OIG AMA with GemGuardian

OIG Group
6 min readSep 21, 2021


A brief overview of GemGuardian: A fantasy NFT style play to earn card game where fantasy meets reality gameplay. GemGuardian’s vision is to establish a true play-to-earn ecosystem to facilitate blockchain development and evolve the DeFi industry fundamentals to make staking and earning more fun.

Viking | OIG: Welcome Stephen!

Stephen B.L: Hi, thanks for having us here today!!

Viking | OIG: Can you tell us a little about yourself, when did you enter the blockchain space, and a little about where the game is being developed!

Stephen B.L: This is Stephen, CMO of GemGuardian. Started my crypto journey in 2014. 7 years in blockchain management and operation. Ran 2 outsourcing companies in the Philippines for crypto marketing. Private investors for a few ICO in 2017. Got scammed few times, but survived lol

GemGuardian is an infinitely scalable fantasy-based NFT Card Game on the BSC Network. Utilizing Dual Token Economy to promote price sustainability, but at the same time keeping the game fun and rewarding. Players acquire Guardians and Dragons to battle and earn in-game rewards that can be staked for a lucrative APY.

Viking | OIG: you are what we call an “old-timer in this space” from when Eth was under 5 USDT!

Stephen B.L: Haha.

Viking | OIG: Great. The artwork in the game looks fantastic. Where did you get the inspiration from?

Stephen B.L: This is a merge of western wizardry and Asian folklore. The Guardian are beings with mystical powers, whereas the dragons are similar to a weapon in the game.

Viking | OIG: looks really interesting — Can you tell us about how you designed the so-called loot box — We had questions about that from our community.

Stephen B.L: Lootbox is a mystery box that is needed to obtain Guardians and Dragons to participate in the gameplay. This is the first point of entry into the game. As the players unlock more loot boxes, it becomes more expensive, but the chances of acquiring a super rare NFT is exponentially higher.

Viking | OIG: What will the cost be of this loot box, to begin with?

Stephen B.L: The initial cost per Lootbox is set at $16. Players will need to acquire 2 to start the game. We are trying to maintain a low barrier of entry to entice the mass majority of gamers in developing countries that actually need play to earn to make a living.

Viking | OIG: Yes, we like that. Axie Infinity is very expensive right now

Stephen B.L: Yes we are trying to fill the gap that they left behind

Viking | OIG: Yes — let's go for an Axie II 🙂 …..There are close ties between Binstarter and Gemguardian. In what way are you helping each other? It’s also the first IDO on Binstarter, right?

Stephen B.L: I personally am the advisor for Binstarter. They’re also our incubator that funded, groomed, and guided our founding team. Therefore our first IDO launched must be there.

Viking | OIG: We hope it will fly away. Talking about the launch. Can you tell us about TGE date, and launch platforms locked in?

Stephen B.L: TGE is right before listing around 25–26th of September. We are currently conducting IDO on Binstarter, Trustpad, and Poolz.

Viking | OIG: That is a powerful Trio — You must be all fired up !! I can say that the community of OIG are.

Stephen B.L: Oh yeah we are very excited!

Twitter Questions

Viking | OIG: Ok — Let's move on to 3 Twitter questions first one.

Twitter Question 1) Lê Duy Dũng: Play to earn is a good mechanism to attract new players but there are players entering the NFT Games just to make money and not focus on game play. What does the project think about this issue? What do Gem Guardian team focus on? Either gameplay or earning features of the game.?

Stephen B.L: There are 2 types of people a play to earn game need to persuade.

  1. Investor: People that want to buy the coin for the purpose of selling to make a profit
  2. Players: People that want to play the game as an income substitute.

Both types of people are very crucial to NFT gaming projects. Before IDO, we need to appeal to investors so we don’t have a huge dump. After IDO, we need to convince players to come into the ecosystem to play the game; so it keeps scaling. The answer is, it comes hand in hand. We need to keep a balance.

Viking | OIG: Yes! the golden middleway! next twitter Question:

Twitter Question 2) Ibrahem Sobhy: Do your project support the staking program? If yes. how is your stake system work, can you tell me what is the requirement for users if they want to stake in your platform?

Stephen B.L: Yes, that is our main feature. The usual way to stake is either to purchase on the open market or play the game. We actually have 3 types of staking pools.

1) Token for token

2) Token for NFTs

3) NFT for Tokens

Viking | OIG: This is also something OIG is very interested in! When all these things are finalized and up and running — We will update our guys!

Twitter Question 3) Zac: Who are your closest competitors in the NFT Card Gaming scene and what sets you apart from them?

Viking | OIG: I will add in here

Stephen B.L: I think GemGuardian are lightyears away from new NFT projects; since we actually have a game and it’s already whitelisting people for the testnet of the game. For older projects, we have a lot of similarities to Axie infinity, but we have features that they don’t have. For example, we have staking pools at high APR that they do not have. This is very important to regulate the outflow of tokens, price sustainability, and growth of the project.

Viking | OIG: Amazing and this makes us bullish — the staking pols are very interesting for the token also! and then let's see what that ROIx can up at !! And now.- let’s open up for questions from the community! Pick 3 of the best ones, and then we will wrap this AMA up.

Stephen B.L: sure let's do it

Community Questions

Community Question 1) Pawbap: Have you been listed your tokens on any decentralized or centralized exchange if yes where can I invest and buy tokens from?

Stephen B.L: Currently, GEMG can only be purchased on Binstarter, Trustpad, and Poolz IDO events. The first listing will be on pancakeswap on Sep 26th. We are currently discussing CEX listing and will announce shortly after the initial pancakeswap listing.

Community Question 2) Z Cryptobeggar: How will you stand out against the numerous games out there? Will it be gameplay?

Stephen B.L: Our development team is highly experienced and can adapt to any changes in the blockchain industry. Because of how lightweight our software is, we can infinitely scale up our ecosystem and add in new features and utility to adapt to a fast-changing crypto environment. That’s our competitive advantage.

Community Question 3) Red Devil: How can I trust not to rug pull? How much liquidity did you lock and how many months did you lock them?

Stephen B.L: There are no certainties in the crypto world. What blockchain companies can offer currently is smart contract audits and live security monitoring features like Certik Skynet. These are some features that GemGuardian will implement in the future. In addition to these security measures, our tokens will be locked in Trustswap Smart Lock. So unless hackers can hack Trustswap, then this is the most secured and transparent setup for all investors.

Viking | OIG Perfect Gemguardian! Thank you for some very nice answers here!!!

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Stephen B.L: Thanks a lot for having us again.



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