OIG AMA with IoTeXPad

OIG Group
6 min readNov 30, 2021


The first-ever native launchpad built on IoTeX & Incubation for all emerging projects

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Greetings OIG family! We are excited to kick off our AMA today with IoTeXPad! We have with us @Ape_Cryptonian!

Excited to have this rescheduled here today @Ape_Cryptonian.

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our community?

Malik: Thanks for inviting me today for the AMA @SaigonXIII

I am Malik, CBO from IoTeXpad team. I am a core team member and looking after all marketing activities and AMA

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Awesome! Glad to have you here with us today.

Can you briefly summarise what IoTeXPad is?

Malik: Yes, Sure

IoTeXpad is a native launchpad on IoTeX chain

As we all know it's a fairly new chain but it's a very promising one. We are the first launchpad on it and will be a gateway to all the projects that want to launch on IoTeX chain. We will be providing a lot of support to these upcoming projects.

In terms of Technical, funding and advisory roles.

Our $TEX token is not yet live and we are preparing to have the IDO in the 2nd week of December. A more detailed announcement will be made soon

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Amazing. We are locked in for the IDO date! This is an exciting project that our community is very excited about!

What made you choose IoTeX chain to focus on?

Malik: Yes, we are locked in for the IDO date and through OIG platform let me make it Public as well.

We will have IDO on the 13th of December

Malik: IoTeX chain got the potential we were looking to cease.

Near-instant transactions

Lowest fee

First Mover advantage

I could literally speak on this for hours lol

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Amazing, a fast TPS blockchain with minimal cost is something that will be super appreciated!

With the Launchpad world being so crowded, why would people choose you, what differentiates you from your competitors?

Malik: Yeah it's an amazing chain with a lot of potential.

Especially in gaming projects we need to have a lot of transactions so it offers all the benefits for a good Project.

Malik: Launchpads are everywhere these days this is a true statement according to me.

But for us, it is totally different as I said earlier that we are the only launchpad on IoTeX chain so we really don’t have any competition.

People will choose us for multiple reasons.

1. Security of Funds

2. Great projects

3. Amazing returns

We will not only be the Launchpad we will be a whole echo system on IoTeX chain

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Excited to see what projects will be coming out!

We see that you have a tiered structure for allocation, what made you choose this format? Can you outline the tiers and how it works?

Malik: Yes we do have a tiered structure. We have chosen this structure after a lot of feedback from our community.

Tier structure what we currently have is a combination of lottery and guaranteed returns.

Here is a more detailed tier structure

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Wow, so this is a launchpad with a ton of community feedback, built for the people by the people!

What is the process for selecting projects that go on your launchpad? How safe is it for investors? Have you got any projects already lined up?

Malik: Thank you for your amazing words and these are very true. Community is at the core of IoTeXpad.

We have a team of specialists at IoTeXpad to select and scrutinize the projects at every level.

We will apply our own methods and other well-known methods to protect the investors from money-grabbing projects.

Every single project will go through a rigorous process of project selection and scrutiny at IoTeXpad. Investors are very important to us.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: That is key, a strong vetting system goes a long way in securing the best projects!

Can you give us an overview of your roadmap? What is coming up that we should know about!

Malik: Road map looks pretty solid. We are working tirelessly to deliver a great product to our community.

Currently, we are making big partnerships in the area of Marketing and projects onboarding.

Marketing starts soon then, IDO launch will follow and then we will start launching the projects. I wish I could give you more details 😁

In long run, we envision becoming a whole echo system to help and invest in projects on IoTeX chain.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Awesome, thanks for providing that update @Ape_Cryptonian !!

Well at this time we’d like to turn it over to our community questions asked on Twitter.

We had a great turnout for IoTeXPad!

Malik: Thanks for letting us know we need all the support we could get from the community. I will be happy to answer these questions.

Community Twitter Questions:

Question 1)

Malik: For us, Audit is a preliminary requirement. We have done an audit of our platform in the house already and sent it for a 3rd party audit.

Soon the audit reports will be published with all other announcements.

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Amazing

Question 2)

Malik: It's a great question

We will have great staking APR for our investors while securing Juicy allocations of upcoming projects.

As I mentioned earlier we want to become a whole echo system we might buy back and burn the tokens

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Excellent reward mechanism! We can’t wait for the reveal!

Question 3)

Malik: Yes,

We have a 100 million total supply of $TEX.

It will also be available on BSC via bridge

for more information and details check out the white paper.(find on https://iotexpad.network/#)

Question 4)

Malik: Unfortunately I can’t give more details on the requirements for the project documentation but if a project is interested to apply for incubation or launch they can fill the form at our website.


Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Gotcha, makes sense mate. This only adds to the suspense and hype then! hahaha

Question 5)

Malik: Thank you for the kind words. Yes, we have got a lot of Marketing partnerships and working closely with some big names.

In the coming week, you will see a lot of interest from the community

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Amazing mate! Well @Ape_Cryptonian this about sums up our time here at the OIG AMA Series. Do you have any final words for our community?

Malik: Yes, I love to ask OIG family to come and join us at IoTeXpad.

We are planning to run giveaway campaigns, so OIG family will have a fair share of it

Please join our social media groups and stay tuned. @SaigonXIII Please allow me to share the links

Saigon πŸ’Ž | OIG: Absolutely!!

Malik: Thanks man

Website: www.iotexpad.network

Twitter: https://twitter.com/iotexpad

Telegram: https://t.me/iotexpad

Medium: https://iotexpad.medium.com/

Github: https://github.com/iotexpad



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