First real-time multiplayer NFT fighting game.
Frumps | OIG: Greetings OIG Community! We are extremely excited to bring you another great AMA today!
We have Battle of Guardians joining us, the first real-time multiplayer NFT fighting game.
Representing this amazing project is Anargya Simson (Co-founder) and Alexander Lim (Co-founder)
Welcome to the OIG Main Stage @AlexLim07721 @argisimson ! Can you introduce yourself briefly to our community?
Alexander Lim: Hello everyone! I’m Alexander Lim, one of the Co-founders of BOG! Nice to meet you!
I am a Computer Science Major specializing in Network security, but has spent the past 3 years as a full-time streamer!
Argi Simson: Hi! What’s up OIG? I’m Anargya, or Argi for short, and I am one of the co-founders of BOG. Pleased to be here!
I have an engineering background and I’ve been in the space since 2017 where the ICO hype started. Been following many projects up to this point. That’s why we bring BOG here as well!👊
Frumps | OIG: It's a privilege to talk to you talented individuals and learn about your amazing project! Let's get to it!
Can you summarise what Battle of Guardians is?
Argi Simson: Certainly! For those of you who are still unfamiliar with BOG, this is what the project is about
Battle of Guardians is a real-time multiplayer PVP arena NFT game developed in Unreal Engine and built on the Solana network. Players engage in fierce multi-realm battles in the expansive Sci-Fi game world. BOG is an all-out battle of skills where the best players are in a constant battle to beat other players to earn more rewards. BOG is being developed for PC, with iOS and Android cross-platform multiplayer in the future. In Battle of Guardians, players can battle in PvE and PvP using their collection of NFT fighters. With a tier system, three different races, and a broad range of playable characters, BOG becomes a platform for players to test their skills and agility whilst earning for what they are worth.
Frumps | OIG: Brilliant summary! There is a lot of amazing things there to digest!
There are a great number of games being released in the market, what makes Battle of Guardians stand out?
Alexander Lim: Battle of Guardians is the first NFT play-to-earn fighting game with real-time multiplayer compatibility. Currently, there are not many games with fighting genre in this GameFi/Metaverse. We have expected several competitors and they’ve started to show up now. However, compared to those, BOG is ahead in terms of development because the game has been designed well over a year.
Frumps | OIG: That's great, you are ahead of the curve and deep in development rather than just a concept. You will have the first-mover advantage!
You mentioned the different game modes that will be available earlier, can you dive into them in a bit more detail for us?
Alexander Lim: There will be three game modes and all will have the play-to-earn feature. Those are:
Story Mode (PvE) — Players are gonna fight against computers, and for every win, your rewards will be on the lower side.
Arena (PvP) — Players are gonna fight against other players, and for every win, the rewards will be moderate.
Tournament Mode — Players are put in bracket of 8/16/32, and they’ll try to knock out all of the other opponents. Last man standing will earn a huge reward!
Frumps | OIG: Amazing, I love the idea that there are options for all desires here, play on your own, play against friends or play in big competitions, with the rewards reflecting the scale of things! Great stuff
The Characters of BOG look amazing, can you tell us about the different races and the three different tiers?
Alexander Lim:Great Question!
There are 3 Races in BOG!
- Guardian : Larger Damage outpu
- Demons : Bigger Health pool
- Humans : Stronger Special Ability
They all have different Attributes divided into the following
- Health
- Damage
- Special
fighters in BOG are classified into 3 Tiers, from lowest to highest, they are;
Elite Fighters: Basic fighters and only have access to their normal moveset
Legendary Warriors: Will have Special abilities added (Hadouken/shoryuken/etc)
Gods of War: All of the above as well as an Ultra ability on top of everything else!
Frumps | OIG: The special abilities (Hadouken/shoryuken/etc) sound amazing! Ultra ability-very exciting! Great structure!
We see that NFT’s play a big role in your game, can you tell us a little about how they will be utilised in Battle of Guardians?
Argi Simson: Our NFTs are actually the characters/fighters inside of the game. If you follow our Twitter closely, you can see that we have published a teaser about our NFT Character Packs. Each pack will contain three NFT characters. You will need at least one NFT character to play BOG. Other than just playing, you can rent, sell, and synthesize your characters.
We understand that our NFTs should have high utility! Hence, such features will be available!
Argi Simson: Actually, if you have not seen the announcement, allow me to share it here!
Frumps | OIG: wow, these character packs that are the entrance to your metaverse will also have Rent/sell/synthesize characters- features! This is huge
What about your tokens $BGS and $FP, what are their utilities?
Alexander Lim: Yes we have two token systems. Let's start with $FP, FP or Fighting Points is a token that also doubles as BOG’s in-game currency. FP is earned every time you win your fights in BOG! You can use FP to purchase In-game items from the marketplace, as well as Character NFT Packs from the marketplace as well, FP is also exclusively used to pay the entrance fee for participating in Bout or Tourney mode!
$BGS or Battle of Guardian Share will be used as the primary token and it also has several functionalities, $BGS can be used to purchase NFT Character packs as well an in-game items from the marketplace, It is also used as governance tokens as well, furthermore, $BGS can also be staked as well. You can earn $BOG by winning bout/tournaments as well as purchasing them from the exchanges!
Both tokens will be listed in the exchange
Frumps | OIG: Excellent two token system design with both having important functions, clearly this has been very well thought out!
Your Roadmap is in 4 phases, what phase are you on now? What is coming up we should know about?
Argi Simson: We are in our first phase! TGE or end of Phase 1 is going to happen in the first week of Jan 2022. After that, we will move on to Phase 2 with the first version of our game in Feb 2022!
Here’s our roadmap for everyone to see.
Frumps | OIG: TGE is soon! OIG keep your eyes on this and make sure your follow their channels to know all the key dates.
Well @AlexLim07721 @argisimson at this point we’d like to turn it over to our community questions on Twitter
Argi Simson: Awesome! Let’s bring the questions here!
Community Twitter Questions
Question 1)
Alexander Lim: That’s a wonderful question, our project, BOG does indeed take heavy inspiration from Classic 2D fighting games such as street fighter, as all of us from the development team are big fans of it! Although there are plenty of elements that draw parallel to it, one of the largest difference in BOG is that the fighters in BOG are classified into 3 Tiers, from lowest to highest, they are;
Elite Fighters
Legendary Warriors
Gods of War
The Higher Tier character you use, the more abilities you will have access to and the better your Earnings will be!
For balance reasons, Fighters of a tier will not be able to fight fighters of a different tier, and each tier will have its own MMR rating so you will always be paired with players of the same skill level!
Frumps | OIG: That's great that the pairing will be fair and make the game competitive. I love that the game takes inspiration from games like Street Fighter!
Question 2)
Argi Simson: Wilsen is actually one of my best friends! Even before crypto. He and GGG have been such a great help. They have connected us to top VCs, PR, and KOLs. And since we are incubated by GGG thru their incubation arm, GG Labs, we have access to their scholars so they can try out our scholarship feature!
And yes, there is certainly a benefit from working with such an experienced person. Wilsen has helped with our strategy, complete with its pros and cons which affect our decision making. He has a wide point of view, given the experience that he has. He’s been a great help and a great friend!
Frumps | OIG: It's a huge plus to have the advice, guidance and support from industry leaders like this!
Question 3)
Argi Simson: Awesome question to end this AMA!
We believe that the scholarship feature inside BOG can help a lot in terms of splitting the rewards. Our scholarship/renting feature is built inside the smart contract so that guilds and scholars won’t go through the hassle of splitting rewards. Hopefully, this can encourage guilds out there to work together with us, starting with GGG.
Frumps | OIG:Amazing scholarship feature!
Well @AlexLim07721 @argisimson this about sums up our time here at the OIG Main Stage!
We are privileged to have heard and learned about your brilliant project. Thank you!
We encourage everyone to join all Battle of Guardians channels and support this talented team.
Are there any final words you would like to leave with our community?
Alexander Lim: Thank you so much for having both of us here today! its been a pleasure to answer all your questions!
Argi Simson: Thank you for the chance to have an AMA session with OIG! It’s a pleasure to be here!
Before we leave, we encourage everyone to follow our socials. That way, you can hear the latest updates about BOG!
Telegram Group:
Announcement Channel:
Frumps | OIG: Thanks again @AlexLim07721 @argisimson for the brilliant AMA.
Thank you OIG for your continued support and engagement. Go and follow Battle of Guardian socials now! We will see you soon!
Stay Blessed!