OIG AMA with Kyberdyne

OIG Group
21 min readFeb 27, 2022


Kyberdyne: The Only BSC #Metaverse Platform that rewards Deck-Builders with NFTs.

Spicey | OIG:
Welcome back OIG family to another exciting episode in our AMA series. Today I had the privilege of speaking to Steven who is the CBDO of Kyberdyne games. Kyberdyne games is going to be the first blockchain-based deck-building game and it brings a huge potential to gamers as a free to join game or play to earn game with NFT’s and much more. Join us as we go through this epic adventure of what Kyberdynee is, Hey Steven, welcome to our show. Really excited to have you here. We really want to get to know what Kyberdyne is all about. Could you describe what Kyberdyne is and just give us a intro into how you got started with it?

Sure. Thank you for having me. And thanks for everybody for watching this. So let me just get right into it. So Kyberdyne is a deck-building game. But it’s much more than that. It has also roguelike strategy elements. And it’s also going to be integrated in the metaverse where players can occupy land, build their own basis, defend them or go on the attack or harassment against their opponents. So it offers much more than a card game, which sometimes it’s perceived that and as such, it’s actually the first blockchain-based deck-building game. But again, I will not put it into that kind of narrow definition, because as you can see from the gameplay is extremely dynamic, and interesting,

Spicey | OIG:
For sure! and quite the ambitious game with all the different mechanics that we’re obviously going to get into it in the AMA. But could you tell us more about the team and their experience and how that’s going to help them build this game?

Yeah, absolutely. So how the game started actually, the Kyberdyne team is part of AAA game development studio. So they’re all veterans. average more than 12 years experience for the senior team in various senior positions some of the biggest gaming labels in the industry, including Ubisoft and Tencent, pioneers of esport and they have under this leaf as developers, designers, project managers and so on senior positions, big blockbuster games, including Assassin’s Creed, Dragon’s nest, Torchlight, heroes four and so on. And they discovered that okay, gaming is getting very hot in the blockchain, but the games that they noticed, weren’t that entertaining actually, they’re more like gamification they were more like tools for mining, so the play to ear which is great invention of course, was more focused on the Earn part. So what they wanted to do in one simple phrase is bring the P the play up to the world-class gaming level.

Spicey | OIG:
And you really made a good point about the blockchain gaming space and how supersaturated it is with a lot of games that aren’t really to put up Frank, fun and that’s the main reason that we get players to even enjoy a game right so focusing on that aspect as well as the play to earn aspect is key and creating an immersive experience. And I’m blown away that the team that you have has worked on such I mean like you listed out all those games that I mean they’re pretty big games like Assassin’s Creed, Dota two that that’s really impressive experience to have on a team for Kyberdyne. So with the blockchain-based game world exploding, what are the features that Kyberdyne brings to the table that will differentiate themselves from the competition?

Sure, I mean, I would summarise it this two main features. So first, of course, the gameplay as we mentioned, we want the immersive factor, the addictiveness factor that makes you like lose your sleep and enrage your relatives. But I’m an avid gamer. I’ve been there. And so that’s one thing that we want to make accessible to blockchain players as well. At the end, you don’t want to just play as a job to try to generate some income. We want our players to have it all, basically, to really, really enjoy themselves, to be addicted to the gameplay to be entertained, have unique experiences throughout each chapter throughout each battle that they have in Kyberdyne and at the same time, enjoy all the benefits for played for what’s more. Our designers are not just game designers or developers, they are very experienced in all aspects of the game, including the gaming economy, you know, traditional games, they have economies and money, as well. Well, all that is also brought to the blockchain space to make sustainable and attractive and motivating game economy with all the benefits of play to earn, plus much more features that I’ll get into later, but I’ll just mention dynamic NFT’s personalization, customization and so on.

Spicey | OIG:
So that’s very interesting. And you mentioned the NFT’s can you go into them a little more in detail and what makes them so special?

Sure, I’ll be more than happy to so there are a few features that we’re introducing that we hope the communities will enjoy. One of them is dynamic benefits. So a lot of games come with pre minted NFT’s kind of static images, basically, that is again used mostly for mining, liquidity and so on. But there are a few options, for example, customising the appearance, right? Well, Kyberdyne has two advantages here, one, it’s, it’s using a custom build game engine, which makes the rendering capabilities stronger than most, let’s say, even traditional games. So this allows us to personalise each character up to the tiniest detail. Later, we can show a slide that shows some of the options, but you can customise the lips, the eyebrows, the eye colour, skin colour, facial hair, everything, basically make it make the character pure as you wish. And even like your virtual doppelganger, right, or like any anybody else you want, we have four races, each of them fully customizable. And in your deck, you have eight cards that you go into battle with. So each of them, you can basically make it your own, and very unique. Not just that, but even if you are busy, or you prefer the engine to generate the card for you, they have a AI algorithm that makes sure that each newly generated card is unique in a combination of features. So that just makes sure that no two Kyberdyne cards are exactly the same, which is what NFTs is all about. And on the other side, not just the appearance, each character is going to different careers and can have different upgrades. So then, with all that power of customization, personalization, you are basically in control of your NFT and your whole deck of cards. And we hope people enjoy that more than like premade off the shelf cards

Spicey | OIG:
For sure. And, you know, having it pretty much sounds like an endless amount of unique NFT’s. Because you can either have the algorithm or you can choose the features yourself. So it’s almost like every single person in the entire galaxy will have their own unique catered NFT to them their liking. Is that right?

Yeah, absolutely. You can see that their combinations are limitless. So yeah, even if the entire galaxy is more than hundreds of billions of combinations. I think I haven’t done the math, actually. But I’ll try to get back to you. But yeah, it’s, it’s very hard to, to even if you try to make exactly the same card, and that includes the appearance plus, as I mentioned, the upgrades and various paths and so on.

Spicey | OIG:
Really cool stuff. It just gives everybody a chance to be unique, and that’s what everybody’s looking for in the metaverse too right to really showcase who they are. And that’s amazing and you also touched on a very key mechanic and like you said in every game which is the monetary energy within the game. So, could you explain the native tokens that are associated with Kyberdyne?

Sure. So as I mentioned, the team is very experienced in traditional gaming and sophisticated economies in those. And then now we add an additional layer, which is the blockchain layer. The game was built for blockchain from scratch and as such, its economies deeply integrated, and therefore it could be deployed into the cross-chain as well. But what, what tokens do we have, we have two tokens, alright, well, one is called KBD. For Kyberdyne which is our native token, it’s the game energy is the token that is now actually on the ongoing IDO, and will be listed on exchanges as well, as soon after. And this token is used for a number of ways to generate income once you can stake it. When you stake it, you can earn some NFT Card fragments, you can bet it into arena player versus player battles, a beautifully designed environment or arenas where you can challenge anybody and bet on yourself. Not on the other guy, because that could create conflicts of interest. And you can learn that as well. Also, the KBD is the game energy. So whenever you play battle, you end up expanding some of that, as well. As they mentioned, you can always replenish from an exchange, you can also use it to upgrade your cards to NFT level and beyond. I’ll get more into that later. And also you can at the end of each chapter, use some of your NFT’s there to do some mining. So there are many ways that you can use our token. The secondary token, which is more for the in gameplay, like the game in gold or money, it’s called their KGOLD. That one is also a blockchain token. But we don’t plan to list it separately. It’s used for gameplay items. Basically, as you play versus the environment, you can earn as you complete some missions or tasks, or if you find items you can sell. Also, you can buy items and those items, then you can incorporate them in your future card upgrades to make your cards stronger reaching the level and beyond that,

Spicey | OIG:
There’s a huge connection between the tokens as well as the NFT’s utility and they work to coincide with each other. And like you said, KGOLD is typically going to be used within the game but KBD is that game energy. So really cool stuff and even mentioned, the NFT’s, it doesn’t stop with just the customization, you can also upgrade your skills within that NFT is that right to?

Absolutely. So here’s, I’ll just give a simple scenario. Our game is free to join. So anybody who comes will get airdropped, eight cards. For a deck that is necessary for play, they can play versus for free, we even give them some KBD for free, right, they can experience the game see they like it without any investment. And then, of course only to don’t run out of energy don’t need to replenish it. But by this point, we hope they will have been convinced that there’s something that’s worth it for them for a time, etc. Any fees themselves, they’re all cards. So all with deck building game, you have a deck of cards, those cards start not as NFTs, as you keep upgrading them though, and you can there are a few ways to upgrade them. Actually, maybe I’ll touch on them now. So the three ways actually you can upgrade your cards to reaching the level which is three stars and beyond that. So first, you can just incorporate in game items such as weapons or armour or other stuff that you could make your character stronger. So they will be now as part of this your card forever. For this, you’ll need to spend either some KGOLD to buy those items or if you already found them, you earn them, you can use them directly. Of course, there are opportunity costs, because you could have sold right. And with some KBDto now Your card will get upgraded and get stronger. The second way is to merge two separate cards, we call it synthesis. So when you synthesise you take two cards, you merge them with some KBD, and you get one stronger card, this kind of takes care of also obsoleting, weaker cards, reducing the number of cards, increasing the overall kind of gameplay level on difficult. And number three is kind of unique. Our characters are male or female. And if they liked each other, they can form couples and have a few opportunities to breed. So as you can imagine that the child card will have some features of benefits. And that also involves some caveats. So players can choose any of these three ways to upgrade the cards to reach the three stars or beyond and get extremely strong. Each of those cards is your heroes or your generals, basically. And also, of course, they can go to marketplace and buy or anyone or sell theirs, it’s all up to them. That’s part of the fun, too.

Spicey | OIG:
That’s really cool. The synthesis feature, it’s, it’s a very genius feature from what you’re saying. Because that just encourages players too, like you said to disregard weaker cards then Overall the game is going to have a richer experience as they merge these different NFT’s with these different traits and create new and improved traits that are built upon, you know, the previous generation, let’s say, and then that also with the couple’s and birthing another NFT. I’d imagine that that new breed would have a combination, like you said, of the parents character traits, but obviously, you’re starting from a lower level, right, that you’d have to still build it up. And that that’s one of the reasons why you would want to you could still push it even further right. So it becomes even stronger.

Yeah, Absolutely, those are great points. So, yes, when you synthesise two cards, the one that comes will be stronger, right. When when you breed, the child will take features from both parents, whether it will struggle or not depends on the parents, because of course, if your cards are already NFT level and you synthesise them, for example, then it will be even stronger high level and right or if the parents already and if the level cards, they will have few options to breed. But when they produce a child will also be very strong as compared to as produced by weak parents. Right? Certainly, but yeah, the variety will increase. That’s a great point. I haven’t thought about the top of reducing the overall card inflation, right? All these weak cards hanging around and not playable. Really powerful enough. Yes, you can still use them to upgrade your scorecard. So that’s, that’s what we’re aiming for.

Spicey | OIG:
And I’m truly blown away and I would love to see how you know, how would all of this coincide with the play to earn model I know we touched on it briefly but I mean, there’s a lot of mechanics at play here. How do they all work with the play to earn model?

One of the main value earnings of course is to make your NFT as valuable as you can if you wish later to trade it right. You can earn a lot of money. So all this happens through those upgrades that I mentioned. Additionally passive players the stake like we’ve been asked like wow, okay, I don’t have much time to play. So what do I do Stake your stake KPDS And you will keep earning card fragments which when enough will get you more and more cards you can use in different ways, that’s second and also as I mentioned in the chapter, you can do NFT mining if you Garrison some of your cards here with some KVD then you can mine more of that and additionally if you’re a strong player and you’d like to challenge and you win every time you when you first you earn something but also you can bet on yourself. So if you bet and keep winning bets At least more than you lose. That’s another way to earn. So there’s like four to five ways to earn. And you can choose one or a combination, whatever fits your lifestyle and game style there,

Spicey | OIG:
For sure. And, you know, going back to your previous point about how this game is going to be free to join a game that really creates the perfect environment for mass adoption. And really, we’re gonna see Kyberdyne full potential when people start to get their hands on it.

Community Twitter Questions

Spicey | OIG: So let’s, let’s jump over to our next segment, which is Twitter questions where we take some questions off of our Twitter community. These questions were asked before the AMA. And we’ll start with our first question here. So @_ironman07 asks, game design and development is very different from crypto development, and many played around games launch recently have failed to deliver the fun aspect in the game. So how is this team’s experience helped with this?

Yeah, I just love this question, because as we said, already in the first question, that was the entire reason Kyberdyne was created. Yes, game design development is a very different animal. From most crypto and defi, exchanges and other projects, you need a totally different skillset. It’s the illusion that IT covers all aspects of IT, it’s not true. So you definitely need to be very deep into it with your entire team to be able to deliver a high-quality double-A or, God forbid, triple A-game. And that’s not attainable for most of the products, because of the ease just a whole new industry. And many managers say, Okay, I’ll jump on the bandwagon and issue some NFTs. And that’s what you end up putting boring gameplay and people playing just for the earn part. And then why we don’t attract traditional gamers, is because, yes, you know, what games you like, on your phone, or on your PC, and so on. The blockchain games fall short. Another reason, actually, is that, because quite often they’re controlled by the investors or venture capitalist firms on the safe bet they want a proven model. Even though the industry is so young, they still want a proven model. so that’s why we decided there was a gap. And we decided to fill it in our main point. And I keep being asked like, what, what would you say to investors who don’t like to play games, why should they buy your token? I’m not concerned about it. I’m concerned about the gamers. So I want traditional gamers to come and I want the existing gamers to enjoy themselves in blockchain. So that’s why our team is unique in the case that has delivered so many extremely sophisticated and successful games already. And this one we deliver in a few months without any seed investment, we just do it by ourselves. So this is something I think differentiates us. And our track record just speaks for itself. That we can deliver games and the Kyberdyne is just the beginning, actually.

Spicey | OIG:
Yeah. And you really hit the nail on the head when you mentioned, you know, VCs and investors are really dictating the narrative of the gaming space because of their, you know, their inclination that the safe bet is is gonna make them money. But really why do we have games, right? We have games to play, and we have games to be to play to have fun. And so you know, hearing that you’re very focused we’ve already gone through the team you have enough experience to make this happen. I have no doubt that Kyberdyne will definitely make this a reality. But excellent answer.

Thank you, we will not disappoint. I promise, you, Well, no guaranteeing financial.

Spicey | OIG:
Of course. Yeah, we always have to put that disclaimer that this isn’t financial advice, Perfect. So let’s move on to our second question here from @mandana_12 . And the question is, I noticed that Kyberdyne’s team is actively connecting with the crypto gaming guilds to achieve mass adoption. Nevertheless, what are your plans for connecting with non-crypto players? What’s Kyberdyne’s approach to inexperienced Non-crypto players,

it’s another fantastic question. Thank you. So I thank the user for that question, so why we are connecting with so many crypto units? Yeah. Well, as we said, as I mentioned, we come from the traditional games, we have developed, marketed many traditional games, and eSports. So extremely deep connections in the game, and marketing. So we kind of not concerned about it because we kind of got it covered. So that’s why we want to push into the crypto part as well. So to reverse the question, basically, we focusing more on crypto, because that is more new to us, right? Because we actually got the traditional part, very much covered. As, as that is our bread and butter for the last more than 10 years.

Spicey | OIG:
And, you know, like focusing on the blockchain aspect is, is a natural evolution in gaming and the all the different mechanics that you mentioned, have been in gaming for years, they just haven’t been utilised, effectively, not in the sense that you’re in Kyberdyne’s approach. That’s a very good way of looking at it. An excellent answer there.

Amazing points from your I just, which reminds me if you don’t mind me, I’ll just. Yeah. So, as you said, extremely correctly, the games are extremely suitable for blockchain. Right? Then with only a few exceptions, extremely fast. FPS, for example, currently, the hash rate isn’t as fast but that will catch up. Yes. And they will become blockchain, why? Because currently, who takes who gets all the benefits from the games, the game developers, the game studios, the Microsoft, the Sony’s, the Ubisoft, and so on. Microsoft bought Activision, for more than the GDP are many countries in the world, for example, why? because it is extremely profitable. Why? Because they keep all the profits. And developers like Kyberdyne team, get pennies on the dollar for their triple A games that actually they can not claim ownership and they sold the rights. And the players, what did they get? Not much. I got many sleepless nights and annoyed my girlfriend. So if I made some money, though, like they’ll be nice. So yeah, I think that’s coming. So the whole blockchain revolution is happening. And I think that more and more studios, and players will realise that in the games, as the games get better and better. Soon, it will transition completely. Yeah, because that’s fair. That’s democratic, as the developers, designers, engineers, and the players share the benefits

Spicey | OIG:
Exactly. A shared economy, so to speak, right. So let’s move on to our last Twitter question. And this comes from @phamtrungck . And this person asks a couple of questions, actually. So the first one being Can you tell us a bit about the types of NFT’s in Kyberdyne? Next is how much do we need to get started? What attributes will they have? Will this be an item that will strengthen our characters? Or will each NFT be a unique character with a power category like Axie infinity? So I think we’ve touched a little bit on this, but I think you could dive into more detail here to

I’ll just kind of summarise. So as I mentioned, we have four races, you can choose different career paths, but you can customise the appearance of your card, and then you can customise your upgrade skills and abilities. Alright, then when they reach NFT level they also start getting all these awesome powers like magic attacks and some blasts and all kinds of stuff you can see now gameplay video section. Alright, so it’s totally up to you to customise each character and you have many of those you have eight right for each gameplay and you can swap them actually during the gameplay, hot swap. If you know something happens and you need to you need different types of characters with different powers. But as you upgrade your cards and keep upgrading and beyond that, they will become more valuable because you can, you can win battles. You can close chapters, you can defeat opponents later in the metaverse, you can go on the prowl and destroy bases. If you have, you have a super-powerful character so that’s, and that’s gonna be totally up to you, each of them and the whole deck combined, plus your reserves, you know. So full freedom appears. Powers and combination of characters and it’s we want a unique experience for everybody every battle versus every opponent in every chapter.

Spicey | OIG:
Excellent. I can’t wait to see more. And that concludes our Twitter questions segment. So Steven, could you tell us a little more about Kyberdyne short term roadmap? What dates should we mark down on our calendars with regards to NFT sales and IDO’s?

So actually, is good that you ask is the IDO is happening right now? Yeah, and is the second stage of IDO, and it closes tomorrow, it’s on Gamestar. And the previous stage was on infinity path by Doaomaker. And that is closed. So it’s your last chance to jump on the IDO for another less than 24 hours. So that’s, that’s one of the most important things, then we have, of course, exchanges things, which will come in March. So then, of course, you can get your hands on the money from the exchange. The NFT presale also happened in March. Stay tuned for that. We’ll update you accordingly. And the TG Of course, so um, so all these things in March. I’m quite excited about all of them. Plus the most exciting part, of course, the games coming on March 1 for PC , but soon after, in the next couple of months, they will be ready for Android and iOS. And also with the help of the community will be translated into many languages around the world, At least most people get paid in their native language. And we’ll have a programme for that too. So quite a few exciting things. Additionally, as I mentioned, we have our Metaverse integration that’s toward the third quarter, third or fourth quarter, where we will offer land for sale as an NFT, and the players can occupy that building bases and so on. Before that will also offer other NFT owners from other role-playing games, bring them to us. And for each of those who issue them a card so they can play. So that’s on top of our free to join. We also want to track those players that have idol cards in their hands. And what else I think all the Dao. The DAO will also kick in in May, and we have a pretty good allocation. And we hope the community to get involved and decide many important aspects and so on in the future. Oh, man. So yeah. Again, very excited about March or even now, if you have a chance, maybe it’s too late. But if you cannot join the IDO just wait, wait for our exchange listings and just get your hands on there. And wait for the game. The game was better actually already was released. And now it’s been to the MVP version. And we’re getting good feedback already. So yeah, it’s not that we don’t have anything to offer. I hope our community will be excited.

Spicey | OIG:
Yeah, it really sounds like you got a jam-packed year ahead of you with really huge releases in every quarter. I mean, what would you say you’re most excited about? With regards to the long term milestones for Kyberdyne?

Oh, I really excited for the metaverse because I’m kind of a Starcraft fan. And I love you know, like having bases and building up your army even though it’s not like a million minions. mode, a few heroes, but it’s a similar kind of thing. And then you can either defend like fortify yourself or just go and destroy somebody who you think is weak or just go harass a loved neighbour so they cannot get a job. I can’t wait for that to happen. And there’s no new StarCraft coming in. It’s not blockchain. But as you know, Starcraft was the king of eSports for a reason like especially so so yeah, I hope Kyberdyne will be that for blockchain.

Spicey | OIG:
Yeah, yeah. And yeah, I’ve played StarCraft two that was a very fun part of my life and I can’t wait to you know, get my friends in on this and join up and join forces maybe attack the same people I mean, there’s really limitless potential with Kyberdyne and yeah, we really are excited to see what’s gonna come out from Kyberdynein the next in this year. So for everybody watching, where can they find more of Kyberdyne?

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, you will see the links but yes, we have our official website with all the links it’s Kyberdyne.games . And then we have very active telegram and Twitter communities and we also opened and growing Instagram and discord but Twitter and telegram are currently are most active so I would say follow at least one of those and will always be updated also please feel free to ask any questions I’m sure I wasn’t able to answer so many fantastic questions. So just come to our groups and ask

Spicey | OIG:
For sure and for all our viewers the links will be in the description if you’d like to check out Kyberdyne and everything they have to offer. Be sure to check out Kyberdyne and subscribe to all of their channels so that you can keep up to date with all the latest updates coming from Kyberdyne. Well, Steven, thank you so much for joining us today. It was a blast hearing about Kyberdyne I am really excited and I’m sure all our viewers are we can’t wait to sit down again and have another chat and can’t wait to play the game.

Thank you pleasure was all mine and on behalf of the Kyberdyne team Thank you everybody for watching this and having us and we’ll see you in the game.

Spicey | OIG:
Awesome. Thank you. Well, OIG family that wraps up another episode in our AMA series. Be sure to subscribe, hit the like button and the bell notification button to stay up to date with all the latest news coming out from all OIG. Until next time


Twitter: https://twitter.com/kyberdyne

Website: https://kyberdyne.games/

Medium: https://medium.com/@kyberdyne

Telegram: https://t.me/Kyberdyne_official

Telegram announcement: https://t.me/KBDAnnouncement

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/fpfgGJP57p



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