OIG AMA with DoragonLand

OIG Group
14 min readNov 27, 2021


A 3D tower rush game that integrates battle card gameplay and blockchain

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Greetings OIG community, welcome back to our doubleheader of the day. We have with us The exciting DoragonLand. A 3D Tower Rush Defense game that integrates battle card gameplay and blockchain technology.

We have with us @AshleyD_DOR (CMO) and @KentNguyen_DOR (CPO) with us today!

Ashley and Kent can you please introduce yourselves to our community?

Ashley Dang: Hello everyone! It’s my pleasure to be here today to talk to you guys about DoragonLand.

Kent Nguyen: Hi everyone! Thanks @SaigonXIII and OIG Community for giving us a chance to be here today!

Yeah, let me start with a brief introduction here. I’m Kent- the CPO and co-founder of DoragonLand. I have been working in the IT field for almost 10 years in which I have 7 years of experience as a game designer, specializing in conceptualizing creative aspects.

I have been involved in blockchain technology for the last 2 years. As a game lover, I see many potentials of integrating blockchain into a game project which empowers fully decentralized gaming. We aim to create an economy in the game which helps players not only enjoy playing but also earn a profit, and completely can earn and invest to create more income.

DoragonLand naturally comes as my brainchild and I expect a lot from it 💪

Your turn now, Ashley!

Ashley Dang: First and foremost, Great thank you for the heartwarming welcome! Let me introduce myself. I’m Ashley Dang, CMO of DoragonLand.

I’ve been taking the role of Marketing Leader and involved in many cutting-edge technology projects for 5 years now, mostly in the Asian market and also the domestic market.

I started involved in blockchain technology 2 years ago, and I am really into this dynamic and promising field.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Thank you for joining us today! Let’s get into it. DoragonLand seems like a very exciting game that will captivate a lot of users!

@AshleyD_DOR can you summarize what Doragonland is for our community?

Ashley Dang: Well, DoragonLand is a 3D tower rush game that integrates battle card gameplay and blockchain technology to create fast-paced brawls among dragon warriors where players can duel with others to collect rewards of NFT items and DOR tokens in real-time.

DoragonLand is inspired by the world-renowned Clash Royale, which is an insanely simple yet hard to master the online battle brawler video game. The game integrates elements including action, collectable card games, tower defence, and Real-time strategy.

DoragonLand offers players a diverse system of activities including Cards, Quests (Daily, Weekly and Progress Quests), Clan, Clan Wars, P2E, Esport & tournaments. The characters are in strong and bold shape, cute style with an energetic and playful tone, which allows players to truly enjoy the exotic experience.

It’s a game for everyone! 😊

Saigon 💎 | OIG: A very innovative take on a classic game style! We are sure this will be a big hit with a lot of gamers and communities!

@KentNguyen_DOR what is your vision and mission for Doragonland?

Kent Nguyen:

Thank you for the question! Let me share about the vision and mission of DoragonLand

DoragonLand’s vision is to become the top blockchain game where everyone can participate in and generate regular income in real life. We aim to contribute to the game industry not just as a means of entertainment but also as a way of earning real financial benefits and cultivating financial knowledge.

And here are our mission:

- DoragonLand desires to bring blockchain technology to all aspects of life and help people reap the benefits of this innovative technology.

- DoragonLand was born to bring the community, including newbies, game enthusiasts, and blockchain lovers with a highly entertaining experience while enjoying the valuable rewards of their efforts.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Big aspirations and I’m sure you two will accomplish all of this and more!

@AshleyD_DOR you touched on it above but can you briefly explain the different game modes within Doragonland? Can you share any exciting gameplay footage with us?

Ashley Dang: I love this question!

So , about gameplay, DoragonLand pits players in games featuring two or four players (1v1 or 2v2), in which the objective is to destroy the towers of opponents, with the demolition of the Master’s Tower resulting in an instant win. After two minutes, if both sides remain an equal number of towers, the match will continue into a 1-minute overtime period. If no towers are destroyed after the overtime, players will be put into sudden death mode for 30 seconds, in which the recovery speed doubles. Once the sudden death mode is over, if there is a tiebreaker, the winner will be determined by the damage they inflict on their opponent. The game will end up in a draw if there’s no or equal damage caused from both sides.

About visuals, we’re glad to introduce you guys to some key art of DoragonLand.

Kent, can you help send it?

Kent Nguyen: Sure my lady ;) Let me send some pics here

Here you can see some dragon characters of DoragonLand ;)

Can you see? I guess the network is not so good 😞

Saigon 💎 | OIG:

Might be loading!

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Amazing!!!

Ashley Dang: Great! Thank you, Kent 😊

Kent Nguyen:: Just some of them… we have total of 24 dragons for the 1st sale batch ;)

Ashley Dang: I really love the art style of dragons in DoragonLand ;)

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Wow, very great system! I personally cannot wait to try this game! I am a big fan of these gameplay modes! And the artwork for DoragonLand is absolutely unique and incredible! Whoever your design team is, they are very talented!

@KentNguyen_DOR What is the DOR token used for? Why should we buy and hold some?

Kent Nguyen: Sure

Here are the token utilities of our $DOR

- DOR tokens can be used to participate in the game features like clan and tournament.

- By owning tokens, DOR holders can participate in the decentralized financial market to earn more profit.

Also, players can buy their NFTs on the market to upgrade their dragon warriors. Vice versa, players can sell these NFT items to get DOR back.

$DOR holders can use $DOR to settle payments and participate in gameFi activities like staking, farming, minting, betting, which allow players to gain passive income.

Our token is designed to guarantee the stable development of the DoragonLand project and also raise the benefit of buyers/investors.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Very cool! I think many people will be excited to upgrade their in-game content, so this provides a TON of value for $DOR!

@AshleyD_DOR Can you share with us your roadmap and tell us some exciting things coming up that we should know about?

Ashley Dang: Here is the roadmap for the overall project, running from Q4–2021 till the end of 2022.

Well, we have just released our first trailer on Nov 16th. You can check it in the link below:

Last week on November 18, our first-ever Chest boxes release ended with a total of 4,000 boxes sold. And, the heat was not decreased!

Trading volume and transaction for DoragonLand NFT cards on Mirana Marketplace reached 1.9mil USD with over 12k transactions after just 1 week and the card prices keep rising from 10% to 50% every day. This is definitely a good signal for DoragonLand.

Kent Nguyen:

DoragonLand is currently well on schedule with its roadmap with the IDO coming soon this month. As planned, IDO will be launched on KOIStarter (https://www.koistarter.io/) and Oxbull (https://www.oxbull.tech/#/home) on 30th Nov. The whitelist has been opened, don’t miss out on this opportunity to secure your slot for IDO.

The MVP (game beta version) will be released in December 2021. A full-function game version is expected to be available by early next year that everyone can join and play.

I trust there are a lot of exciting things are coming on the way ;) Keep following us for the updates

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Amazing! Our community is READY for the public sale on the 30th!

Kent Nguyen: That’s great!

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Well @KentNguyen_DOR and @AshleyD_DOR we know you are both BIG on community engagement, which is why this AMA will be a bit different. We have pulled 5 questions from Twitter where we had an AMAZING response to DoragonLand and after that, we will have 5 live questions from this telegram channel!

So everyone please queue up your questions for Ashley and Kent for after the Twitter questions when we un-mute the channel!

For the first Twitter question

Community Twitter Questions

Twitter Question 1) @tanmoy284910957

Mobile games are popular this year and possibly in the future, because they are simple & can be played anywhere & at any time. Will your game be available on the Playstore/Appstore or only on Dapps? How can I play your game? Also, could you explain $DOR Tokenomic in more details?

Kent Nguyen::

Let me handle this first question ;)

At an early stage, DoragonLand will be available on Web GL. Then later in our development progress, DoragonLand will be available on iOS and Android, PC. Stay tuned for our update!

To start playing the game, Players need to have at least 8 different cards. Inspired by Clash Royale, the playing mode in DoragonLand is semi-automation in which players will have to select cards and place them in order (4-card pool) then cards are released automatically for the battle.

As for tokenomics,

DoragonLand Token symbol is $DOR which is issued on Binance Smart Chain.

The total supply of $DOR is 1,000,000,000

Initial market cap is $275,500

Total token for sale is 165,000,000 DOR

You can take a look on the token allocation as per my attached image

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Amazing! Thank you for breaking that down

Twitter Question 2) @Ramachari110

Currently, a lot of games attract users on the premise of making money. It usually lacks gameplay and storytelling. What kind of gaming experience will your game bring to us?

Ashley Dang: Thanks for the question!

Yeah, it is true that many games now lack good gameplay and game story that can draw the attention of players. After deep research on the gaming industry, our team agreed that DoragonLand should be a game with advanced technology and fascinating gameplay.

As I have said, DoragonLand is an insanely simple yet hard to master the online battle brawler video game. The game integrates elements including action, collectable card games, tower defence, and RTS. DoragonLand pits players in games featuring two or four players (1v1 or 2v2), in which the objective is to destroy the towers of opponents. I think the gaming experience in DoragonLand is worth trying for everyone.

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Yes!! Cannot wait to try out the co-op 2v2 mode. That is always exciting when you can play with friends!

Twitter Question 3) @hiru_tranBA

@KentNguyen_DOR How about Initial market cap? What is your plan of reducing devaluation in your game?

Kent Nguyen: For the initial market cap, it is $275 500 💪

We understand the considerations of both investors and the supporting community about the devaluation.

DoragonLand has a plan to burn NFT by the cards merging mechanism to level up cards. If you have 2 cards of the same type and level, then you can sync them to get a higher level card and 2 old cards will be burnt.

We haven’t had a plan to burn DOR tokens as we aim to create a stable economy in-game. Also, DoragonLand has the distributing rewards of engaging in the game by GOLD. This is our plan to control the Inflation in the game.

Saigon 💎 | OIG:

WOW. This is truly the definition of a low-cap gem. And an awesome mechanism to ensure the price stability of the token.

Twitter Question 4) @WhyHnnn

Can you provide us with more information for IDO? How I can join?

Ashley Dang:

I’m waiting for this question! 😊

So, DoragonLand’s IDO will be launched on KOIStarter and Oxbull on 30th Nov. The whitelist has been opened, don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to secure your slot for IDO.

Let me show you guys some IDO details.

Token Details:

Token name: DoragonLand

Token symbol: DOR

Token type: BEP20

Initial market cap: $275,500

IDO Details

Total raised: $300,000

Total token sale: 15,000,000 DOR

Token public price: 1 DOR = 0.02 BUSD

Vesting Schedule: 33% at TGE, 33% at the first month, and 34% at the second month

Overall IDO timeline:

Date: Tuesday, 30 November 2021

KoiStarter: 11:00 AM UTC, 30 November 2021

Oxbull: 04:00 PM UTC, 30 November 2021

For instructions on how to join IDO on Oxbull, please follow this link:


And here is the guidelines for IDO on KOIStarter:

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Amazing!! Very in-depth. Thank you! And excellent choices on the two launchpads! These have experienced some great projects lately!

Twitter Question 5) @Margaret9732

DoragonLand will begin selling NFT chest boxes on the “Mirana” marketplace. Why did you choose Mirana NFT Marketplace to host a box drop event? Will all future NFT sales be held on the Mirana Marketplace as well?

Kent Nguyen: After considering a lot, we decided to choose Mirana Marketplace to host our 1st chest boxes sale

Mirana is an NFT marketplace that attempts to provide a space where anybody may form a business by exchanging NFT creations.

It offers a full-service package to anyone who has their own NFT stores on the marketplace and wants to customize them. More interesting, Mirana also assists owners in detecting any fraudulent products or materials for copyright infringements.

To sum up, here are some key competitive advantages of Mirana that we can share with you:

- High return, low-cost, and time-consuming

- Zero Code

- Copyright safeguards

- Customization

- Liquidity and discoverability

For the future NFT sale, we will still co-operate with Mirana Marketplace and might be another marketplace. We will update all the details on our channels

Saigon 💎 | OIG: We’ve been hearing a lot about the Mirana Marketplace. Very excited to see that you have chosen them as the premier vendor for DoragonLand.

Well @KentNguyen_DOR and @AshleyD_DOR, it’s time we head to our live TG questions.

OIG we hope you’ve prepared the best questions for the DoragonLand team.

Community Telegram Questions

Question 1) @alisacrypto

Have you had an AUDIT to be safer and more reliable? Can you share?

Kent Nguyen: DoragonLand is fully audited by Certik. For more details, you can visit this link: https://www.certik.com/projects/doragonland

Question 2) @alisacrypto

I really excited with your project but can you tell us how do new member like me participate in your token sale? how about presale & IDO? where will you list the token?

Ashley Dang: If you follow the instructions in the two articles below, you’ll definitely be able to join DoragonLand IDO. Remember that the whitelist has already opened, so make sure you don’t miss it. 😊

For instructions on how to join IDO on Oxbull, please follow this link:


And here is the guidelines for IDO on KOIStarter:

Question 3) @bukerkoliza

What is the progress of this project so far and what are some of your partnerships?Do you have a Token Burn plan to increase the token value and attract more investors?How about the majorities on 2021 ? Which news will be announced?

Kent Nguyen: We have just released our first trailer on Nov 16th. Last week on November 18, our first-ever Chest boxes release ended with a total of 4,000 boxes sold. DoragonLand is in progress of producing MVP and we will also have IDO in the next few days: 30th Nov on Koistarter and Oxbul

DoragonLand has established solid partnerships with many notable partners. One of our strategic partners that I would like to mention is Creator — Creator Chain Network — Top 50 Blockchain-as-a-Service and also a rising star in the Blockchain Industry now.

Actually, our project is incubated by Creator and With Creator’s BaaS, DoragonLand’s blockchain aspect will be ensured with the smoothest performance.

Also as I mentioned before, We are so proud to have Thunder Cloud — a 3D design and production studio in Asia as our strategic partner for the art development of our project.

The team is known for providing high-quality 3D Game trailers and game art for hundreds of game projects

Besides, DoragonLand has formed partnerships with many other prestigious firms and institutions in blockchain and crypto field, such as V2B Labs, Lucid Realm, Hub, TomoChain, X21, OIG, Oxbull, Exnetwork Capital, Lua Ventrures, Gains, DuckDAO, OIG, CSP DAO, etc

To be continue, we have a plan to Burn NFT, not token by merging cards mechanism to upgrade the cards to reduce the inflation

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Perfect!!Two more 🙂

Question 4) @SopHiaa129

Do you have a community for NoN “English” speakers and are you a global project or not? Any Ambassador program plans available for different countries?

Kent Nguyen: Yes we do have and DoragonLand has already expanded its non-English community into 5 countries. Below are the link:

⚡️DoragonLand Vietnam

⚡️DoragonLand China

⚡️DoragonLand Japan

⚡️DoragonLand Indonesia

⚡️DoragonLand Russia

We already launched an ambassador program, for more information, please follow this link: https://doragon-land.medium.com/doragonland-ambassador-program-bad5e6a27eb2

If you are interested in our project and want to be our ambassador, hurry up to register as we will close the form soon 💪

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Amazing ambassador program!! We highly suggest everyone here check it out!! 👆

Question 5) @Hasnatjahan541

I realized that the NFTs can have different rarity levels, so can you tell us how many levels do you have?

Also what’s the advantages of having more rare NFT?

Ashley Dang: The rarity levels are ranging from Common, Rare, Epic, to Legendary. They have higher and outstanding stats

Card of higher rarity level will have more outstanding attributes and can help boost our combat troops.So you have an advantage in the game

The rarer the card, the more valuable it is in the market

Saigon 💎 | OIG: Awesome rarity rating for NFTs. It provides a very familar approach to gaming that people will feel at home with 🙂

Well @AshleyD_DOR and @KentNguyen_DOR this about sums up our time here at the OIG Main Stage. Are there any final words you would like to leave with our community?

Kent Nguyen: Sure things!

Firstly, I would like to say thank you to you @SaigonXIII to be such a great host!

Thank you guys for all the participation in this AMA. It was great talking to you guys today! We are so happy that our project received so much attention from OIG community.

Ashley Dang: Thank you all for your interesting questions. Hope that you guys have better insight in our project.

For all of the questions that have not been answered yet, guys feel free to search for more information on our official channels:

🔥🔥 DoragonLand’s Official Channels:

Website https://www.doragonland.io/

Medium https://doragon-land.medium.com/

Twitter https://twitter.com/DoragonLand_DOR

Telegram Global https://t.me/doragonland

Telegram Vietnam https://t.me/doragonlandvn

Telegram ANN https://t.me/doragonlandglobal

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuNwxFtlOtXdWO2dkwhDBPw

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/DoragonLand/

Discord: https://discord.gg/E8FWVGuMCz



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