Ancient Kingdom is the 1st ancient martial arts game on the blockchain platform, pioneering the realization of real-time games on the blockchain platform
Frumps | OIG: Greetings OIG Community! Welcome to another fantastic AMA!
We are lucky to have with us Ancient Kingdom, the 1st ancient martial arts game on the blockchain platform, pioneering the realization of real-time games on the blockchain platform
Joining us is @DanyaSmith (B.A Manager)
Welcome @DanyaSmith
Smith Danya: Thanks. Hello everyone
Frumps | OIG: Can you please introduce the Ancient Kingdom project?
Smith Danya: Of course!
Ancient Kingdom is the 1st ancient martial arts game on the blockchain platform, pioneering the realization of real-time games on the blockchain platform.
To expand that terrific system, Ancient Kingdom empowers players to skipper profound maps, manned power to train and find the pinnacle of fame and resources. When found, rich cases that are marked can be mined, refined, and exchanged through an organization of business mining establishments, processing plants, and the Universal marketplace.
Frumps | OIG: That sounds incredible
Will you share with us what are you currently working on and can you describe your future roadmap?
Smith Danya: Now everything is ready to launch IDO.
About game: Game roadmap
The first week [10/15–10/21]
● Public chain docking
The second week [10/22–10/27]
● Game content adaptation chain economic system
The third week [10/28–11/03)
● Localization of the main game system
Week 4 [11/04–11/09]
● Three-terminal packaging
● Hot update service construction
The fifth week [11/10–11/16]
● Complete test of the game
● BUG repair
● External network deployment, small-scale external testing
Frumps | OIG: Clearly a lot of work has been done and there are exciting times ahead!
Each project has its own story. Do you mind sharing with us the story behind Acdom? Can you describe what Acdom is in a few sentences?
Smith Danya: Yes
Acdom is an NFT Metaverse where you can play with your own warrior and unique digital items (NFTs) within their respective ecosystems. Acdom builds the play-to-earn model on the BSC blockchain that will be of great assistance to the player experience.
We choose the Three Kingdoms game concept with the battle of Zhongshan tribe and the half-beast
The game is a unique blend of battle royale, survival RPG, and turn-based strategy games in which you play as one of the myth warriors and compete to become the hero who will save the ancient kingdom only through the glory of combats.
You guys can make a reference to our whitepaper! the game storyline is described in detail. ^^
Frumps | OIG: This sounds very exciting, the storyline is great! I love the fact it's a blend of battle royale, survival RPG, and turn-based strategy!
What was the inspiration behind the Ancient Kingdom project?
Smith Danya: “”The metaverse,”” as it is commonly described, is a virtual world in which actual and augmented reality experiences are possible. Many people believe that the NFT game industry is a logical progression from what people are already doing in the crypto-world and that it is the next logical step in the evolution of the sector. As a result, the Ancient Kingdom team has taken advantage of the opportunity to deliver the most spectacular game to a whole new metaverse. The Ancient Kingdom metaverse, which is built on a captivating ancient storyline and is powered by Binance Smart Chain, generates NFTs, revenue, and other benefits through the use of the Binance Smart Chain.
Frumps | OIG: The Metaverse is definitely a hot topic right now and the Ancient Kingdom one sounds amazing
Can you show us the instructions on how to play the game Ancient Kingdom? Which version has been completed?
Smith Danya: Yes Sir ^^
- To start playing the game:
Players will register for an account on the Ancient Kingdom website.
Players will choose 1 of 3 main characters
Characters will be level 0 to level 90.
- There are 2 Versions:
Version 1
In the game will be divided into 3 types of maps for players:
+ World Map: open to all participants — low drop rate of rare NTFP items.
Players will use Dom tokens to exchange into ingots with a ratio of 1: 1, players will use Gold to buy necessary props at the in-game shop. Then fortify to increase your own combat power and use ingots to buy boosters to increase the killing effect. To collect items, join the world map and destroy monsters, mini bosses, and bosses. The “”game card”” has a very low chance of being dropped.
Game cards can be exchanged for Gold to further level up your character, or they can be marketed for DOM tokens.
+ NFT Map: Players will use Dom cards to buy NFT Characters from Marketplace and then import a map specific to the individual map. For all players, the drop rate of rare items and NFTs on this individual map will be higher than on the world map.
+ VIP Map: Compared to the other two maps, the VIP map has the highest drop rate of rare items. With each VIP level, the exact VIP map will be entered. The higher the vip level, the higher the profit. There are a total of 12 VIP levels.
Players will be given a rare NFT weapon when reaching the VIP level. They can use this rare NFT weapon to level up training and fight monsters for money. The guaranteed benefit of VIP 1 is that if the player has enough time for 6 hours/day, payback within 20–30 days. Payback will be shorter when the player is equipped with a lot of rare NFTs equipment. The VIPs will correspond to different maps in the game.
Version 2: In the future will update:
In the next update, we will update new modes like:
Siege wars, world bosses, guild fights, more Boss NFT rewards updates, Battle PK Mode…
Frumps | OIG: This is a very well designed game with a great number of dynamic features that will keep players engaged and interested. Version 2 sounds very exciting as well!
Well @DanyaSmith we have come to the Live Q&A section. I will unmute the chat and let the OIG community ask their questions
Telegram Community Questions:
Question 1) @Pilot9804
In Your Website I Read That, Your Game (Ancient KingDom) Is Divided in-to Two Parts, Which is “Free Player and Paid Player”, So Can You Tell Us What’s the Different Between This Two categories and What’s the advantages paid players over free players? Also is There any limitations for Free players? And I want to know more about Your Three (DOM, GOLD, KING) Tokens Utility in “Ancient KingDom” Ecosystem???
Smith Danya: This is a diagram of Ancient KingDom for free and paid players.
As you can see, we don’t put any limit on free players, however, paid players get more perks and benefits, and level up faster. Starting the game, players will register an account on the game’s homepage. Each IP address can only register one account (any fraud case will be permanently banned IP). Players need to connect to Dapp Wallet and buy DOM. There will be three ways to get profit from the Ancient Kingdom.
There will had three different map for player: WORLD MAP, NFT MAP, VIP MAP
Question 2) @Heartlesss01
How many characters & Element are there in “Ancient KingDom” and how the game is designed ? could you tell us about the main features and give us some details of each of them, from the ways in which we can generate profits and the Marketplace that you have designed for the game?
Smith Danya: The game is divided into 3 professions and 6 characters.
[Heavy Health] The special feature is the use of Warrior, which is based on a strong physique. It is better suited to fighting BOSS and PK. Strong fighters have high survivability and serve as vanguards and meat shields in monster combat and PK. However, the warrior’s armor is relatively weak against magic.
1. Male Warrior
2. Female warrior
3. Mage:
4. Sorceress
5. Male Taoist
6. Female Taoist
Frumps | OIG: Very exciting
Question 3) @Mus928
Do you have any plan for burning tokens in the future to reduce the supply of the token and increase its investment attractiveness?
Smith Danya: The minting and burning of DOM and GOLD will be purely based on game user-base growth and adoption. The Ancient Kingdom supply and price will be kept on a level to maintain reasonable in-game asset pricing internally and optimize the entry-level for new users, while allowing for appreciation externally.
In addition to contributing towards the NFTs burn, the Ancient development team will also participate in a token acquisition and burn mechanism. These purchases will occur on the same open-market DEXs for which all players have access. GOLD repurchased will come from gross company revenues, and will create in circulating supply.
Frumps | OIG: Great stuff, this all helps hold the value for investors
Question 4) @taratarikoi
Security is a critical concern for users in any project with growing number of scammers. What level of security can Your project guarantee users? Do you have AUDIT certificate?
Smith Danya: We understand that project security is extremely important. That’s why we are ready to complete the security as well as get AUDIT certification. Let me tell you, we use a top audit agency.
Frumps | OIG: This is extremely important and great to know for investors
Question 5) @dogijop
NFT Project Token is really a hot topic in the cryptocurrency market now. So how is your project planning to develop NFT then how is your project planning to integrate it with DeFi??
Smith Danya: In the next update, we will update new modes such as:
Siege War, World Boss, Guild Duel, More Update on Boss NFTs Rewards, Fighting PK Mode…
Playing a video game and making money is now possible. NFTs, like other blockchain assets, increase in value as the community increases. Ancient Kingdom aims to surpass traditional gaming models by extending centralized and decentralized exchanges linkages and eliminating boundaries for both. Using the Ancient Kingdom gaming paradigm, players are compensated financially for their time and effort invested in the game. NFTs (one-of-a-kind virtual goods) can be used by participants in their own ecosystems. Goals like Hold, Build, and Control are established by faction governance to benefit the entire faction.
Frumps | OIG: These NFT’s sound amazing and the structure you have designed around them makes them even more valuable!
Well @DanyaSmith this about sums up our time here at the OIG Main Stage. It’s been amazing to hear about Ancient Kingdom.
Are there any final words you would like to leave with our community?
Smith Danya: I know that time is limited and we can’t answer all of your questions, don’t worry, join our community, all your questions will be answered immediately.
Frumps | OIG: Thank you again @DanyaSmith, it has been our pleasure to hear about Ancient Kingdom. OIG community go and follow their channels and support this exciting new game!
Thank you OIG for your brilliant questions and engagement, see you soon and Merry Christmas!!