OIG AMA with Colexion

OIG Group
10 min readJan 29, 2022


Colexion is the most elite & curated digital marketplace for premium NFTs.

Spicey | OIG
Hello OIG family and welcome back to another epic episode in our ama series. Joining us today we have collection, a licence NFT marketplace that focuses on niches within the entertainment, sports and art spaces. Here to tell us all about it is CEO and founder of Colexion. Abhay Aggarwal, welcome, today. It’s great to have you here with us today.

Abhay Aggarwal
Hi, thank you for having me.

Spicey | OIG
So for all those tuning in today, could you give us an introduction to your role and how you came to build Colexion.

Abhay Aggarwal
So basically, I’m the CEO and the founder of the company. I am myself a passionate lover of sports, I love art. And I started loving blockchain as well. That’s how I combine all three things, which I like the most and founded Colexion.

Spicey | OIG
it’s always good to see a project coming from some passion, and because it gives you unlimited fuel to really build it into something beautiful. And in the essence of building. I mean, your goal is pretty ambitious to build Colexionas an NFT marketplace. It’s definitely a feat in itself. Could you tell us more about the impressive team behind all of this?

Abhay Aggarwal
we have a team of like 50 people right now. So we have the nice CTO, we have an amazing product guy who has led a lot of gaming companies in the past, and his company has just been acquired by one of the top IP companies, Mr. Seamon, who has recently joined our company. And then we have our Chief Product Chief Design Officer who has worked for a lot of BBC show Discovery Channel shows, they’re helping us to design and curate the NFT’s. And me myself, I’m an entrepreneur, I understand the business side. So considering those things, I can take the business side forward. On the marketing side, we have Mr. Gargan, who is well versed and will knowledgeable and who is doing a lot of amazing partnerships for us. And then we have Fiona Adams, who is working as a business development manager who is doing your collaborations, and helping us develop the business in the space.

Spicey | OIG
Wow, amazing. So it seems like you really have a lot of people a lot of skill sets from a lot of different places, which you know, once put together creates a really cohesive team. So that’s, that’s good to see. So who would you say is your target audience? And how do you plan to accommodate the newcomers into space?

Abhay Aggarwal
So our main target audience is all the cricket fans, Bollywood fans, sporting fans, and of course, any person around the world who loves crypto loves play to win. All of them are going to be a target audience.

Spicey | OIG
Yeah, that’s a huge audience right there. I mean, just when you mentioned cricket 100%. I believe that’s that’s the best way to go by merging, you know, existing fans with the crypto industry and introducing, you know, features that help them enjoy what they’ve already been looking at in the entertainment industry. That’s good to see. You know, and on the topic of features, there are a number of impressive features you and your team aims to incorporate into Colexions Framework. Could you tell us more about how they will provide contrast for Colexion among other NFT marketplaces?

Abhay Aggarwal
So first thing that differentiates us from other NFT marketplaces is that we are a celebrities NFT platform where we have exclusive right if a lot of cricketers, a lot of Bollywood stars, a lot of athletes from India, and now we are expanding our vision by acquiring the IP rights of some international players as well. Related to boxing-related to football, and so on. Now, along with that, it’s all about an experience. So if you go to a lot of marketplaces, or you know, NFT drops, they’re kind of boring. And so what we’re doing is you’re trying to put the spice into it by launching a virtual museum where people can navigate as well in the future, but currently, like taking it’s it’s a nice way of you know, describing and showing the NFT drops. So whenever is the museum the secondary is our main target of our company is to build the utilities around those NFT’s a lot of companies are just doing drops and nobody knows what you’re going to do of those NFT’s of course, it can be used as collectibles. But what if those collectible can also make people money? Also people engage Playing games. So this is what our target is. And they are a lot of companies. I think you must have heard about Soria, which has just done the football fantasy league. And I think we will be the first company to do cricket fantasy, that sort of thing. And then in the future, as we see the metaverse, Guru growing up, and various other things happening in the metaverse, we will also explore the option of metaphors. But for now, we are absolutely focusing on the gaming to indulge and make the real use case of our NFT’s in the game.

Spicey | OIG
Really cool. Really cool. See, you mentioned international athletes. I know this might be asking for too much. But are you able to drop any names that are upcoming? Or is it still in the works?

Abhay Aggarwal
It’s in the, as I said, we’re targeting a few boxers.

Spicey | OIG
that’s big, that’s really big. You do make a point when you mentioned that, you know, there are other NFT marketplaces, but they’re not doing something as ambitious as what you have here. And it kind of makes it a little more exciting. So my next question regarding your native token, could you explain what utility that would bring to the Colexion marketplace,

Abhay Aggarwal
Our Native token, it’s gonna have a lot of utilities example. People will have special discounts, if they use collection tokens to buy NFT. Then secondly, we will also introduce staking options so that people can be enhanced and report also, there will be certain things which will be used in the game specially, where Colexion tokens will be used to upgrade the cards for the people. And in the fantasy league, there will be different kinds of NFT’s, which you can purchase only by Colexion tokens as well. And, and the more people spend collection token, they will get free NFT’s in person meet with the celebrities, and Instagram bytes from the celebrities and various other things so that there is a direct interaction between a fan and the celebrity.

Spicey | OIG
That’s amazing. I mean, it’s really bridging the gap between these celebrities who you know, in the past used to be so out of reach, but now, they could be as easy as owning an NFT and meeting them or talking to them directly and you’re bridging that gap. And you did mention the metaverse. So you know gaming is gearing up to be one of the biggest narratives in crypto, the crypto universe, what kind of opportunities will gamers have to interact with Colexion.

Abhay Aggarwal
The first thing will be the fantasy game which we are building up, which is a play to one model. Then another game, which we are focusing on is a trump card edition where again, people can come and buy NFTs to gamers can use those NFT’s in the games, and people can upgrade their game cards using the Colexion tokens.

Spicey | OIG
Really cool. So we have our next segment here, which is the Twitter questions that we randomly select from our community members. And we have our first question here, who is Anu MajumdeR, the question is, you’re talking about an official licence in the largest NFT market in Asia. But could you tell us more about it? Is it just the people that have the locality to can trade and what benefit is the licence offer?

Abhay Aggarwal
Licence means acquiring the IP rights or exclusive rights of the celebrities. So the celebrities we have signed are exclusively with us for a period of two to three years. So that is what exclusivity means and acquiring the licences means. So now, that means if the NFT’s of that superstar is going to be sold is going to be sold exclusively on our platform, which makes it more authentic and more unique.

Spicey | OIG
If anybody wants to get an NFT, that has to do with that celebrity, they’d have to come to Colexion. That’s great. That’s really good. Perfect. So we go on to question number two, almost three-quarters of investors are focused purely on the price of tokens in the short term, instead of understanding the real value and health of the project. Could you tell us your motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in the long term?

Abhay Aggarwal
So see, again, as rightly mentioned, investors are very careful about investing in any project. People think it’s easy to raise investments, no, but investment investors, they have a big team to do with do the KYC to understand the project, do multiple meetings. So none of the investors just want to invest in any project, which doesn’t make sense to most of the investors. If you have a good investor base, you know, who are the good investors, and you can see in anybody any company’s portfolio, if they’re backing you up, that means they’re only backing the good projects. And, like in our project by investors back does because we had not only the NFT marketplace, but we are actually thinking on the point where people NFT can not only be traded, considered as collectible, it can also be traded, it can also have a real use case so that all the community which are buying those NFT’s, are somehow benefited in the longer term.

Spicey | OIG
Really cool. We move on to our last question, and it reads NFT’s that are displayed on the museum gallery, could they be bought? Or are they just like real-world artwork where they can only be admired? Secondly, do users need to own Colexion before they can view the gallery? Or is it open to the general public?

Abhay Aggarwal
Of course, people can go and buy those NFT’s in the museum Museum is an experience where the already launched one museum, if you see where a celebrity himself is sitting in his holographic picture, and explaining his life journey. So it’s an experience that users are seeing, or being a part of the museum. And they can call by the NFT. And secondly, so far, we don’t have any subscription model, people, anybody can just go and view the NFT experience the museum, but in the future, maybe we will ask our community what they want, do they want a subscription model, or they just want it accessible for all.

Spicey | OIG
It’s also brilliant that you mentioned the community because, at the end of the day, the end-user, which is your community will be the ones that dictate the success of the project. So it’s good to see that you’re keen on that. And you cater to the community.

Abhay Aggarwal
So I actually targeted to build the community, a happy community, which come together and help us rise all together as a community as a platform. So that’s what we say Colexion. is like creators, collectors, celebrities, and community. This is our collection C stands for

Spicey | OIG
Beautiful. Well, that ends our Twitter questions segment. We just wanted to close off with some upcoming dates on Colexion’s roadmap for 2022. And beyond,

Abhay Aggarwal
We will have our token launch in February. And our IDO is well, and TG both so and we are hopeful to make our marketplace live by end of February. So the people who have already hold NFT’s they can go in trade. And in March we will show the public our prototype of the game. And in April, we’re very hopeful to make our first game life, which is a fantasy game, which people would love it, it is going to be the first of its kind. And there will be of course, few celebrities drop as well during these time. And from April, then we will target another game in mid-May, which is going to be a trump card edition game.

Spicey | OIG
Wow. Wow. So q1 is gearing up to be a really busy timeframe for you guys. And I’m sure the rest of the year too. It’s it seems like you got a lot on your plate. For everybody that’s watching where could they go to see more of Colexion.

Abhay Aggarwal
Be a part of our community so that you can have more and more updates. And in sync with us? Go to Colexion.io and same you can find us on telegram discord, Twitter as well by the name Colexion.

Spicey | OIG
Well there you have it folks. It was a pleasure talking to you Abhay about Colexion and we’re really excited to see what the year brings for us. Again, if you want any more of a Colexion, be sure to follow their socials, the links will be in the description as well as OIG socials which will also be in the description. Thanks again guys for a great ama series. Talk to you soon.



Twitter: https://twitter.com/colexionNFT



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/colexion.nft/


Pintrest https://www.pinterest.com/ColexionNFT/?invite_code=821c0f4380654eac9d7f586c1d6d01b6&sender=1004865873015506092



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