OIG AMA with InPoker

OIG Group
9 min readNov 20, 2021


A fresh new approach to online poker that engages social media influencers and offers the first e-sports platform with an integrated DeFi protocol. This is Online Poker 2.0.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Welcome back everyone!! We are excited to have with us today Mary Lynx (Co-Founder) of InPoker! A project that provides a fresh new approach to Online Poker that engages social media influencers and offers the first e-Sports platform with an integrated DeFi protocol!

Maria, can you please briefly introduce yourself to our community 🙂

Mary Lynx: Hello everyone! My name is Maria, I’m a co-founder of InPoker. Have an airspace engineering degree and a lot of different experiences in different projects. Nice to meet you all and thank you for joining AMA with us today.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Very pleased to have you here with us today Mary!

Let’s get into it!

The online poker market is booming, with many established sites and brands. Can you tell us what differentiates InPoker, why is this product needed in such a busy space?

Mary Lynx: InPoker is the first e-sport platform with an integrated DeFi protocol that allows players to participate in poker tournaments by supplying crypto assets

After supplying the crypto assets, users can borrow the BUSD stablecoin which can be used to participate in poker tournaments, while still earning APY on the supply

Another important InPoker feature is the NFT membership that allows users to access additional tournaments with bigger prize pools

NFT membership is 100% tradable and anyone can buy or resell it on the InPoker Marketplace

So, already from here, you can see that InPoker has a few big differences from other online poker platforms, and these features help to solve the main problem many poker players have — managing their bankroll

InPoker minimizes players’ risks of losing money/crypto

InPoker is Influencer Poker 2.0 — we combine poker — the loved game around the world with modern technologies

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Amazing model, Influencer Poker 2.0. We really like that concept. And I can see a lot of users and the broader Poker base buying into this new model!

How are you going to draw players away from more traditional poker sites? How will you make sure the traffic on your site allows for enough tournaments and games?

Mary Lynx: Right after the IDO we are planning to focus on developing Influencer Dashboard v1.0 to allow users to create their own tournaments, set and earn rewards from buy-in & rebuys, set referral rewards. The facility is planned for Q1 2022

Following this milestone, the team will focus on enhancing and improving all the current modules to provide an even greater experience

There will be many marketing campaigns and tournaments along the way, with InPoker attracting more brands and businesses to sponsor some tournaments and attract more people

For now our platform allows us to host up to 60000 users on 20 servers at the same time

Our biggest plan is to collaborating with influencers and brands/businesses who will organize their own tournaments and invite their groups of followers

From our side, we will continue to run attractive tournaments with great prizes, in BUSD or other types of rewards

Saigon 💎 | OIG: That is an incredible amount of traffic you are able to host! I think you will be needing all that space after the launch however 😉

How does the DeFi aspect work? Is it true that APY interest is earned on the crypto used as collateral?

Mary Lynx: DeFi Collateral Protocol is the feature where users can supply major cryptocurrency, receive APY on it, and at the same time borrow up to 60% in in-game tokens — BUSD, use it to play tournaments, and even if the player loses tournaments and the cryptocurrency goes up in value, to get back, let’s say, their Bitcoin, they have to pay back the same amount of BUSD that was borrowed

So yes, you supply, play and receive APY interest from our Ecosystem mining allocation at the same time 😉

Saigon 💎 | OIG: WOW! That is an awesome way to leverage your assets in-game. And can create some very high-stake situations 😉

Talk us through the game economics, who is setting up the tournaments? How are the prizes funded? What is the rake?

Mary Lynx: With a pleasure!

Game economics are almost the same as in all online poker rooms

We take an average 10% on each paid in-house game organized by InPoker

More important is the way we attract new users by sponsored tournaments, providing interests by supplying assets, special NFT membership cards, and thousands of free games on the platform with great rewards

Saigon 💎 | OIG: There does appear to be a ton of incenitive options for the user base. And a 10% fee is actually quite modest considering the ecosystem and infrastructure behind InPoker!

Can you tell us about your InPoker Elite NFT cards? Why would we want to own one of these? What do they do now and is there any plans for them in the future?

Mary Lynx: I Love our cards!

One of the best features on our platform is our InPoker NFT Elite Membership card — users purchase it once and can participate in daily freerolls with good prize pools for as long as they want

Beautiful part here — if a user understands that poker is not his passion anymore, they can sell it anytime on our marketplace

We recently announced a special Christmas leaderboard event with a 10,000 BUSD prize pool exclusively for Elite NFT card owners. In order to participate in any of the events, players need to win as many freeroll or regular tournaments as possible, and top players at the end of the event will receive BUSD prizes

And many more events are coming!!!

Additionally, you can stake your card in our marketplace with INP+BUSD liquidity pool and after 1 month receive a new generation card together with your staked one, is it not awesome?

Saigon 💎 | OIG: What?! So your NFT can be used to farm… NEW NFT cards?! Okay where do I sign up?! 😜

What are the utilities of $INP? Why would our community want to own/hold this?

Mary Lynx: Yes! Just visit our marketplace 😉

INP is a utility token which is used for rewarding our users to play on our platform

The most important utility of the token, users need to provide LP with INP to generate new cards

We believe that NFT membership cards will change the traditional view of online poker and it’ll have huge demand!

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Yes! And I loved how you mentioned earlier that if a player feels they are done with the game of poker, they can then flip their NFT / Membership for above market value of what they bought it for (ideally). Such a great innovative spin that does not lock users into any pidgeon hole!

We loved the reward system that pays commission for inviting people to join tournaments. Can you talk us through the influencer element of your project?

Mary Lynx:spoiler: it is brilliant! 😉

Influencers who refer users to InPoker tournaments via a unique link receive a percentage of each buy-in or, in case of freeroll or windrop tournaments, a percentage of the tournament prize the referred user wins. Event organizers will have the authority to determine the minimum buy-in amount, the prizes and the percentage that influencers receive for referring users Influencers can also choose to create their own tournament

Every person who decides to become a part of the program will be granted the tools to create tournaments within the InPoker platform and will be able to curate the games, categorize them, as well as refer their followers to specific tournaments. Simultaneously, the influencers can collaborate with third parties to get extra help with their promotion and attract an even bigger audience.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Oh wow, this is a very community-based approach to how influencers interact within the ecosystem! And creates very fair promotional value for both the brand and the influencers themselves! Well thought out!

Can you walk us through your roadmap? When are you releasing? Will it be on mobile? What exciting things do you have planned that we should know about?

Mary Lynx: InPoker — Influencer Poker 😉

Actually, we’ve worked so hard since the beginning of this year, we built a fully functional game, DeFi protocol and NFT marketplace

Our most priority, for now, is the user growth, brand recognition, developments of Influencer dashboard and realising mobile apps which we already tested and planned to release in Q1 2022

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Awesome stuff, and we see that you guys are busy on that front. Onboarding new partners and users every day!

Well Mary at this point I’d like to turn it over to our community-based questions on Twitter!

Mary Lynx: Great! Excited to see your questions 😉

Community Twitter Questions:

Twitter Question 1)

Mary Lynx: All of what you’ve mentioned are developed and almost all deployed already. Borrowing feature users can use 2 weeks after our IDO on 25th of November( together with deposit/withdraw). Our goal is to minimise the risk of losing money by playing the game.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: We are LOCKED in for Nov 25th 😉

Twitter Question 2)

Mary Lynx: All NFT Elite Black Label membership card holders have equal prizes in our platform. To become an Elite Member is also very simple: everyone can visit our marketplace, purchase the card and register it under your user name. THAT’S IT! 🤩

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Love the easibility of the platform!

Mary Lynx: Yes, everything is super easy!

Twitter Question 3)

Mary Lynx: Do you remember, everything is simple? ;)Here one more very clear thing: there is no crieteria to become an InPoker influencer. Your income will depend on your managment-marketing skills and ecosystem, as much players you invite as much more you’ll earn

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Wow! Opportunities for everyone!

Well Mary that about sums up our time here at the OIG Main Stage. Are there any final words you would like to leave with our audience? 🙂

Mary Lynx: I would love to thank you @SaigonXIII and all OIG community for such a good conversation! You’ve chosen important and very interesting questions, hope to see you all, guys on our poker table 😉

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Yes!! We need to organize an OIG x InPoker team tournament 😈😜

Mary Lynx: 100%!! It will be great fun!

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Well Mary! We’ve truly appreciated your time here. We are excited for Nov 25th and all the great things that will come after that for InPoker!

We highly suggest everyone check out InPoker and see what all the craze is about!!

And OIG community thank you again for your continued support! We’ll be back next week with great conversations and amazing prizes!!

Until then… Stay blessed!! ✨



Twitter: https://twitter.com/influencerpoker

Telegram: https://t.me/inpokergroup



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