciting AMA with Prometheus, the first on-chain strategic role-playing NFTgame developed by Metagame Arena Studio!
We have with us Kevin Pe (Director of BD) 🎉
Kevin P: Hi, everyone. It is my pleasure to be here.
Frumps | OIG: We have been excited about this one! Can you briefly introduce yourself and Prometheus to the OIG community?
Kevin P: My name is Kevin Pe, the BD director of METAGAME ARENA STUDIO. Our team consists of experts from both the gaming and blockchain industries. Our team is spread out across the continents. I am in LA, California
Our studio is a mobile game and web game developer with a proven track record of success. This is our first on-chain strategic RolePlaying game we are working on called “Prometheus”.
In other words, Prometheus is an sRPG(simulation RPG) Metaverse game, a warchess game that includes the element of cards collection, turn-based and role-playing. All our designs are original. We have 20 full-time artists working on the project. And these artists are the top painters in the game industry.
Frumps | OIG: Wow! There are so many amazing features you have just mentioned. Great to hear you have so many artists full time, that explains the incredible visuals we have seen of Prometheus
Please share why it is named Prometheus?
Kevin P: We named it Prometheus, and this is a game based on the theme of mythology. There are three factions: “Greek mythology”, “Japanese mythology”, and “Nordic mythology”. As of right now, the main divine cards of Japanese mythology have been completed.
We want to create an international game project, so the best way is to find and create famous IPs from Eastern and Western cultures. The mythological system is undoubtedly the best; I think everyone wants to see the Japanese god fighting Zeus? I think this is an exciting concept.
Frumps | OIG: The mythology aspect is very cool indeed! This will attract people from all over the world of all ages. That image of a Japanese god fighting Zeus is a very powerful one, we cant wait to see it!
How is Prometheus NFT cards linked with GameFi? And could you briefly explain the game mechanics?
Kevin P: We have two different cards, Divine cards and battle cards. Each card will be an independent NFT, and these NFTs can be traded independently in the marketplace. The divine card produces battle cards; you can participate in the game with battle cards and win the in-game token; the P2E is relatively straightforward. You can also upgrade your battle card to a higher tier by combine two lower-class battle cards. You may control up to 5 battle cards in a PVE and PVP game.
Frumps | OIG: Excellent game mechanics! This will draw in many players as you have simplified the play to earn aspect of the game
Who are your competitors in crypto, and what’s the strategy to outperform them?
Kevin P: We do not see a direct competitor in sRPG game yet.
Our strategy to stand out as followed:
1. Mythological systems from the East and West are included and all mythological systems will be connected and collided in the game.
2. Excellent gameplay + Strong economic system
3. We have play to earn, create to earn tokenomics.
4. The current NFT art style is dominated by western culture. The overall style of our painting is based on the elements of the Japanese comic ACG painting style. It’s unique.
5. Most of our team members are senior veterans in the game and blockchain industry. We have done our own projects in the past and did many outsourcing projects for some significant game production companies. So we have a lot of advantages over other teams in the field of game development.
6. Prometheus provides trial-play technology for all three terminals (PC, mobile and web).
Frumps | OIG: You have crafted a niche market for Prometheus! Your game and team clearly have many advantages over others, the future really looks bright for the project!
I really can’t wait to participate in the Prometheus game. Can you tell me the time of the NFT sale and how to participate?
Kevin P: The design of the Japanese faction is completed. We will launch our NFT cards in late October 2021, and there are ongoing airdrops and giveaways. For specific information, please visit our discord to see for details. The game itself will be released by March 2021.
Frumps | OIG: So not long until we can get our hands on the stunning NFT cards… we cant wait
At present, the popularity of blockchain games is on the rise, but we see problems such as lack of playability, poor picture quality, and unsustainable tokenomics. What will be the critical points for the next “chain game” to breakthrough?
Kevin P: The key to breakthrough is to make a good product, not only produce a Defi product. As senior game developers, we know that the game development cycle is calculated in years, but there are always people who want to compress this progress to months or even weeks in the blockchain world. It is not in line with the standard cycle of game development and production. So we think the key to breakthrough is to respect the product itself and constantly work on the game’s playability.
Frumps | OIG: This is a great answer, consistent development and improvement! You clearly have a very experienced team.
You have really sold the project to us! At this point I’d love to switch it over to our community questions asked on Twitter, there were many to choose from, but we narrowed it down to 4.
Community Twitter Questions:
Twitter question 1)
Kevin P: I will not be able to get into the too technical part of it. The biggest reason for us to select COCOS is it allow us to launch on 3 different platforms: PC, web, mobile, and our team also are very experienced with this game engine.
Frumps | OIG: This is a massive reason to be fair! The ability to launch on those 3 platforms will allow you to draw in huge numbers of players
Twitter question 2)
Kevin P: There are two type of tokens, WP and MGA. After the game launch, the WP token will be used to reward the winner of the battle, and also you need to use the tokens to upgrade your battle cards. The WP token is more of an in-game currency, and MGA is more of a governance token. I won’t cover all of the details of the game; you may check our whitepaper for more details.
Frumps | OIG: Sounds amazing, a duel token system makes sense.
Twitter question 3)
Kevin P: A strong community is vital to us, especially a global community. We have selected community leaders from all major languages, and we will work on building the non-English community with their help. We value all communities; we have different telegram groups for different languages; we will work closely with them and cater to their specific needs.
We will focus on our official discord growth, as many of you know its importance for a game and NFT project. We will focus on the referral campaign at the moment. We will do more AMA with other KOL and influencers in the space, including the non-English speaking community. We will focus on growing our discord before the NFT launch this month.
Frumps | OIG: This is great to hear, you really are covering all areas through these things you are doing and it's great to see you including as many communities as possible into your amazing project.
Twitter question 4)
Kevin P: You can also upgrade your battle card to a higher tier by combining two lower-class battle cards. There is a chance you could get a higher tier card, but this is no guaranty. It will be randomized. This process of combining battle card NFT potentially increase the value and power of the NFT card. You will be able to win the battle much more efficiently with a more powerful NFT card, and you will possibly win more tokens.
Frumps | OIG: Very exciting! The element of luck involved will keep being guessing and hoping. We cant wait to try our luck!
Well, Kevin, this concludes our time here at our OIG x Prometheus AMA 🙂
Are there any final words that you would like to leave with our community?
Kevin P: Thanks a lot for this fantastic AMA. Thanks to the host, and thanks to everyone, indeed an honor to be here. I will see you guys on our official discord. Good luck to all of you on your adventure navigating the crypto space.
Frumps | OIG: We are looking forward to watching your fantastic project grow
Thank you very much Kevin for your time and your excellent answers
And THANK YOU OIG Community for coming out to support. We appreciate all your questions on Twitter and your engagement in this project 🙂