OIG AMA with Mech Master

OIG Group
10 min readOct 18, 2021


Mech Master is a first-ever 3D Turn-based Mecha Blockchain game with strategic RPG elements, where you can earn tokens through skillful gameplay and smart trading. Mech Master offers multiple different gameplay such as battle, developing Moonbase, and collecting Dark Matter. Let’s tune in to find out our gameplay!

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Hello OIG Family! Welcome to our AMA with Mech Master, an incredible up-and-coming strategic turn-based RPG! With us today is Ron the CMO.

Welcome to our OIG channel Ron!

Ron R: hey Saigon, thank you for invite me here and arrange all this. Glad to be here with the OIG community today to share more about Mech Master!

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Glad that you could join us today. This AMA has been in the works for some time! Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your background that led you to Mech Master?

Ron R: Nice! I’m Ron Nguyen, CMO of Mirai Studio, the studio behind Mech Master. I personally have 10+ years of experience in marketing in general, am a full-stake marketing person myself, and a fanboy of decentralized tech.

A pleasure to meet all of you here.

Since I’ve been doing marketing for tech companies, naturally, I would stumble upon Blockchain right? This tech is the future without the shadow of doubts. So I met Quang, also the founder of the project and started Mirai studio.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Awesome mate! Sounds like we have a very similar marketing background 🔥

How and why was Mech Master formed? Who are the team that are bringing this fantastic game to life?

Ron R: So, I met Quang in our past projects in our previous companies and we found ourselves as friends at first. Then Quang met Thi Truong, founder of Icetea Labs / PolkaFoundery. We had some of the discussion regarding GameFi project and that was when the idea of starting off a game studio was born. So here we are today with Mech Master, the debut game of Mirai Studio.

Mech Master’s project is the result of the contribution of 30+ people. We are a team of experts and highly skilled individuals across the country, who come together for one mission only — creating this incredible Mecha game for everyone.

Our team is based in Vietnam, and we came from many international game companies established here in Vietnam, such as Microsoft Publish, Gameloft, Scopely and so on.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Very cool! Tons of cumulative experience all around and a very impressive background from each of your team members.

The storyline of Mech Master is amazing and very innovative, can you explain to us the key features of the game and what makes it so unique and stand out in a busy GameFi industry?

Ron R: Let me see. I don’t know man, what’s unique about it? 😅 jk!

Mech Master is an upcoming P2E NFT game. It’s the first-ever 3D Turn-based Mecha Blockchain game, with strategic RPG elements, where users can earn tokens through skillful gameplay and smart trading.

Mech Master is a strategic turn-based RPG game where players are open to build their own territory with future technologies and protect their homeland.

In the Mech universe, you are challenged to collect giant fighting machines and futuristic weapons to save the world. Being an experienced pilot in Augmented Reality, you set yourself apart from other players with unique tactics and sharp decision-making skills.

Being a blockchain game in a sci-fi setting, not only combat arenas will earn you a reward, but you can also profit from battles by earning Mech tokens.

Let me show a video introducing the P2E part of Mech Master as below.

Players can assemble a lineup full Mech Master competitive advantage, including:

⁃ Top-notch graphic

⁃ Huge number of NFT items -> The larger the market, based on the number of mechas

⁃ Brand new and from the scratch coding

- The most balanced game algorithm on the market

- Gunpla culture from Japan

  • Metaverse implementation.

Saigon 💎 | OIG:Oh man, excellent breakdown. And great promo video. The artwork in Mech Master reminds me a lot of Gundam Wing, so lots of nostalgia there that I’m sure players will appreciate!

The idea of controlling giant robots and fighting with them to make real money sounds amazing, can you explain how the gameplay will work in Mech Master, it is luck or skill-based?

Ron R: In the Mech universe, players are challenged to collect massive combat machines and futuristic weapons to save the world. Becoming an experienced pilot in the Metaverse, players set themselves apart from other players with unique tactics and sharp decision-making skills.

Mech Master offers players PVP and PVE matches with a minimum of 3 Mechas (as we call the robots in the game) for a single battle, up to 5 Mechas per battle. So, it’s up to 10 mechas in a match. Each Mecha moves in turn and each mecha has its own advantages as well as the combination of weapons and components that create different mechas suitable for different playstyles.

Tactical strategy is important, meaning that a weaker Mecha army retains the same chance of victory as higher stats Mechas. The critical thing here is still how to use battle tactics to win the opponent, combined with the strength of each Mecha. The Mechas, although weak in stats, still have elements to create unexpected antagonism.

A fun fact, in the Mech Master team, there is a chess master and he plays a key role in balancing the Mechas, avoiding the existent of too-strong Mechas with absolute wins.

Mech Master is a play-to-earn game, not a pay-to-win game. Pay to win is boring, isn’t it? ✅

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Whoa, a Chess Master. That’s a very cool game balancer that can eliminate crazy meta’s or overpowered characters! Awesome that you thought of an equalizer design for the battle system!

The $MECH token seems like an integral part of the ecosystem of this game, can you outline for our community the utility of the token?

Ron R: great, as been typing too much, please accept the answer of this question with the following image 😄

Saigon 💎 | OIG: They say a picture is worth a thousand words. And that definitely answers the question and more 😛

Very well designed infographic mate, but ofc that is something we already know from the entire project!

We read that the Mech Universe contains rare and unique NFT collectables representing characters, machines, land, and different kinds of items in the Mech Master game. How exactly will the NFTS be used in this game, will you have a marketplace for them? how will this tie into the play to earn aspect of the game?

Ron R: Yeah, thanks for asking the question man, can’t wait to show off our NFT.

Mech Master universe being a P2E NFT game comprises numerous unique and NFT collectables representing characters, machines, land, and various kinds of items in the Mech Master game. There are multiple tiers of collectibles each representing a different value and uniqueness. The more unique an NFT, the harder it is to get in the gameplay.

One of the more important NFTs is called Mecha NFT which is an ERC-721 NFT collectible. It represents a giant fighting machine in the Mech universe. This is the centerpiece of Mech Master’s gameplay, as players will use their Mechas to compete with others. There are 5 tiers of the rarity of Mecha, Equipment, and Pilot.

● Common

● Uncommon

● Rare

● Epic

● Legendary

Apart from these five there will also be two special tiers for:

● Limited time items

● Set Equipment

There will be a different NFT category for distinct roles and according to gameplay. For example, a Pilot is an ERC-721 collectible representing a character who can control the Mecha.

Training for a new Mecha pilot is an exceedingly tough task and requires a lot of resources. But the advantages each pilot brings to the Mecha are indisputable. Each Pilot has a special ability, and when combined with the suitable Mecha, they will create an unstoppable duo.

Similarly, Moonbase has its own NFT which is an ERC-721 NFT collectible representing a piece of land on the moon. There is only one Moon in the Mech universe, so the number of Moonbase is limited. Moonbase is required to build any Settlement.

Mech Master takes the P2E ecosystem to the next level with its gameplay and unique NFT collectible formula. While there are numerous projects trying to bank on the NFT rush, only the likes of Mech Master has the best of both worlds to succeed in the next generation of NFT projects i.e an engrossing gameplay that can attract hardcore gamers as well as leisure ones, while NFT collectibles give an opportunity of investment.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Wow! This is incredible stuff, you are combining all the elements of traditional mobile gaming with an amazing reward and collectibles system that continues to provide value to users! There is so much to love here.

Can you tell our community what is coming up in Q4 for Mech Master that we should be aware of and what are the more long term goals in 2022?

Ron R: For sure. We’ve already had the plan for Mech Master to grow in the next 5 years with all the features and updates are in the plan. The big update will be released in 5 months, after the full game is released in Q1–2021 with 17 new features in a plan to make players exciting.

I’m not sure if I’m allowed to leak here 🙂 just a question, what do you think if you can get your Mechas in a slide & slash game? Exciting right? Also, PVP and PVE battles between 10 mechas maximum are just the beginning. We plan to allow players who own Mechas and land to hire mercenaries so that they can earn faster. But they need to be good at the game first.

At the end of the day, Mech Master is still a strategy game, having better mechas doesn’t mean a guaranteed win.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Slide & Slash? 👀

You are the gift that keeps on giving.

Well Ron, at this point of the AMA I’d like to turn it over to Twitter and check out some of the community questions that have been asked.


Twitter question 1)

Ron R: actually Mech Master is all 3D game with 3D characters and all of its surroundings, effects and so on… However, yes, for starting, it’s all in 2D. Let me show you the process to be clear.

Here is how it all started. This is the legion

Then we build it to here, still in 2D

it’s the final here

Saigon 💎 | OIG: That is very cool. You have some TALENTED people on your design team… Can you build us an OIG Mech? 😅

Twitter question 2)

Ron R The main reason is that this chain has many users in our target market. Also, game-like Mech Master creates big numbers of transactions. Gas fee on BSC is considered as the most affordable on the market and it’s a good reason to attract players.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Makes sense.

Twitter question 3)

Ron R: sure! Mech Master is for gamers, even hard-core gamers, and also traders and gamers who trade.

So, you can see that we aim for traders as well. Traders ain’t play. So what do they do? They can buy many mechas and they can hire other players to play for them. This is a win-win decision as players they can take a commision of out of their winning.

This way also helps players don’t want to spend money to invest in the game, instead they just want to play the game.

Mech Master is a free world. We allow them all.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Awesome model Ron R

Well brother, that about sums up our AMA with Mech Master. Any final words you’d like to leave for our OIG family Ron?

Ron R: sure, we’d love to have the support of OIG community for Mech Master, especially on the IDO on the 24 OCT.

We also have channels for non-English speakers, aim to the markets which are exciting about Mech Master. If you can’t find your language, feel free to request us to open.

Mech Master Official Social Media Links:

🌐Website: https://mechmaster.io/

🎯Twitter: https://twitter.com/MechMaster_IO

🗣 Official Discussion Channel:

Mech Master Global Channel: https://t.me/MechMaster_Official

Feel free to reach us on any above channels to find more about us and would love to welcome you guys!



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