AMA with TribeOne

OIG Group
25 min readMay 12, 2021


Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:01:16]:

Hi Everyone — Welcome to the MMA with TribeOne !. Such a pleassure to have you here today to tell our community about your project

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:02:14]:

First, can you give us a brief background about yourself, your team, and your roles at TribeOne.

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:02:15]:

Hi all, great to be here 👍

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:02:18]:

Hi everyone ! good to be here 😊

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:04:59]:

Ok, so my name is Mehdi Suleman. I am the founder of TribeOne. I carry over 20+ years of experience in the largest retail banks of the Middle East region, building products and teams with the inception to growing business with total value locked over $1.2 billion. Throughout my tenure, I worked in senior leadership roles overseeing business, operations & managing large cross-department teams.

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:05:11]:

I am Tan Ahmad, the director of partnerships with extensive experience of over 15 years resulting in a deep passion for crypto and understanding the business needs and aspirations. I have worked with reputable companies like deVere Group & Ibex Global. I aim to bring a lot of unbridled energy to build the TribeOne partnership ecosystem. 😊

Also, we will like to mention our head of credit risk, Amr Ezzat who has worked in the largest banks in the financial risk space as a remarkable senior risk analyst with over 10 years of building credit financial modeling for underwriting retail & wholesale risk portfolios.

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:06:19]:

That is a lot of experience to bring to the table !

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:06:44]:

😊 Appreciate it

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:07:49]:

How did the idea of TribeOne start?

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:08:49]:

Thanks for the question!

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:09:53]:

The seed was probably sown during the first bull run back in 2017 where the hype around bitcoin overshadowed the utility of blockchain. Once the dust settled down, it was the introduction of the revolutionary DeFi concept that connected the dots between the traditional ways of finance and the crypto world

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:10:05]:

That’s @mehdisuleman’s favourite question? ☺️

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:10:40]:

The current market leaders for DeFi lending have done a great job in connecting users to a new way of conducting financial services however they were disconnected from the majority of the user base due to complexity. That’s where the Eureka moment struck about why can’t users have a more simpler way of conducting financial services

And that’s how the idea of TribeOne was proposed!

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:12:00]:

Yes — I think a lot of us felt it that way. From the hype to the real use case of Defi !

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:12:35]:

Absolutely! Evolution at its best

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:12:50]:

In a simplified version, can you briefly describe how TribeOne works?

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:13:09]:

for sure as simple as possible..

In the simplest terms, we are a DeFi platform where the users will be able to get loans by using their NFTs as collateral

It’s an innovative lending space with the added features of rewarding regular users who create a consistent repayment history with the access to low or zero collateral loans. In addition to this the primary USP of offering users loans against their NFT, users can also pool invest in NFTs or get a loan to buy an NFT

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:14:58]:

Can you talk about your current partnership and why do you think those partnerships are important to TribeOne?

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:16:12]:

That’s a great question

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:17:02]:

We firmly believe in integration and collaboration to enhance the horizon for our platform and make it a mutually beneficial partnership

Partnerships are the key to ensure the continuous growth of the platform for times to come. In traditional financial space, it was critical to have synergy with other institutions to leverage their advantages and utilities. As far as our partnerships are concerned, keep a close eye on our socials. We have exciting ones coming up! 🤩💪🏼

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:19:16]:

Sounds very interesting ! We will for sure check it !

Do you see TribeOne operating as a bank or an investment platform?

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:20:08]:

Trying to shake off the negativity which shrouds banking….TribeOne’s vision is to have users create their own terms when dealing with finance products, we would eventually be operating as an advisory platform to bridge the gap between the users and DeFi sphere

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:21:09]:

For someone who is not interested in loans and lending, what can I use TribeOne for

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:21:34]:

That’s an interesting question!

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:22:18]:

TribeOne has a variety of facilities, but the primary functions are to facilitate financial products, users who are not interested in loans or lending can use our NFT arm to create and hold wealth. This would be possible by accessing our platform where users can buy NFTs and retain their ownership without having the sell pressure

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:22:57]:

Interesting. Can you please elaborate on the Token Ecosystem

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:23:50]:

Yes for sure, it’s time to get technical! 😉

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:24:18]:

The Token Ecosystem was designed to ensure the holders remain engaged by using the $HAKA token.

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:25:08]:

So the usage is well rounded where token holders would be able to access the following benefits:

-Discounts on loans rates

-Access to zero to collateral loans

-Staking rewards

-Exclusive access to NFT launches with our partner marketplaces

-Rewards on early repayment

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:25:26]:

Super interesting !

In 5 years from today, what do you thinkk we should look out for with TribeOne?

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:26:57]:

So you mean 50 years in crypto time 😀

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:27:14]:

haha something like that !

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:27:43]:

Well, TribeOne is all about innovative, consumer-centric products. We will keep working hard to enhance user experience and make products which can be beneficial for all. We will keep on adding more weapons to our armory and sky is the limit :)

So i would say there are a lot of interesting things to look out for so keep a watch on our socials!

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:28:21]:

Is there any particular challenge your team overcame that would redefine Defi or crypto in general?

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:29:18]:

That is a really good question, I think the concept of RAROC was initially a challenge. However this was a gap which, as a former banker, I felt in the crypto world and wanted to fill. The motivation to make things better for all pushed me and that introduced RAROC as the solution for the majority of the hurdles in the ecosystem.

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:29:43]:

RAROC stands for Risk Adjusted Returns On Crypto

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:29:59]:

Yes I was about to ask about that … thx

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:30:02]:

RAROC is our very own super hero 😂

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:30:26]:

What incentives do you have for people who just buy HAKA and hold without doing anything else?

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:31:47]:

Meet RAROC ☺️

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:31:52]:

Well no one goes empty handed with TribeOne.

The users will have an exclusive access to NFT launches with our partner marketplaces, staking rewards where they will have access to slot allocation, additional discounts on loans and Lowered interest rates.

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:32:03]:


Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:32:32]:

They can also participate in risk assessment & Governance, additionally their good credit history will give them eligibility to zero to low collateral loans.

So i would say if you have a token with so many utilities might as well use them for additional benefits!💪

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:33:14]:

Everyone is doing NFT these days, how do you plan on separating yourself from the rest?

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:33:39]:

Yes, NFT is quite in the trend! Isn’t it..

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:33:39]:

Yes, NFT is quite in the trend! Isn’t it..

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:34:52]:

I really find that credit history aspect interesting !

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:34:53]:

In my opinion, NFT is being treated similar to what has happened in the past, pump and dump. We see NFT holding value over a period of time which is only possible if the user has the holding power and that power can only be achieved through our financing solutions.

There is a lot of risk involved when investing in NFTs considering it being so nascent, but we are introducing a well equipped tool — through our expertise in risk management, we will do risk mitigation by reducing the risk factors that facilitate users with access to evaluation measurement of the NFT and our inhouse risk actuary.

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:36:57]:

Yes, it will further enhance user experience.

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:37:18]:

It’s fair to say that we are looking so much forward to see your product

One of your future goals is to migrate into Polkadot, why is that important for TribeOne?

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:38:18]:

Polkadot is the “in” thing to be in but its a whole lot more than that for us

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:38:38]:


Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:39:47]:

Goals and visions are something that keeps every organization moving forward going. For TribeOne the only way to make our platform or any platform for that matter user accessible is by keeping the Gas fees low, by building on Polkadot we eliminate a lot of the external costs off from the user which would encourage more usage and adoption from the community. Making it more user friendly and community driven

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:40:27]:

Low Gas Fee 🥳🤩

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:40:48]:

Yes Polkadot is very hot at the moment — But I agree — So many people don’t know about it’s Tech and speed!

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:41:28]:

To round things off — Tell me one fun fact about TribeOne?

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:42:17]:

only one ?

We draw a lot of its inspiration from the Samoan culture, our products are names after the different tribal words. Our token $HAKA means war dance that indicates power of holding the token.

The traditional culture of Samoa is a communal way of life based on Fa’a Samoa, the unique socio-political culture with the key central element in Samoan culture is the aiga (family), We see the same needs to be applied in the Crypto space and we hope TribeOne can add value to the community.

Hope that answers your fun fact point 😜

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:02]:

Very unique naming ! — I think people will like that

Jesssika💞, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:08]:

How has the experience and background of your team been effective in the success of your project so far and how do you aim to revolutionize the field of blockchain and NFT?

Calvin🥂, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:09]:

Can you explain how the Sefe savings plan works and What are the interest rates for the Sefe Investmemt savings plan by TribeOne?


Linren Xin, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:09]:

Vast majority of Crypto projects are built just for the sole purpose of amassing wealth for themselves. So, I want to know the value you aim to add to crypto industry that will bring greater abundance to the industry??

Miguelina Colley, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:09]:

Currently most investors only care about profits at the moment but ignore the long-term benefits. So can you give them some advice why they should buy and hold this token/coin in the long term??

Zoe Thorton, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:09]:

Collaboration and partnerships are one of the cornerstones to making DeFi more widespread, Can you share some of the partnerships you have formed with existing blockchain foundations recently??

Micha Harkins, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:09]:

Only getting users, holders etc is not everything. In my opinion, a project needs to deal with solving a real world issue or problem What is the problem that your project primarily focuses on??

David Henry 〽🥳, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:09]:

How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not spoken well? TribeOne

Michaele Potts, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:10]:

What can we expect to see from this project in the short-term (at some point in 2021) and 2022 and beyond (long-term goals)??

Diva CEO, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:10]:

Could you please tell me just a little more about the team and some of their backgrounds? I have personally seen many projects launch with inexperienced team members, and some of those didn’t go so well due to easily avoidable mistakes.?

cHAI clIN, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:10]:

How important is the community to you? and how can we collaborate or help you for the development of the project??

Calvin🥂, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:10]:

What are the discounts TribeOne will provide to the $HAKA token holders?


Phu Xuan, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:10]:

Do the token holders have right to participate in the governance of the project? On what kind of decisions can they vote on about the project??

Fao Bao, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:10]:

Do the token holders have right to participate in the governance of the project? On what kind of decisions can they vote on about the project??

John, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:11]:

Credit shield will provide insurance of up to 80% of the market value of users crypto assets, Do you have plans to partner with insurance companies on the blockchain for this or traditional insurance company will be involved as well? And how do you plan to insure such a high percent of 80?

Stevens Johnson, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:11]:

What strategies do TribeOne have to make TribeOne more valuable in terms of inCreasing the number of users and what apps are TribeOne integrating to expand your ecosystem?

Kun Ngok, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:11]:

What is the main direction for TribeOne to focus on developing and promoting the entire ecosystem to go up?

Lofer Lin, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:11]:

What are the use cases of your token, and how are we as users motivated to buy and hold long term? Will new use cases come along time?

Dung Hanh, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:11]:

Tell us about your core team members background and how they started with TribeOne ?Is TribeOne available for the global people or It’s limited for some area? If it’s globally available are you guies planing to introduce it globally?

Stevens Johnson, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:11]:

Now, what are TribeOne’s main products? In what cases is the current $TribeOne used?

Lofer Lin, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:11]:

Currently, NFT is very hot, do you think you will apply NFT technology to your products in the future?

Kun Ngok, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:11]:

Everyone cares about the real life application of the project, What are the most prominent application of TribeOne ?

Dung Hanh, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:12]:

Focus on building and developing or getting customers and users, or partnerships?

Stevens Johnson, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:12]:

As an individual user ,In what ways can I contribute to the development of TribeOne? Do you have Ambassador programs and what are its benefits?

Kun Ngok, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:12]:

Tokens from all projects have main utility & practical goals! So can you tell us what the main role of TribeOne is in your ecosystem? Explain the utility & use cases in the real world?

Lofer Lin, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:12]:

Is TribeOne available for the global people or It’s limited for some area? If it’s globally available are you guies planing to introduce it globally?

Dung Hanh, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:12]:

What innovations has TribeOne brought to the DEFI space? How is TribeOne changing the new DeFi ecosystem and what are the plans for next 100 days?

Stevens Johnson, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:12]:

In the current market there are much platforms/projects which are widely used so what are your plans for its more adoption- which attracts users eye? currently , What are the problems does TribeOne is facing ?

Kun Ngok, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:12]:

In decentralization, We all know that speed is needed, as is the current problem faced by the expensive Eth Gas Fee and the slowing of the transaction process. what are your plans to deal with this problem on TribeOne ?

Alice Hola, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:12]:

Almost 80% investors have just focused on price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?

Lofer Lin, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:12]:

I believe that TribeOne is really Great and has very big Potential to Thrive in the future. Can you please Tell me how I can do Investment with TribeOne? Do you have any ICO or maybe presale now?

Dung Hanh, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:12]:

What is biggest focus for TribeOne at the moment and what is the number #1 priority for the team in the next 6 months??

Stevens Johnson, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:12]:

Can you talk about the future plan of $TribeOne ? and How can I contribute to the development of $TribeOne ?

SAM, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:12]:

How will you continue to promote your product in the future? Do you already have plans for other interfaces with other companies ?

Calvin🥂, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:12]:

How do you evaluate the value of an NFT while giving a collateral loan based on NFT?


Kun Ngok, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:12]:

What are the list plans of $TribeOne ? What will you do in the future so that $TribeOne can list other exchanges and moreover dramatically increase transaction volume?

Dung Hanh, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

Currently from where i can buy $TribeOne? Is it possible that I can get $TribeOne only by holding it?

Lofer Lin, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

How do you intend to attract community members to TribeOne . How do you intend to gain more community support? How strong is your community support?

Stevens Johnson, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

How to make TribeOne easy for anyone? Including those who do not understand crypto will also use TribeOne ?

Lofer Lin, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

Explain a bit more how TribeOne token will work in the ecosystem

Bobby Broyles, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

Why you build your token on Ethereum blockchain? As we all know Ethereum has scalability issues? Any plan to move on other blockchain or mainnet?

Stevens Johnson, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

What are the Major Utilities of #TribeOne Tokens Which would be beneficial to #TribeOne Investors/Holders too ?

Kun Ngok, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

What are the advantages of TribeOne to compete with competitors of the same side?

Dung Hanh, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

Do $TribeOne holders have right to participate in the governance of the project? On what kind of decisions can they vote on about the project?

Lofer Lin, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

Why do you think that demand & use of TribeOne will increase in Future & all governments & Enterprises will adopt & done partnerships with TribeOne Blockchain Project?

Kun Ngok, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

As You know, Many people judge a Project By $TribeOne price, What do you have to Say to investors? What’s the plan to increase $TribeOne Demand?

SAM, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

Can you indicate a feature or feature that you like best about the platform so that it can compete with other competitors? What are you most confident about for your platform? Do you have plans to get users to choose your platform?

Stevens Johnson, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

What are the highlights of your project and products that you believe will help you succeed? How revenue is generated to sustain the project, and what plans do you have to attract more users in the future?

Dung Hanh, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

I would like to know if you’ve completed any security audits? Perhaps by third-parties? We’ve seen dozens of hacks, exploits and stuff like that this year, What measures have been taken to protect TribeOne community from it?

Kun Ngok, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

For Every Project in Market needs Adoption and awareness ! So, Whats the Future main plans TribeOne planned for the Adoption/ Awareness ?

Alice Hola, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

So many projects just like to speak about the “long term vision and mission” but what are your short terms objectives? What are you focusing right now?

Lofer Lin, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

What would you consider as the main challenges for attempting to enter Decentralized Finance space? What are main advantages of DeFi over Traditional Finance that you Know?

Rey, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

How do we invest in the project? Do we have locking period or a minimum requirement to be eligible??

Stevens Johnson, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

What is the biggest challenge for TribeOne in the future? How team plan to solve that problem?

Kun Ngok, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

Lately most projects on the Crytocurrency space are characterized by serious security issues. What steps have taken to ensure that security is not an issue here?

Dung Hanh, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

Currently, NFT is very hot, do you think you will apply NFT technology to your products in the future?

Bobby Broyles, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

While you build your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?

Lofer Lin, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:13]:

Can you share ideas when developing TribeOne ? What makes you use blockchain technology to do those ideas?

Alice Hola, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

Those Investors & Partners, who have invested in how will you make sure that they get good returns & how will you Protect the Busy for them?

Stevens Johnson, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

What are the contributions of fintech companies to blockchain technology? Is TribeOne planning to build a complementary link to the interoperability features of financial applications?

Dung Hanh, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

What is your plan for global expansion? Which market does TribeOne focus on currently?

Miguelina Colley, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

Southeast Asia is a very vibrant market and many project developed here so with your project what do you think about Southeast Asia and do you have any plan to develop here??

Lofer Lin, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

What plans has TribeOne made to educate the community which would in turn raise awareness, adoption and make more people understand about TribeOne easily?

Kun Ngok, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

Why was blockchain important to bring TribeOne ? What problems are you going to solve in this ecosystem?

SAM, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

All project coins have their main Utilities & real-life usecase! So, Can you tell us what are the main role of your coin in your ecosystem? Explain it’s Utilities & Real-Life usecases? and Why should i invest in your coin for long term?

Dung Hanh, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

What is your long-term plan with TribeOne early adopters? What are the best ways for community to help you guys out with adoption?

Zoe Thorton, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

Southeast Asia is a very vibrant market and many project developed here so with your project what do you think about Southeast Asia and do you have any plan to develop here??

Stevens Johnson, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

What is the $TribeOne utility in the ecosystem? Where it will be used and why would the demand for $TribeOne increase? Please tell us about your 2021 roadmap and beyond.

Kun Ngok, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

How many rewards campaigns could $TribeOne run in the near future? Do you want to attract more users to your ecosystem?

Lofer Lin, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

What are the most reputable teams you have been a part of (aside from TribeOne)?

Dung Hanh, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

What makes TribeOne Network different than other Platforms projects? Could you tell us some Extra-ordinary functions & objectives of TribeOne Network tokens which attracts more Investors towards TribeOne Network token?

❤ LoLi ❤, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

What major partnerships does TribeOne intend to use or how does TribeOne bring its products to the average consumer — especially non-crypto users?

Bobby Broyles, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

What is PROJECT’s revenue model? In which ways do you generate revenue/profit?

Stevens Johnson, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

Who is TribeOne ‘s biggest rival? In the future, does TribeOne have a plan to beat your rival or cooperate with them? I think that will be a huge step forward for TribeOne

Micha Harkins, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

Although ETH 2.0 is delayed to next year, but it will solve all exist problem of ETH and become the best choise for dApps in future, so do you think this is a threat for your project and how could you overcome this barrier??

Crypto SAM, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

As far as I can see, NFT and BSC are the next trend of new projects. As I know there are a lot of very good development projects on this platform, what do you think about this development?

Michaele Potts, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

Although ETH 2.0 is delayed to next year, but it will solve all exist problem of ETH and become the best choise for dApps in future, so do you think this is a threat for your project and how could you overcome this barrier??

Natisa Shev 🥺, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

Are you mainly looking for bigger investors or is your platform friendly also for the smaller investors ? Is there any whitelist to participate in preSale ?

Raith Al — Naji, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

Almost 80% investors have just focused on price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?

Tommy ROCKET 🚀, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

Could you please tell us more about your Staking Program and Marketing Roadmap?

Kun Ngok, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

What is so special about TribeOne compared to other projects? Can you give some reasons to convince users to choose TribeOne ?

Lofer Lin, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

Regulation is very important. Projects are closed in many countries for failing to use proper regulations and permits. To be worldwide; how do you handle this problem?

Alice Hola, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

Almost 80% investors have just focused on price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?

Stevens Johnson, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

What strategies do TribeOne have to make TribeOne more valuable in terms of inCreasing the number of users and what apps are TribeOne integrating to expand your ecosystem?

Binh Minh Craig Wright (( Never Pm First )), [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

Where it will be listing soon, dex or cex? And how will you get users from all over the world and what are the features of this project to invest in longterm, please explain

SAM, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

How will you continue to promote your product in the future? Do you already have plans for other interfaces with other companies ?

White White, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

I want to support your project, Tell us more about the Ambassador Program and in what ways can we participate ??

Kun Ngok, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

What is the main direction for TribeOne to focus on developing and promoting the entire ecosystem to go up?

Lofer Lin, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

What are the use cases of your token, and how are we as users motivated to buy and hold long term? Will new use cases come along time?

Dung Hanh, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

Tell us about your core team members background and how they started with TribeOne ?

Crypto SAM, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

It’s quite unfortunate that many projects have infiltrated the market with just white papers without having any genuine use cases. What are the main utilities of your coin?

Diva CEO, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:14]:

I’m a developer, and I’m interested in contributing to your project alongsides earning, Do you have any Bug Bounty to check for vulnerabilities ??

Natisa Shev 🥺, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:15]:

Q:How did you build an ecosystem of users, partners, and content creators, bringing best-in-class digital services to emerging markets?

Tommy ROCKET 🚀, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:15]:

Your foundation idea is very new, so it takes a lot of formula and takes a long time to develop. This must have a tricky point for you? Do you agree that the strength of the community will lead your project to grow globally? Could you please elaborate more about your tokenomics? What’s the total supply and what kind of plans do you have regarding the token unlocks in the future?

Stevens Johnson, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:15]:

Now, what are TribeOne’s main products? In what cases is the current $TribeOne used?

Dung Hanh, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:15]:

Is TribeOne available for the global people or It’s limited for some area? If it’s globally available are you guies planing to introduce it globally?

Raith Al — Naji, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:15]:

There are 3 core issues prevalent in crypto and blockchain: Security, Interoperability, and Scalability. How does Your Project plan to overcome these issues?

NFT is very hot trend now, do you pretend to catch up with this trend or still follow and focus your original roadmap? create values, not create TREND ! NFT is very hot trend now, do you pretend to catch up with this trend or still follow and focus your original roadmap? create values, not create TREND !

There are 3 core issues prevalent in crypto and blockchain: Security, Interoperability, and Scalability. How does Your Project plan to overcome these issues?

Crypto SAM, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:15]:

Which segments are you seeing early signs of success in real-world usable applications/blockchains? What part of the your PROJECT ecosystem are you most excited about? Thank

Natisa Shev 🥺, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:15]:

When is the IDO / TGE / Listing ?

cHAI clIN, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:15]:

Marketing is a central element for every project, so that everyone knows the potential that a project can bring is vital to achieve the goals set. What is your strategy to attract new users and Investor to your platform and keep them long term.?

Raith Al — Naji, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:15]:

COVID 19 has slowed many economies around the world but as a crypto business has it affected you negatively or positively? Secondly, are you still on track to achieve your targets as the road map says?

COVID 19 has slowed many economies around the world but as a crypto business has it affected you negatively or positively? Secondly, are you still on track to achieve your targets as the road map says?

Crypto SAM, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:15]:

What things Your project done for deal with scalability, security and compatibility issues? Which segments are you seeing early signs of success in real-world usable applications/blockchains? What part of the your PROJECT ecosystem are you most excited about? Thank

Raith Al — Naji, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:15]:

What’s the focus of the now? Build and develop products, win customers and users or partnerships? Are there any plans to burn or block unsold tokens? control flexibility, cost and security?

Bobby Broyles, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:15]:

Why you build your token on Ethereum blockchain? As we all know Ethereum has scalability issues? Any plan to move on other blockchain or mainnet?

Crypto SAM, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:15]:

It’s quite unfortunate that many projects have infiltrated the market with just white papers without having any genuine use cases. What are the main utilities of your coin?

What is the most outstanding feature of the platform? Could you clarify the use cases of that feature? What is the most outstanding feature of the platform? Could you clarify the use cases of that feature?

Natisa Shev 🥺, [11 May 2021 at 06:45:15]:

Southeast Asia is a very vibrant market and many project developed here so what do you think about Southeast Asia and do you have any plan to develop here? Southeast Asia is a very vibrant market and many project developed here so what do you think about Southeast Asia and do you have any plan to develop here?

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:47:20]:

wow thats a lot of feedback, great to see the interest !!

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:47:45]:

That is such an overwhelming response. Thank you so much all for the interest in our project 😍😍

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 06:47:54]:

waaaauuvv.. Incredible amount of questions !

Let the team select the best questions — Give them a few moments.

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:54:49]:

TribeOne aims to bring improvement and innovations to the DeFi world. Currently the lending space within DeFi is overly collateralized. This situation is not in favour of the borrowers and is not giving back enough to them. We are launching a first all-in-one platform with consumer centric features like NFT funding, low to zero collateralized loans, loans to micro financiers, DeFi insurance. There is no such platform out there which solves all the user needs at one place.

As far as the advertisement of our project is concerned, along with working with major influencers, we would like the support of you guys i.e. the community as nothing is better than the word of mouth. Through you all we can reach the whole world😊 .. with your support there is no limit to the success 🚀

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 06:59:10]:

That is true the long term vision sometimes overshadows the NOW moment, we are building out a range of lending products but we will initially be launching our platform with NFT finance so that we can bring the community a product that is not available out there so that they can start building out their own wealth creation, it has taken priority for us and would be the flagship product for TribeOne and would then be releasing the other products post that

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 07:00:04]:

Yes the community is such a big part of the Defi story as we are still early

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 07:04:54]:

That is a very important question,

The best feature of DeFi is that it is open for all. It welcomes everyone with open arms unlike traditional financial world which is controlled by large conglomerates and common people do not get enough advantages out of it.

As we have seen the current traditional financial industry has many hurdles like rigid infrastructure, lack of transparency, restricted innovation etc. causing the users to lose money instead of earning.

We will solve these issues by providing a one stop shop for all your financial needs that comprehends all the inefficiencies by offering a lending, borrowing, and investing platform in a completely transparent infrastructure where the community manages and governs their assets.

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 07:06:00]:

Our experience in the traditional finance world bring that X factor which is key when trying to differentiate from the numerous lending platforms out there, our knowledge base of team particularly in risk management gives us that edge over what is out there as we are better equipped to deal with the situations in the DeFi lending space

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 07:08:01]:

Ok team TribeOne — It was such a pleassure to have you here ! We learned a lot today !

CAG, [11 May 2021 at 07:08:08]:

Thanks @mehdisuleman and @Tan_DeFi For an Amazing AMA! We are all looking forward to be part of the Tribe and we want to tamhank you for being with OIG Family today.

Thanks everyone for you involvement and questions 🚀

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 07:08:46]:

Thank you everyone , it was a pleasure being here 😎

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 07:09:10]:

Thanks guys !! it was greatt!!☺️☺️☺️

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 07:09:45]:

It for sure was ! Thanks again — We will keep an eye out for the social activity !

Mehdi | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 07:10:20]:

bye guys! 👏

Tan | TribeOne, [11 May 2021 at 07:10:36]:

Bye everyone 👍🏼🏃🏻‍♂️

Viking l OIG, [11 May 2021 at 07:11:18]:

Bye guys ! — We will soon open up the chat



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