#OGLife is a community & platform for OGs (Original Gamers). Twitch meets Steam. A combination of metaverse, in-game NFTs, Esports, & content sharing.
Frumps | OIG: Greetings OIG Community! We are excited to bring you another amazing AMA today!
We have Original Gamer Life with us today, a community & platform for OGs (Original #Gamers). Twitch meets Steam. A combination of #metaverse, in-game #NFTs, #Esports, & content sharing.
Joining us is Brandon Sivret (CEO).
Welcome to the OIG Main Stage @StrategyBro ! Can you introduce yourself briefly to our community?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): Hello OIG!
My name is Brandon Sivret and I am the CEO of Original Gamer Life. I am a 13-year veteran of the US Air Force, having medically retired at the rank of Major. I deployed twice and experienced a variety of career fields from Security Forces (military police) to Space Operations along with Nuclear ICBMs and ending my time as an Intelligence Officer. I served as a deployed Director of Operations for an Expeditionary Air Support Operations Squadron and a liaison to the US Army, NATO, GCC, and the Office of then US Vice President Joe Biden. Aside from leading OGLife, I am also serving as the VP of Operations of StrongNode.io, an infrastructure-as-a-Service tech company and innovation lab.
I am an indie game developer with a Bachelors in Software Development and a Masters in Military Science — Strategic Leadership. I’m an avid gamer having built and led several communities. I own and operate a retail game store in El Paso, Texas selling and hosting all sorts of games like Warhammer 40K, Magic: The Gathering, and Dungeons and Dragons. We’ve hosted the region’s biggest Warhammer 40K tournaments and send competitive teams to the Las Vegas Open every year.
I serve as Executive Officer for MilitaryGamers.com and am one of the founders of Silver Sun Republic and Kingdom of Hyperion, which have all been central to the Player versus Player online gaming scene for decades now, so I have a lot of experience in creating and running guilds in games over the past 20+ years.
Frumps | OIG: Wow, this is an incredible career you have had! We are very privileged to have you here!
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): Thank you! Happy to be here :)
Frumps | OIG: Lets jump into your fantastic project!
What is Original Gamer Life? What is it’s mission and vision? Who is it for?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): Original Gamer Life or OGLife is a Thriving-as-a-Service social impact multiverse open to all gamers. We take not only one metaverse, but multiple to create a multiverse that takes you as the Original Gamer and your avatar on a social and wellness journey to better your own life here in reality and all the alternate realities where you game. We are a gaming and streaming community with its own marketplace aiming to deliver a healthy, fun, and rewarding way for gamers to live and thrive. We are on a mission in bringing 3 billion gamers to the crypto space. That means new eyeballs and wallets for the growing DeFi gaming market. We achieve this by playing DeFi games as well as conventional games like Star Wars: The Old Republic, Minecraft, Rocket League, and a whole lot more ranging from PC to console to mobile, tabletop, board, and all kinds of other games. By engaging gamers where they game we will be able to bridge them into crypto by making it incredibly easy for them to come aboard.
We also extend the functionality of NFTs, not only from our own marketplace, but are looking to establish a standard in meta data to help import and automagically build NFTs as 3D objects within the Unreal Engine. We’re working on a set of tools and plugins that will be available to any Solana project building on Unreal Engine. We believe strongly in Open Source and building up other projects as well.
Frumps | OIG: This is an incredible amount of quality to digest at once! That is a huge market you are targeting with very noble aims to improve peoples lives, brilliant stuff.
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): I believe it is what really makes us different and will shake up the market not only on the crypto side, but gaming overall. We want to push for the social impact and create a positive community experience.
Frumps | OIG: We love it!
What problems does Original Gamer Life solve? Why is it needed?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): At Original Gamer Life, we’re aiming to bring in non-crypto gamers, the 3 billion gamers of the world. There are so many DeFi games popping up currently and gamers need a way to sift through all of them to find the best ones. Toxicity is also present in many different games that hurts the overall experience. We feel that making the social experience and shared community environment first is critical towards our longevity. We’re tackling the mission of bringing more users into the crypto space and by extension, everyone in the industry will benefit.
Tools, plugins, knowledge, and resources are somewhat slim for those wanting to create DeFi games. Epic and Unity have great resources available to make game development much easier, but Unity has limited, native crypto support and UE engine has none. We hope to change that by providing support to our own in house games and those hoping to make their own games.
Frumps | OIG: We love the idea of removing the toxicity and creating a social experience and shared community environment!
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): Gamers just wanna game!
Frumps | OIG: These are huge aims your project have, you need an incredible team to deliver on them, which I know you have. Can you tell our community a little about the core teams experience and qualifications?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): We have an incredibly talented team that has so much experience in the crypto and gaming world. The team behind OGLife is top notch and I’m looking forward to putting out more and more about the project in the future. Daniel Saito as the CEO of StrongNode and co-founder of OGLife and Colin Charles as CTO of StrongNode both contributed to the $1B exit of MySQL and then went on to create MariaDB, two of the most widely used technologies for anyone that uses databases for anything including game development. Daniel also launched a game on SEGA and developed the networking service for SEGA.NET. Kim Salzer is our CMO and she’s worked on Second Life, The Sims Online (huge inspirations for OGLife platform), Call of Duty, Pogo, and EA Sports services. Her experiences at Activision Blizzard and Electronic Arts are a big part of our connection to the industry. Evan Kubes has joined our marketing crew and founded Rumble Gaming which manages over 700 of the biggest esports and gaming influencers in the world. Of course, our very own OGLife League Ambassador is Abbe “DieHardBirdie” Borg, the oldest CS:GO senior world champion.
In addition to the executive team, we also have added some incredibly talented members to the game development team who I’ve worked with in the past on various projects. We’re planning to launch OGLife and continue to develop more games beyond the multiverse in the future.
Frumps | OIG: This is honestly one of the most talented teams I have ever seen on one project! Just reading this excites me greatly!
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): I love working with this team every day. It’s really inspiring to work with people with such high caliber careers.
Frumps | OIG: It is exceptional! I can imagine all these great minds bouncing ideas off each other
Can you outline the different features that Original Gamer Life has to offer?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): Original Gamer Life or OGLife is a Thriving-as-a-Service social impact multiverse open to all gamers. We take not only one metaverse, but multiple to create a multiverse that takes you as the Original Gamer and your avatar on a social and wellness journey to better your own life here in reality and all the alternate realities where you game. We are a gaming and streaming community with its own marketplace aiming to deliver a healthy, fun, and rewarding way for gamers to live and thrive. We are on a mission in bringing 3 billion gamers to the crypto space. That means new eyeballs and wallets for the growing DeFi gaming market. We achieve this by playing DeFi games as well as conventional games like Star Wars: The Old Republic, Minecraft, Rocket League, and a whole lot more ranging from PC to console to mobile, tabletop, board, and all kinds of other games. By engaging gamers where they game we will be able to bridge them into crypto by making it incredibly easy for them to come aboard.
We also extend the functionality of NFTs, not only from our own marketplace, but are looking to establish a standard in meta data to help import and automagically build NFTs as 3D objects within the Unreal Engine. We’re working on a set of tools and plugins that will be available to any Solana project building on Unreal Engine. We believe strongly in Open Source and building up other projects as well.
Frumps | OIG: This is an incredible amount of quality to digest at once! That is a huge market you are targeting with very noble aims to improving peoples life, brilliant stuff.
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): I believe it is what really makes us different and will shake up the market not only on the crypto side, but gaming overall. We want to push for the social impact and create a positive community experience.
Frumps | OIG: We love it!
What problems does Original Gamer Life solve? Why is it needed?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): At Original Gamer Life, we’re aiming to bring in non-crypto gamers, the 3 billion gamers of the world. There are so many DeFi games popping up currently and gamers need a way to sift through all of them to find the best ones. Toxicity is also present in many different games that hurts the overall experience. We feel that making the social experience and shared community environment first is critical towards our longevity. We’re tackling the mission of bringing more users into the crypto space and by extension, everyone in the industry will benefit.
Tools, plugins, knowledge, and resources are somewhat slim for those wanting to create DeFi games. Epic and Unity have great resources available to make game development much easier, but Unity has limited, native crypto support and UE engine has none. We hope to change that by providing support to our own in house games and those hoping to make their own games.
Frumps | OIG: We love the idea of removing the toxicity and creating a social experience and shared community environment!
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): Gamers just wanna game!
Frumps | OIG: These are huge aims your project have, you need an incredible team to deliver on them, which I know you have. Can you tell our community a little about the core teams experience and qualifications?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): We have an incredibly talented team that has so much experience in the crypto and gaming world. The team behind OGLife is top notch and I’m looking forward to putting out more and more about the project in the future. Daniel Saito as the CEO of StrongNode and co-founder of OGLife and Colin Charles as CTO of StrongNode both contributed to the $1B exit of MySQL and then went on to create MariaDB, two of the most widely used technologies for anyone that uses databases for anything including game development. Daniel also launched a game on SEGA and developed the networking service for SEGA.NET. Kim Salzer is our CMO and she’s worked on Second Life, The Sims Online (huge inspirations for OGLife platform), Call of Duty, Pogo, and EA Sports services. Her experiences at Activision Blizzard and Electronic Arts are a big part of our connection to the industry. Evan Kubes has joined our marketing crew and founded Rumble Gaming which manages over 700 of the biggest esports and gaming influencers in the world. Of course, our very own OGLife League Ambassador is Abbe “DieHardBirdie” Borg, the oldest CS:GO senior world champion.
In addition to the executive team, we also have added some incredibly talented members to the game development team who I’ve worked with in the past on various projects. We’re planning to launch OGLife and continue to develop more games beyond the multiverse in the future.
Frumps | OIG: This is honestly one of the most talented teams I have ever seen on one project! Just reading this excites me greatly!
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): I love working with this team every day. It’s really inspiring to work with people with such high caliber careers.
Frumps | OIG: It is exceptional! I can imagine all these great minds bouncing ideas off each other
Can you outline the different features that Original Gamer Life has to offer?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): Original Gamer Life is a social impact element and a user acquisition strategy for the larger StrongNode ecosystem. We are the first incubated project launched under Tkyo Labs, the Innovation entity behind StrongNode and more projects in our growing ecosystem. We want to help bridge the gap between DeFi and traditional gaming. Building a multiverse helps us introduce others to the myriad of metaverses coming together.
We’ll also be hosting games like ARK, ATLAS, Arma3, and many more with our own mods and content creators. We’ve promised a minecraft server so that’s a top priority. We have a Call of Duty Mobile Clan where our OGLife Telegram group gets together and play with each other. More game servers will be coming up shortly including our participation in an ATLAS MMO Roleplaying community called DarksideRP, one of my favorite communities around. OGL will reflect the current Free-to-Play mechanics that most games are launching with these days to make it familiar to gamers of all types whether they’re into crypto or not.
The project has been described back to me as Twitch meets Steam. We offer content creation tools, chat, and social interaction features combined with a crypto marketplace where you can purchase NFTs, physical board and tabletop games, skins, and premium objects to place in your virtual home within the multiverse. We’re taking the current gamer hangouts and adding in a crypto layer that will unlock so many possibilities.
I’m also incredibly excited about our governance system. We took some of the best examples from all the celebrated democracies throughout history to come up with something truly unique. If you imagine Ancient Greece with their open democracies, the Roman Senate, and the Signoria of Medieval Florence then you’ll get an idea of how we’re creating a tricameral body of governance, one where no matter how much you have staked, you get to participate while making it fair and focused to create something special where gamers will decide the fate of OGLife.
Frumps | OIG: Twitch meets stream! creating a tricameral body of governance! bridge the gap between DeFi and traditional gaming!
There is so many amazing things to take in! Brilliant stuff! This has such grand potential!
Can you explain the play to thrive concept to us?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): Here at Original Gamer Life, we PLAY to THRIVE. Our Play-to-Thrive concept refers to our health and wellness activities where you will work out or read or learn right alongside your avatar. We wanted to build a gaming community that has a focus on health and wellness and crypto helps us achieve that with incentives for our users. OGLife is here to help provide a community of positive experiences and get people connected to resources for them to pursue further or do with it what they will. OGLife is a social impact community just as much as it is a game/multiverse, token or a platform for games.
We combined the Free to Play model most mobile and MMORPG recognize, with Play to Earn, which is unique to DeFi, and create the Play to Thrive business model with our earning mechanics based around health and wellness as well as social activities.
Frumps | OIG: Brilliant to hear, clearly gaming can be used for many benefits, including social, emotional, mental and physical wellbeing! Great stuff!
What is the $OGL token used for? Why should people buy and hold this? When are where can we get our hands on it?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): I always recommend doing your own research before buying to ensure you understand exactly what you’re getting into. $OGL is our native token in our OGL economy. As for our $OGL token utility, we focus around our marketplace and rewards for involvement in the community. One of the more interesting aspects of our vesting schedule is that the team is locked up for 4 years like any other professional organization would, for example, Apple or Google. The team is in it for the long term and our tokenomics reflect that.
You’ll be able to buy skins for your profile, or NFTs that extend the wardrobe and features for your character or your virtual home. There is tipping for fellow gamers or as a guild leader to help incentivize involvement from your own community. There will be staking for governance as part of our Council of Gamers to act as a DAO. There will be a tiered system for DAOs for each game or guild that is hosted by OGLife. We want to add depth to the social and interaction layers that most players are familiar with in any other game. Our business model very closely matches most free-to-play MMORPGs or mobile games on the market today. We just replaced the premium currency system with crypto. It’s central to the whole Play to Thrive concept.
Our team is currently working on having everything ready for our IDO launch and $OGL token sale in the coming weeks. We are looking to host our $OGL IDO on several launchpads and we’re finalizing details with the launchpads now. More information regarding our IDO plans will be announced in the coming days, so please stay tuned for that. Join our Telegram group for the latest OGL updates: https://t.me/originalgamerlife
Frumps | OIG: This is clearly a long term project, so great to hear the 4-year lock. There is clearly great use and benefit to having $OGL, so I recommend to our community to join the OGL telegram group for updates on how to join your upcoming IDO!
What has OGL achieved so far that you are proud of and what things are coming up in your roadmap that we should know about?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): The OGLife roadmap is available on the website but our IDO and $OGL token launch is the priority for the coming weeks. We’re already starting streams for the community and playing games. More game servers will be coming up shortly including our participation in an ATLAS MMO Roleplaying community called DarksideRP, one of my favorite communities around. Come sail some ships with us in our massive fleet! Or play some rocket league or COD Mobile with our community already.
The Whitepaper is also in final review, but it is a living document that will be constantly updated as we refine more of the requirements. It’s getting more details and technical aspects added on the daily transferred over from the game design document. The community itself is already gaming, so that is ready now.
We also joined the Defi Gaming Coalition, so we’re excited to be partnered there. You may have seen in the recent news that DieHardBirdie is recruiting for his Golden Snipers Team and we sent a showmatch challenge to Matagi Snipers. We’ll also be heading to gaming conventions like Dreamhack, PAX, E3, and much more to spread the word of crypto gaming and OGLife itself.
The multiverse game is up on our test server. We posted a server build and are doing multi user testing already. I’m hoping to have screenshots of the metaverse with our first UI available soon. I’m excited to share our multiverse soon.
Frumps | OIG: You have clearly been very busy and have already achieved some very impressive feats!
There is also many exciting things coming, the multiverse game sounds very interesting!
Well @StrategyBro at this point we’d like to turn it over to our community questions on Twitter
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): Alright, let’s do it!
Community Twitter Questions
Original Gamer Life is an element of social impact. It is a user acquisition strategy for the larger StrongNode ecosystem. But how do they build a gaming community that focuses on health and wellness and crypto, and how do they help achieve this with user incentives?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): As we have mentioned earlier, Original Gamer Life is a social impact element and a user acquisition strategy for the larger StrongNode ecosystem. We are the first incubated project launched under Tkyo Labs, the Innovation entity behind StrongNode and more projects in our growing ecosystem.
We wanted to build a community and build a positive experience that will benefit everyone in the OGLife platform. We build for our community first and foremost, which are the gamers. OGlife is part of the StrongNode ecosystem and focuses on gaming introducing SN and crypto at large to the 3 billion gamers of the world. The important thing to know is that $OGL has its own token, marketplace, and economy within the StrongNode family. It takes the StrongNode Edge ecosystem beyond crypto and involves a social impact mission.
We take the Free-to-Play model just about every mobile game and most MMOs are adopting these days and apply the micro-rewards business model that they adopt with the option to purchase additional premium currency.
Frumps | OIG:
Great answer!
Question 2)
Metaverse, metaverse, metaverse! They are quite abundant now and it doesn’t seem like that’s stopping. How do you plan to get people onboard to be a part of your metaverse over the ones that are already well established or much more developed?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): As a gamer, I love games so we want to help bridge the gap between DeFi and traditional gaming. Building a multiverse helps us introduce others to the myriad of metaverses coming together. We wanted to help connect the gamers with the games they enjoy the most, to introduce crypto through DeFi and NFT games that exist today and through traditional gaming (PC, console, mobile, browser, etc.) outlets where we’ll have guilds and communities.
We do this through our connections within the wider gaming industry. A lot of new DeFi games are coming out, but not all of them have connections to the traditional gaming industry. That’s where we come in. Not only are we connected to publishers, developers, gamer news organizations, influencers, etc. but we also have ties to gaming events like Dreamhack, E3, Gamescom, PAX, and many others like DragonCon, GenCon, Comic Con and beyond.
Frumps | OIG: You have huge connections and will be the bridge between many amazing projects!
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): Many of us were part of the original metaverses many years ago so we know how this all works :)
Frumps | OIG: The Original Gamers!
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): yep!
Question 3)
The Play2Earn concept that OrigGamerLife brings is very interesting, by playing we get real results and it is integrated with the StrongNodeEdge Network to get $SNE and $OGL, are both tokens obtained at the same time? Or just one?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): Both at the same time is possible in our multiverse. StrongNode will be running underneath the application, so you’re already earning $SNE, but completing the daily health and wellness tasks while participating in other activities on OGLife will earn you $OGL.
Frumps | OIG: Amazing for all users!
OGLife delivers content, services, events, in-game NFT, streaming and E-sports, and apart from earning $OGL we also get partner tokens, so how do we get those partner tokens, and what partners are integrated with OGLife?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): StrongNode is building an entire ecosystem of projects including OGLife. Once we’ve got OGL out the door you’ll start to see what the other teams are working on and how they integrate into the StrongNode ecosystem. You’ll be able to earn those tokens on those platforms and possibly through cross partner activities within our multiverse. OGLife gets gamers involved, but in the future other verticals like pet owners and others will get integrated into the platform. For pets, it only makes sense because you can have a virtual pet follow you around and interact with the multiverse. The possibilities beyond that are endless and we are only limited by our imagination.
We are partnered up with CryptoTanks and have several others coming up soon where we’ll offer features like access to their NFTs to import objects from their game. Imagine linking a CryptoTanks NFT to your avatar and suddenly it shows up in your driveaway and that’s your mode of transportation around our world.
Project Oasis is also on our list of partners :)
Frumps | OIG: Your project has no limits! These partnerships and the potential collaboration outcomes excite us immensely
I could see on your Twitter that you work with Abbe Borg a senior CounterStrike world champion but why did you decide to work with Abbe and what benefits can he bring to OGLife? Can the community see Abbe Borg as an inspiration to better themselves day by day in gaming and life?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): As the world’s oldest esports champ, we’re so happy to have Abbe “DieHardBirdie” as our League Ambassador. He was also the inspiration behind OGLife and our mission in creating social impact through gaming and promoting health and wellness activities. He is an inspiration both as an individual and as a gamer. He would always say that age is just a number and he stands against ageism and sexism in the gaming community. He is a proof that all of us can take our time and be better improving our gaming and life skills regardless of our age. Original Gamer Life reflects our passion for gaming and our vision in changing the lives of people and promoting health and wellness through playing video games. In OGLife, we PLAY to THRIVE.
Frumps | OIG: What a perfect Ambassador who reflects the values of OGL
Well @StrategyBro this about sums up our time here at the OIG Main Stage! It has been amazing to hear about your incredible project. Thank you for your insightful answers and the OIG community are fully behind Original Gamer Life!
Are there any final words you would like to leave with our community?
Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): You can reach us at our official Original Gamer Life social media channels and pages below:
🖥 website: https://ogl.tv/
🐤 Twitter: https://twitter.com/OrigGamerLife
📕 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/oglife/
📞 Main TG Chat — https://t.me/originalgamerlife
💫 Announcements — https://t.me/origgamerlifeNEWS
📘 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OriginalGamerLife
🚀 Discord: https://discord.gg/QWx9gGmwfY
So happy to have spent this time with you all, thank you!
Frumps | OIG: OIG family, go and check out and follow OGL’s socials! Thank you again @StrategyBro!
See you soon OIG family, stay blessed!