OIG AMA with Pacific

OIG Group
7 min readNov 30, 2021


Pacific is a decentralized NFT marketplace and an integrated platform for metaverse/GameFi assets.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Hello everyone for the third time today! Welcome back to our last of the AMA Series for the day. We are closing it off with Pacific, a cross-chain marketplace for NFTs compatible with Polkadot, Etherum and BSC. We have with us @Sophie_1998 (CMO) today.

Welcome Sophie, can you please introduce yourself to our OIG community?

Sophie Leung: Hi, I am Sophie, I am the CMO of pacific, I am very happy to meet you here.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Thank you for being here @Sophie_Leung. Let’s get into it.

Can you give us a little background on the team behind the project?

Sophie Leung: OK

The team is composed of many German cryptocurrency veterans, technical experts and scholars with rich experience in blockchain industry.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Great, will the actual team be revealed at a later time?

What is Pacific? How did the idea come about? What need does it fulfil? What is your vision?

Sophie Leung: Pacific aims to build a decentralized NFT marketplace and an integrated custodial platform for metaverse/GameFi assets.

A major reason for the poor liquidity of NFTs is the lack of pricing mechanisms. At present, most NFT assets are limited to “non-standardized” assets due to the lack of pricing mechanism. Users on the current chain cannot have a unified assessment of this type of assets, so they are often recognized by the industry as “private customization”. Products can only be traded one-to-one. Homogeneous assets can be widely used and pledged in today’s DeFi market, while non-homogenized assets have no efficient confirmation mechanism for the value of collateral, so it is impossible to assess the liquidation risk.These reasons gave me the idea of building Pacific.

Pacific users can not only create and sell their own NFT assets on the platform, but also build their own digital art exchanges by building tools. At the same time, pacific will integrate innovative assets in DeFi and NFT to further inject liquidity into the NFT market.

It is hoped that it can provide lower usage and transaction costs, faster confirmation efficiency and higher liquidity premium, which can help NFT out of the circle.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: The digital art exchange developer tools sounds interesting and can inspire some good creativity for artists.

Can you outline Your INO Launchpad, how it works and any key details we should know?

Sophie Leung: INO (Inital NFT Offering), pioneered by Pacific, combines IDO and the transferrable nature of NFTs, and provides a new crowdfunding option for projects to not only raise capital but effectively maintain their communities.

•In an INO, crowdfunding is opened only to holders of NFT Cards. The key benefits are,

• Pinpointing the right community

• There are multiple types of NFT Cards, sorted by project, field of research, geographical location etc. so that

community members with shared features can be categorized into different groups.

• Suppose a decentralized storage project named Project A based in the SEA is launching an INO on Pacific. By

participating in Project A’s INO, users get: 1) an allocation of Project A’s public sale, and 2) an NFT Card named

after Project A or simply the Storage Card.

• The Card entitles the cardholder to participate in Project A as well as a series of projects with similar traits in the

future, be it another decentralized storage project or another project based in the SEA.

• Transferrable by nature

• Since the Card is an NFT by nature, it can circulate among users. And therefore, the participation right.

• Prospective appreciation

• Cardholders are entitled to a stream of selected projects. Cards are created with intrinsic value as a result.

• To ensure good liquidity for participants, only projects that are soon listed on mainstream exchanges

are considered for an INO.

  • NFT Cards are therefore, in a nutshell, ”a transferrable membership whose value appreciates“.

Sophie Leung: Native tokens PAF are used in many scenarios,such as the staking token, purchase (of NFT) token, the payment system and etc.

PAF will also used as INO tokens as well.we would purchase and burn PAF on the secondary market to make sure of the deflation of PAF.

PAF is to be listed on 10am UTC Nov.30 on gate.io, ZB, ZT and Bitmart. we will launch the staking pool on Dex afterwards and there are top exchanges we are aiming at already. stay tuned.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: What have you already achieved in your roadmap that you are proud of?

Sophie Leung: Previously, it has been granted the eighth issue of the Web3.0 Foundation. It has innovatively launched a one-stop GameFi asset management including custody, lending, trading and other functions. The project has established a good cooperation network in Nepal, India and other countries. In the future, it will work with the local government to explore the application of GameFi in the direction of improving the living standards of people with lower income and help the organic development of Metaverse and the GameFi industry.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: What is coming up that we should know about?

Sophie Leung: Pacific (PAF) will be listed on gate.io, Bitmart, ZB and ZT.com at 18:00 (Hong Kong time) on November 30, 2021. The platform is invested by a large number of first-tier investors.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Great! So at this point, we will turn it over to the community questions asked on Twitter.

Community Twitter Questions:

Question 1)

Sophie Leung: We have huge global users and extensive influence on countries in India, Russia, the Philippines and etc. we also launched INO, creative methods of fundraising and help projects to reach high community consensus, which brings in a lot of new users. all five projects are over a dozen times of the initial price. our priority is to maximize users assets, so we will try our best to bringing in liquidity for the platform.

Question 2)

Sophie Leung: Our top priorities are safety, growth and maximizing users interest. we are to bring in more good metaverse/gamefi projects and add value to the platform.

Question 3)

Sophie Leung: Firstly it’s a hot and money-making track of metaverse /gamefi. We assume metaverse will continue with its popularity and influence in the coming year. Pacific is a leading metaverse project on the track, long possession of PAF will be with great return.

Secondly, Pacific has been granted with web3 grant and its great feature of compatible, extendable and high liquidity will surely bringing in more users and high volume.

We have invested lot of people, money and resources on products and sharpening the blockchain technology. it’s the first-ever metaverse assets platform to help users to manage their assets by AI-boosted software and quantitative strategy.

Question 4)

Sophie Leung: Safety is our top priority. We have audited by many first tier audit companies, including Slowmist and etc. we are also reaching out to more audit companies.

Question 5)

Sophie Leung: Web 3 Foundation,Darwinia,Crust,Artsy.net,Chair Finance,Decredic,CryptoArtPanda,Crypto Orell,ACID,AF(Gallery Brokers),Conan,《ONE PIECE》,Dark Horse Comics,Osamu Tezuka “Belladonna of Sorrow“,Crypto Eagles,Satoshi CLU₿,Crypto Talkz,Cryptobooster,Đecentralized Člub,Im Community,etc.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Awesome! Thank you for your time here today @Sophie_Leung ! Are there any final words you would like to leave with our community?

Sophie Leung: Thank you, it’s a great pleasure to be here today sharing Pacific and our thoughts on the NFT market with OIG community. Pacific and OIG are strategic partners. Hopefully, we can have more collaborations in the near future.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Absolutely we will! Thank you for stopping by!

Well OIG thank you for coming out to support as always!

We will be back tomorrow with more AMAs and amazing rewards! See you all very soon!


Website: https://pacific.one/#/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pacific_NFT


