First TCG GameFi on BSC. Hearthstone-inspired with DAO and DeFi elements.
Saigon 💎 | OIG: Greetings OIG Community! Welcome back to the second of our AMA Series of the day! We have with us Monster Battle! A Hearthstone-inspired TCG style GameFi project, aiming to provide users with both an exciting game experience to monetize their gaming talents and finesse.
We have with us @felixmonsterbattle (CMO).
Felix, can you please introduce yourself to our community?
Felix J. | Monster Battle: Thanks for having me here!
Hi everyone, I am Felix, CMO at Monster Battle, raised in Singapore and Japan, and I am effectively native in English, Japanese and Chinese :)
I did some new business-related consulting with Deloitte China and some boutique Japanese consulting firm before joining this project, though I have had BD and translation experience in crypto since university years.
Saigon 💎 | OIG: Very impressive mate! You are very well travelled! Let’s get into the exciting project that is Monster Battle!
What is Monster Battle, and how would you explain it to our community?
Felix J. | Monster Battle: Monster Battle in short, is the first TCG GameFi on BSC. We are inspired by Hearthstone, but we learned from Splinterlands so we will have both auto and manual combat modes. In addition to GameFi, we also have the good old DeFi (like yield farming, you can stake your NFT cards and earn BUSD now, this is a TIME-LIMITED OFFER)and DAO elements.
Saigon 💎 | OIG: Awesome! Hearthstone is a great inspiration and it’s clear that Monster Battle has transformed this play style into it’s very own with the unique artstyle!
Who are the team behind the game? What experiences and qualifications do they have that will help make this game a big success?
Felix J. | Monster Battle: Other members come from mainly Singapore, Japan and China, and all have extensive experience in crypto as well as other industries (XR, VR, AI etc.) before joining the project. We are trying to make the team more global and one of our focus will be to recruit talents globally, even now for example we are already in talks with a UK designer.
And this is our second project, the first is called Toy Ways on EOS, and although it failed because EOS is not really popular, albeit we learned a lot from it and absorbed many best practices of the industry.
Saigon 💎 | OIG: Gotcha, we’re glad to see that you’ve taken the experiences of past projects to bring this one forward!
What will the gameplay look like? Can you give us an overview of the different game modes?
Felix J. | Monster Battle: Right, so the main classification will be PvP (play against real players)/PvE (play against NPCs) and autoplay/manual modes. There are both autoplay and manual modes for PVE but only manual mode for PvP for obvious reasons haha.
The autoplay mode for PvE is already developed but it will only be launched after Pancake listing because it rewards users MBC tokens that are not in circulation yet. Manual modes will take few more months to develop, but it is already under active development, as you can see from the trailer.
Saigon 💎 | OIG: Very exciting gameplay! Great to see that you are building many different modes for users to enjoy!
Can you tell us the key details about your monster cards and Summoner cards?
Felix J. | Monster Battle: Right, monster cards are pretty self-explanatory but I will explain a little bit about summoner cards.. They are your in game avatars and will boost the attributes of the monsters. Currently, only monster cards are available to be drawn from blind boxes. Summoner cards will appear a few months later.
Saigon 💎 | OIG: Gotcha. This creates a very nice tiered differentiation for the different cards within the game! Very curious to learn more about these summoner cards!
How does the NFT Mining work?
Felix J. | Monster Battle: So it is essentially yield farming, and we are currently rewarding early adopters by letting them yield BUSD out of it. Obviously it wont last very long so I encourage people to get on board asap to take advantage of it. There is only like 20 INO boxes on Liquidifty and we have already sold out the first 2000 at Babylons. The link is here:
In the future, it will be configured to yield tickets which are necessary to engage in PvEs.
Mining returns depend on mining power, a function of monster’s rarity, the rarer the higher the return. It also depends on total mining power of the pool as a percentage of the total mining power of the 5 pools (corresponding to the 5 elements), this time round the lower the better because we want to give people incentive to stake in less staked pools to balance out the pools.
Saigon 💎 | OIG:Wow, interesting mechanism. Not at all surprised that the first 2000 was sold out immediately. There is a ton of demand right now for Monster Battle assets!
Let’s talk about the token itself. What is the utility of your $MBC token?
Felix J. | Monster Battle: MBC is our in game currency. Utilities are summarized below:
Saigon 💎 | OIG: Governance, In-Game Content, NFT Marketplace and Access to Future Content. Excellent.
Can you tell us what you have achieved so far in your roadmap and what exciting things are still to come?
Felix J. | Monster Battle: Yeah basically absorbing all the good stuff about crypto, across gamefi, nft and DAO.
Haha we are still at the nascent stages so as to way, I think we’ve gotten ourselves a strong community and investor base, and there's so much to do!
This is our roadmap.
One thing I would like to emphasize is that since it still needs few months for the manual mode to mature, we will maintain the hype by releasing interesting contents along the way.
For example for Christmas, we are thinking of coming up with time limited NFTs which will allow people to talk to their monsters in real time using our partner’s SDK solution, and if possible, we want to do 3D modeling as well.
Saigon 💎 | OIG: Amazing roadmap, we will be looking forward to all of these upcoming milestones including some holiday cheer!
Well @felixmonsterbattle at this point we’d like to turn it over to our community questions on Twitter where we had a great turnout for Monster Battle!
Community Twitter Questions
Question 1)
Felix J. | Monster Battle: Haha this is a really interesting idea, allowing users to initiate tournaments, and so they can customize the rules a little bit and cater to a niche community. It is definitely an interesting idea that we will look into. But first things first, we must get the manual mode out yet, with robust game mechanics, that is the KSF of tcg gamefis right I mean. Once we achieve that, there are so many we could do, game modes is one, another one is NFT related endeavours like exploring the concept of land as an asset since our game is based off a continent, the possibilities are endless but we must get our priorities right, this is key for a nascent startup.
Saigon 💎 | OIG: Excellent! Always appreciate looking at community feedback!
Question 2)
Felix J. | Monster Battle: Yes our system is in fact deployed on bsc testnet, and it started before we launched the system into mainnet, so yes that can definitely be used as a practice tool . It will also be used for us and our partners to test out new functionalities before we roll them out officially.
Saigon 💎 | OIG: Perfect
Question 3)
Felix J. | Monster Battle: Haha this is probably one of the most asked questions. To engage in GameFi, DeFi and/or DAO, you need to at least have one of our NFTs. Our 2nd INO is still ongoing at Liquidifity, but theres only 20 left out of 1000 so please hurry!
The price is 0.3 bnb for each, and the good thing about INO boxes is that you wont draw the lowest rarity cards (white) that severely impacts you ability to earn.
As for scholarships, we have already partnered with one of the largest game guilds Unix so scholarships will be rolled out in the form of working with them.
Saigon 💎 | OIG: Very limited access!!
Well @felixmonsterbattle this about sums up our time here at the OIG Main Stage. Are there any final words you would like to leave with our community?
Felix J. | Monster Battle: Under Radar🎯: Monster Battle 🚀🚀
🎮 Monster Battle Is First TCG GameFi on BSC.Hearthstone-inspired with DAO and DeFi elements.
💰Earn Features With NFTs
1) DeFi: Stake NFTs For Stable Coins Then Farm Stable Coins To Earn NFTs.
2) GameFi: Play With NPCs To Earn MBCs.
3) Marketplace : Sell NFTs.
4) DAO: TBA.
⬛️ Launchpad: Milkyway EX, Safelaunch, DAOStarter, MetaPlay, Hoppy, Gamestarter
🚀 Listing: PancakeSwap
⬜️ Metrics
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
IDO Price: 0.008$
Initial MarketCap : $416,000
🎬 Tailer:
🎮 Game:
Monster Battle Socials:
WebSite | Twitter | Telegram | Discord
Yeah this is a quick summary of the project if you like tldrs.
Saigon 💎 | OIG: Love the preparation mate! Thank you for your time in stopping by with us to share details about Monster Battle! We’re extremely excited to be a part of this journey!
Felix J. | Monster Battle: Yeah we are extremely glad that OIG decided to invest in us too. We will work hard to not disappoint you and proof that your decision is right hahas.
Saigon 💎 | OIG: Well OIG thank you for your support once again! We have more exciting AMA’s lined up this week so please check back for more amazing conversations and amazing rewards!
Stay blessed OIG! ✨🐣