OIG AMA with Kingdom Karnage

OIG Group
13 min readJan 4, 2022


Kingdom Karnage (KK) is a cross-platform virtual Trading Card Game available to play on PC and Android.

Spicey | OIG: Hello OIG Family and welcome back to another amazing episode of our AMA series. Joining us we have Kingdom Karnage, an animated Combat NFT based Trading Card Game! We have here with us Nick Franklin the founder and CEO. Welcome Nick, it's truly an honour having you here today, could you start off by telling us a little about yourself and how you came to be involved with Kingdom Karnage?

Nick — Kingdom Karnage: Hello everyone, I’m Nick, the creator of Kingdom Karnage.

I decided to make Kingdom Karnage because I wanted to make a game that is all about the player first. Fun to play, easy to get started, harder to master. A game which you will want to play for years. A game where you can enjoy earning at the same time.

A lot of crypto games quickly become a chore. You play for a few days and then it becomes very tiresome. Not so with Kingdom Karnage.

Kingdom Karnage is very addictive, the further you get into Kingdom Karnage the more you’ll want to play it. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Spicey | OIG: Awesome! I definitely agree with you when it comes to other games in the space being somewhat robotic in nature. This space definitely needs something fresh and engaging! Now They say behind every strong leader is an even stronger team, could you tell us a little more about the team’s experience?

Nick — Kingdom Karnage: I am fortunate to have some great people working with me on Kingdom Karnage.

Kandi our lead artist, has a wealth of experience, she previously worked for EA Games, you’ll likely recognise her work in Simpsons: Tapped Out.

Sam our events manager has been in crypto gaming for years, has more experience in NFT gaming than anyone i’ve met and has already been creating cool community programs such as Bounties and Weekend/Seasonal Events.

Zero (Martien) — is a hardcore Kingdom Karnage fan and heads up our TG/Discord, he knows the game as well as I do and instils that knowledge in his team of mods.

We won’t be stopping there though, we are looking to onboard our own resident youtuber and more devs, and more artists.

Spicey | OIG: It's clear that you’ve started with a strong foundation and its evident that you will progress even further with your sights set on expanding your team

With the constant onboarding process in gaming/crypto how would you describe Kingdom Karnage to a new player and what key features or game modes Kingdom Karnage presents to differentiate itself from the competition?

Nick — Kingdom Karnage: Kingdom Karnage is the future of NFT and crypto gaming !!

Whether you have nothing available to spend, or a person with a little cash to invest or a big roller with more spare money than most — there is a way for you to earn and enjoy earning at the same time. Unlike other crypto games it doesn’t cost to get started, spending should be a choice, not a requirement.

Additionally, the game is designed so that you can start playing with 0 knowledge of crypto or NFTs

As you get further in you’ll then discover those NFTs and crypto perks other players have, and soon be drawn into our beautiful world of crypto

Making Kingdom Karnage a great gateway for the mainstream players

We are creating NFT utility not seen in other projects before. Check out our dynamic NFTs, it’s only a matter of time before other projects are copying us.


Dynamic cards are made with a limited supply, the rarity and level of the characters change each month based on the active number of Kingdom Karnage players from the previous month versus the number of cards in circulation.

Essentially, because the number of these cards won’t increase, as the number of players increases, these cards become rarer. So Kingdom Karnage will reflect this true rarity by continually improving the character levels/rarity/stats/abilities.

We sold Mistress of Nightmares at $20 each, they now trade for over $500 each.


in fact, the cheapest right now is trading for $986

Our latest dynamic is on sale right now, currently $30.

It has already gone from common, to uncommon, and now working its way through stages of rare. Won't be long till epic

We are not just providing Play2earn methods in-game but also player to player earning which really makes the economy stronger than in other projects.

If you’ve not read about our King of Karnage mode yet, i suggest you do: https://kingdomkarnage.com/guide#King-of-Karnage

Imagine being the king and 100–5000 people a day challenging your throne and paying you $KKT to do so. You receive those fees from every single person challenging you. Better yet, the game AI plays for you so that you are automatically defending against many people at any 1 time. A great passive income.

Spicey | OIG: Such a powerful statement, I totally agree with pay to play should be a choice, not a requirement and combining that with the minimum onboarding prerequisites makes this an easy choice for newcomers and veterans!

My next question relates to the native token you touched on earlier, What sort of utility will players expect from the native token ($KKT). Will players have access to voting rights and staking?

Nick — Kingdom Karnage: You’ll find more utility for $KKT than most projects could even dream of nevermind implement. The whole of Kingdom Karnage is designed with a players ability to earn at the forefront.

Whether earning directly from the game or from other players.

A great example is our game vault.

The game vault is essentially an in-game bank where players can deposit and store $KKT.

Whilst you have $KKT stored you get access to a limited edition character, which also levels and increases in power the longer you hold $KKT in the vault.

- Additionally, you’ll also get access to limited edition characters/equipment which won’t be available elsewhere, other than from player to player.

On top of all those perks, players who hold $KKT in the game vault will also get access to our voting pool.

Voting on topics such as what will be the next character race to be added, dwarves? trolls? goblins?

Those who vote will get a share of $KKT from our voting pool. The voting pool is topped up by a small fee on every $KKT transaction in Kingdom Karnage, whether the Auction House, Rentals, King of Karnage, Bounties, etc etc.

We don’t stop there though, we know gamers have been running boosting services in MMOs for years, so we are embracing that, making it a direct option, right there in-game.

When multiplayer dungeons come in, you'll be able to set an optional fee, you charge other players, to help them through the harder content.

The Catacombs is the best dungeon which provides the best loot in the game and requires a key to access

There are only 1000 in existence and we already have a rental system in place for them and will soon have the reverse, a bounty system where key owners will be able to pay other players $KKT to complete the dungeon for them.

The person taking the bounty gets the $KKT and the key owner gets the NFT which drops in the game.

A great method of player to player earning.

All this without even mentioning tournaments, guilds, standard auctions/rentals

Spicey | OIG: I’ve played a lot of games myself and I would do anything to increase my powers and level up even more so I see the game vault being a very integral part of a players growth in-game. Then to have a dungeon system where players are incentivized to help other players on their journey, it really shows the resilience in the community and game you are building!!

Nick — Kingdom Karnage: This is what it’s all about, long term gaming and community building.

Spicey | OIG: I want to touch on another key point that relates to making this game accessible to the masses and that is the Sponsorship program. Tell us a little more about the sponsorship program, how does it work?

Nick — Kingdom Karnage: In Kingdom Karnage you will be able to utilise your extra Characters/Equipment, or even your main deck if going on holiday by providing them as a “Load Out” for other players to use.

You provide these assets for them to play with and you will get a share of the loot they acquire whilst using your Sponsorship Deck.

This provides many options and bonuses. You can profit whilst not even playing. This combined with the rental feature in the Auction House, mean the demand of all NFTs increases because collectors want more than just what they need for playing with because they can loan out as well. Whilst doubling up with reducing sell pressure of such NFTs because shrewd people are keeping their extras to profit with passive income opportunities.

We are heavily focused on making Kingdom Karnage accessible for all.

So you do not need to invest to play, but some modes of investment will provide an advantage.

We will continue to cater for both free to play and pay to play players. Balanced tournaments where everyone plays with a preset deck and so has equal chances based on skill only.

Elite PvP and Tournaments where you play with your own deck, and thus collecting and upgrading is paramount.

On top of all that, my favourite game mode will be the “Dev Challenge” where you get to play against me or other members of the Kingdom Karnage team.

I get a copy of your deck/hero, so we are on equal footing, but it’s your deck, you know what’s in it. I don’t know.

I should know the game better than you, I made it. Though you probably have more time for playing than I do.

A fun battle and of course we will give you cool prizes if you manage to beat us

Spicey | OIG: Amazing!!, can’t wait to go head to head with the developer of the game, that is so surreal and I'm sure there are TONS of players that are itching at that opportunity! I know I am!!

Nick — Kingdom Karnage: Maybe we should arrange a tournament in future, Kingdom Karnage Team VS Kingdom Karnage Partners


Spicey | OIG: 100%

Also with the Sponsorship program, giving players the ability to continue earning while being away from the game really does increase NFT demand, it's a brilliant system.

Nick — Kingdom Karnage: Yeah for sure, a lot of collectors don’t have as much time as others for playing all-day

Spicey | OIG: Now for these next questions I’ll be going to Twitter to pull questions at random from our community.

Community Twitter Questions:

Question 1) MrTitan07: Could you explain the Token Utilities? And is there any in-game tokens?

Nick — Kingdom Karnage: Let's cover the current game tokens first.

Blue Diamonds(Gems)

Lowest prize available in-game, essentially your reward if not lucky enough to loot a character, equipment or utility NFT.

5 Blue Diamonds can be swapped for a random common/uncommon/rare card.

Red Gems

The current premium currency, used player to player interactions and entering special game modes, and key rentals.

These are going to be replaced by $KKT and the utility increased.

Nick — Kingdom Karnage (GMT), [4. Jan 2022 at 15:42:25]:

As mentioned earlier there will be tonnes of utility for $KKT added.

We also have super cool NFT utility, I already mentioned Catacombs Keys and Dynamic Characters, but not mentioned our Founders Token.

The Pioneer

a tradable NFT, an epic character in-game and unlocks monthly quests where you earn bonus card packs from your normal gameplay, like a mini battle pass.

The Pioneer is limited in supply and fully circulating — you can now only acquire them from other players.


You can see the monthly quests here: https://kingdomkarnage.com/events

Last month required you hodl the Pioneer and to have played x PvP matches to get the extra packs.

At the end of this month, you simply need to Hodl the Pioneer and some $KKT to qualify

Spicey | OIG: Remarkable stuff! Let's jump over to our second question from Twitter:

Question 2) @Bewakuf55: What is the ultimate mission that #kingdom_karnage trying to achieve in crypto field? Obviously crypto market will experience huge growth in upcoming years, so which role would you like play in this game?

Nick — Kingdom Karnage: Gaming is without a doubt the best gateway for crypto for all those people out there yet to jump into crypto.

95% of NFTs out there have no utility, so no wonder the rest of the world struggles to understand the importance of them.

Gaming bridge that problem, giving NFTs real purpose, highlights how amazing NFTs can be.

Forget your shitty NFT art which is only valuable if youre lucky because of some random tax evader buying it.

With gaming people spend tonnes of money on assets they don’t truly own in which the game companies prevent player to player trades. When youre done with that game every penny you spent in it is lost funds.

With crypto/nft gaming, when you reach the end of your lifespan with a game whether 6months or 6 years, you can then rent out your NFTs or sell them to people who are still playing that game. Instantly every penny you spent in that game was not a loss, it was an INVESTMENT.

This is what Kingdom Karnage is all about. Revolutionising gaming.

need a mic drop gif for that one

Spicey | OIG: haha i agree!!

Really unique stuff coming out of Kingdom Karnage

Question 3) @indhack6223: Your “kingdom_karnage” project name seems to be very interesting. Does it have any story behind it? Can you share us with the inspiration for approaching to this name?


Nick — Kingdom Karnage: The story behind this is not so interesting.

I had played games similar to this in the past and knew that if i made it right, the PvP would be truly carnage, good abilities on the right characters can make for some epic strategy fun.

Kingdom fits nicely with the Fantasy theme and so it all came together with some nice alliteration. Kingdom Karnage

The company name is a bit more interesting for the pet lovers in here. As all gamers know, coming up with a new name can be difficult. I have a wife, 2 kids and 2 cats. I was discussing with the wife ideas and frustrated when she suddenly blurted out the 2 cats names in quick succession. I instantly liked what i heard and went with it. The 2 cats are called Kepi and Thor and Kepithor Studios was born.

Spicey | OIG: That’s really awesome, and a great way to remember your cat’s names haha. That wraps up our Twitter questions! I’d like to conclude on the future of Kingdom Karnage’s roadmap, what can players expect to see in your future roadmap?

Nick — Kingdom Karnage: The focus right now is $KKT listing.

Soon after we will get those red gems replaced with $KKT so you have utility early Feb.

iOS — we have many people pleading for this. We will aim to be on Test-Flight before Easter. So all your apple fans get started on browser and carry on with your iOS devices later. (all 1 account, truly cross-platform)

Then on to more utility for $KKT, and improving the networking and scaling our servers so that you have better connections and less queue time

Soon after that multiplayer modes, yet more $KKT utility.

Then later into the year, yet more $KKT utility, tournaments, guilds etc.

For those who don’t realise yet, you can already play right now, on Steam, Browser or Google Play.

Spicey | OIG: You’ve truly built a game that maximizes the players potential and engagement. Ultimately making something that is fun to play while also being play to earn. Its impressive to see that even with everything mentioned here today, we’ve only really scratched the surface of Kingdom Karnage. Players are very eager to jump on as am I. Where can people go to get their dose of Kingdom Karnage?

Nick — Kingdom Karnage:

▪Guide: https://kingdomkarnage.com/guide

▪Tokenomics: https://kingdomkarnage.com/kk-token

▪Whitepaper: https://kingdomkarnage.com/whitepaper/Kingdom-Karnage-Whitepaper

Playable On:

▪Website: https://KingdomKarnage.com/#play

▪Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/1305000/Kingdom_Karnage

▪Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KepithorStudios.KingdomKarnage


▪Telegram: https://t.me/KingdomKarnage

▪TG Announcements: https://t.me/KK_announcements

▪Discord: discord.gg/VJtbCAH

▪Twitter1: https://twitter.com/Kingdom_Karnage

▪Twitter2: https://twitter.com/kepithorstudios

▪Medium: https://medium.com/kingdomkarnage

▪Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kepithor-Studios-499761503876226

We also have a competition running right now for 75 whitelist spots and 500 airdrops of $KKT

👉 Join Now: https://kingdomkarnage.com/competition

ends in 17 hours

Spicey | OIG: Beautiful, Thank you Nick! I’ll see you in the Dev Challenge Mode, you better be ready!!

Nick — Kingdom Karnage: Look forward to it :)

Spicey | OIG: The AMA with Kingdom Karnage has ended!

Nick — Kingdom Karnage: Thank you for having me here. Have a good day everyone.



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